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thatscottishguy · 26-30, M
I find it hilarious that people think people from other places don't have a right to give an opinion.
@thatscottishguy well if the Yanks wouldn't spam the world with their political bullshit every single day, we wouldn't be constantly reminded of it
katielass · F
Some put US citizens only and deletes others. That's up to you. Makes sense since they haven't a clue, all they know is what their corrupt media tells them.
Xuan12 · 36-40, M
To be fair, a person doesn't have to be very nosy at all to know who the US president is.
Graylight · 51-55, F
It may be crass, depending on the way it was said, but citizens don't have any special right to opinion. If it was in the context of how a non-citizen sees this country or the president, that's called open discussion.
Virgo79 · 61-69, M
It just shows their ignorance