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Why the hell are people wanting to blame Trump for the shooting going on in the country?

He didn't raise your damn children! That's your job!
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Graylight · 51-55, F
Who's blaming Trump?

The national discussion is on regulation and whether the administration will stay tucked comfortably in the NRA's pocket or take a step toward real change.

We all know he'd have run in there weaponless to be a superhero.
Quite true, but he's making the job much more difficult. Teaching kids right and wrong, acceptable behavior, and even about things like ethics are all much harder with Trump as President.
Bean17 · 51-55, F
It was just an example of the example he is setting. If the president of our country says such things, how could parents possibly be expected to convince their kids that’s not ethical and moral conduct?.@MistyCee
@Sicarium I didn't blame Trump for the shooting. Honestly, I personally think that Obama did more to inflame this situation by opening his big mouth and talking about scared people clinging to their guns.

I think he was right, mind you, but the POTUS shouldn't make social problems worse. That's what Obama did, and that's Trump's MO.

Can I piss off someone and get a headline?

Will it deflect from my last fuck up?
@Bean17 and a pretty good example at that. I just wish there weren't so many.
Bean17 · 51-55, F
Anyone who takes millions of dollars from the NRA is fair game to be blamed. Especially when they’re still refusing common sense change to prevent this terrible, tragic occurrence from happening again. And there have been many adults who have been the ones committing the mass shootings, too. It’s not just young people and it’s not just in schools.
Graylight · 51-55, F
@NewBecky No, but we also don't say, "Cars don't crash, people do." Yes, it's technically true. A human must power any inanimate object in order for it to become a deadly force.

As an argument for regulation on the one single product we don't regulate in this country for reasons of safety and wellbeing, it's seriously lacking. In fact, it means nothing.

A car is built for transport of people and things. It can be deadly, but that's an anomalous occurrence given its intended use. Guns are built to destroy. They were designed for killing. That is their singular intended use. Right now, they're being use more effectively in their purpose than ever before. Yes, defense is good, yes, shooting can be a hobby, yes, there are a select, select few who rely on it for food.

But in this country right now, more innocents are killed by firepower than criminals. 35% of annual gun deaths are attributable to homicide. That leaves another 75% margin for error. In any other industry or undertaking, that's a serious failure rate. Much of it is suicide, which detractors will say is a foregone conclusion for the person involved anyway, but that's simply not true and statistics bear that out.

But this is all a nice conversation to have over drinks. Meanwhile, the facts are people continue to die, children continue to die, the national psyche becomes more fragile and we start fearing every shadow. Until we know what to do about the gun issue in this country, it's not a lot to ask for a moratorium in the form of at least temporary regulation. And not bump stocks, mental checks, style of gun, hoodie worn or any other little 'niche' crowd. It's about removing firepower from the hands of the roughly 60% of "responsible, trained gun owners" who account for too many deaths.
NewBecky · 51-55, F
@Graylight A gun can be used for good or for evil. This is why police carry them. It is that simple. You can say that they are only made to destroy but they are also used for preservation.

Graylight · 51-55, F
@NewBecky They can be used to protect...under threat of destruction. A gun has one singular purpose. It may be repurposed as a wall hanging, but it was built to kill.
Northwest · M
I think you're a bit confused. He's the one doing all the blaming.
Sicarium · 46-50, M
It's easier to blame other's than deal with the real problem. As a result, the problem will continue.
katielass · F
Well, because they hate trump for outsmarting them and winning and of course, they still can't do anything but blather about common sense gun laws. Wake me up if anyone on the left ever proposes something worthy of paying attention to.
WeighedDown · 41-45, M
Everybody needs someone to blame,
coolboy86 · 36-40, M
talk about something else
Ramon67 · 61-69, M
Damn right . I guess the liberals blame him for the shootings that happen in Chicago daily . That is Rahm Imanuel’s problem .
Virgo79 · 61-69, M
@Northwest Obama wouldn't talk about it and that didn't work either.
Northwest · M
Obama wouldn't talk about it and that didn't work either.

And this statement has absolutely nothing to do with the post I replied to, as well as my reply.
Virgo79 · 61-69, M
Just sayin🙂
LegendofPeza · 61-69, M
Because he's the NRA's whore.
Laughable · M
@LegendofPeza The real whore is the parents not raising their damn children right.
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Laughable · M
All you bastards that want to put the blame on him because he's a member of the NRA and took donation, all I have to say about that is IT'S HIS BUSINESS AND HIS CHOICE TO BE A MEMBER TO WHATEVER THE HELL WANTS TO BE A MEMBER OF. THIS DOESN'T EXCUSE THE REASON FOR HOW KIDS ARE BEING RAISED. SHITHEADS!
Graylight · 51-55, F
@Laughable Are you mad at your parents? Where is this coming from?
@Laughable shitheads, or Meatheads?

Just to be clear, I'm not blaming Trump for the shooting, but I think he's to blame for making all caps name calling acceptable.

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