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helenS · 36-40, F
Your language contains words such as “asswipe”, “asshat” and so on, indicating you need a vulgar indecent person as your president.
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helenS · 36-40, F
@Robynthebeautiful I am European, and I have met many Americans, and they are all decent, friendly, kind people that come from a beautiful country.
unknownpoetx · 36-40, M
not sure if you know but presidents aren't hired. they are voted. and usually who has most votes wins. which was not the case with trump.
unknownpoetx · 36-40, M
@Laughable no they don't. that's completely false too. it takes time for the ones who get elected to actually get into office. it takes several months.
ignorant asshat.
ignorant asshat.
Laughable · M
@unknownpoetx I say what I want on my post asswipe
unknownpoetx · 36-40, M
@Laughable no you don't. you have to respect the terms of service and community guidelines asswipe.
Xuan12 · 36-40, M
Perfection? Well, the wall isn't built. He hasn't reformed healthcare. The tax reform didn't include expanded breaks for children and other dependents, nor did it close the the carried interest loophole. He didn't declare China a currency manipulator, as promised. He didn't appoint a special prosecutor for Clinton. His administration is a revolving door. The worst mass shooting in US history happened.
Perfect I guess.
Perfect I guess.
Xuan12 · 36-40, M
@cherokeepatti Sure the funds might get raised, but out of our pockets.
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
@Xuan12 that's not the only way, I would like to see a fee on money transfers to Mexico, since the people want to make money under the table and not pay taxes and take it out of circulation, maybe tax them on the transfers...might stop a lot of that stuff.
Xuan12 · 36-40, M
@cherokeepatti Easier said than done. Ever since 2001 financial institutions that transfer money like Western Union have been under much closer scrutiny by counter-terrorist efforts. It's estimated that at least 60%, and as much as 80% of remittences to Mexico are already made through informal channels since that time. Many alternatives already exist, such as wiring though a third party, generally a caribbean nation first. Or hiring a carrier to legally cross the border with the currency and distribute it domestically in Mexico. Or even simply carrying the money back in person. You certainly could make some money by taxing remittances to Mexico, they are at an all time high, but most of it would be coming from legal immigrants or citizens of the US. And that of course, would tempt them as well to use informal channels. Then of course we have to talk about the magnitude of the tax, how to enforce it, and how much enforcing it would cost. Current known remittences to Mexico are about $26Billion. Even a 10% tax on that would yield $2.6 billion. Assume some overhead for doing so and you come out at maybe $2.4 billion annually, assuming the current rate maintains. The Department of Homeland Security estimates the cost of the wall to be about $21.6 billion. So we'd be looking at 9 years to collect the funds to build the wall. Longer than he could even be president. At that's a rosy estimate. It assumes no setbacks, legal fees, price increases, or changes in revenue.
Bottom line, it's a feel good fantasy, not a reality. Either we pay for a wall, or we don't get one.
Bottom line, it's a feel good fantasy, not a reality. Either we pay for a wall, or we don't get one.
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
the best is yet to come, has been working since Day 1 on a special project
Graylight · 51-55, F
Maybe my all time rabid, dyed-in-the-wool base Trump supporter statement. Like Christmas morning is coming.
the best is yet to come, has been working since Day 1 on a special project
Maybe my all time rabid, dyed-in-the-wool base Trump supporter statement. Like Christmas morning is coming.
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
@Graylight hmmm
jackson55 · M
Every day the media gets up and says to themselves this is the day we get Trump. And every day they are dissapointed.
elVato · 46-50, M
🤔 7 years and his ass will be too big to get onto Air Force one. Methinks.
katielass · F
Yeah well, he set a new standard and any future president will be forced to put Americans first. That pretty much eliminates any dumbo from winning since they seem to prefer illegal aliens.
StevetheSleeve · 31-35, M
You are one of many people thinking about the day Trump is out of office.
MarineBob · 56-60, M
You must not upset the Kiddies with this new meaning of Great. It just confuses them.
thatscottishguy · 26-30, M
What has he done so far to make it great?