I'm confused. Why does it make a difference who Trump slept with before becoming president? He ran for president, not priest position.
Are you abled to stay out of jail long?Just a simple yes, or no. I don't need to know your opinion or life issues.
Isn't it so cute! The same kids who were eating Tide pods last month, are taking a stand against gun violence this month😂
Why is it when you are praising your president, some nosy sumbitch from another country bashes the president like they live in the USA????????????How much nosier can you SOB truly get
When Trump retires in 7 years I really feel it's going to tough hiring another president that can come close to perfection as Trump.He's making America GREAT again and I love it.
I Have Random ThoughtsThis guy I work with married a damn redhead. They had a child together a couple years ago. He's going around showing a picture of his kid asking isn't she cute. Oh yeah dude. Your redhead child with beaver teeth and big lips is just the prettiest... See More »
Why the hell are people wanting to blame Trump for the shooting going on in the country?He didn't raise your damn children! That's your job!
If we all stayed in the countries we were born can you imagine how much less mixed breed bastards would be around?
Did media forget to mention that a man with an AR stopped the shooter in who killed church members in Texas?