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They say the Economy is okay. I beg to differ.

I was laid off from my job. Ive been looking for 4 months. A few interviews here and there but it gets hard to get rejection letter after rejection letter. Im going through job agencies and Indeed etc. There arent many jobs and when you apply you are against lots of other applicants applying. Im older and I think there is also job discrimination. Just feeling discouraged 😞
BlueVeins · 22-25
@Nimbus Crime in the US is nowhere near record levels lmao
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Jeephikelove · 46-50, F
They are absolutely wrong, the economy is in the toilet.
Dshhh · M
The economy is fine, if you are a large multinational corporation. They are making record profits, often by just raising the price of goods or lowering the volume for the same price for regular people things are difficult it is not helped it 30 or more percent of all real estate? Is in the hands of large corporations. These monsters, who now dominate our world, or in a feeding frenzy of looting regular people. As individuals? If you’re rich it’s a great economy.
Production is up unemployment is down all of that. But if you can’t pay your rent, even when employed somethings wrong. I recommend looking at Robert Reich on YouTube he has a lot of good data about this
Who's saying that?
There are forecasts of an incoming recession in the US for a while now , especially since job creation has contracted making it v likely that fed rates will be cut by double that originally thought . You're unfortunately not unique in your experience atm
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BlueVeins · 22-25
I don't think it's fully down to the economy as a whole being bad; the recruiting process, specifically is fucked. A lot of companies have positions they don't even want to fill, and for those that do, finding a bajillion applicants somewhere like Indeed is all too easy. You're expected to spend like 9 hours a day scattershot sending your resume and cover letter to hundreds of companies. It's maddening.

Hope you find something soon, I don't envy you one bit.
nudistsueaz · 61-69, F
You are 100 percent correct. The economy isn't good. If things don't change in November, it will get worse.
You are right. Older people face more discrimination. I speak from experience after leaving my nursing career, I found good jobs are scarce. The employers do not pay living wages. They would also rather hire students who get less wages too. All I can say is that you have value. You will have to look longer and harder. Try networking. You may have to take a job that is "beneath you". Good luck. I think you will find one by the end of the year. It will be a surprise. Keep us update, Hope.
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smiler2012 · 56-60
@Hope70 🤔tell me about it i can understand exactly what you are talking about . i retired early last year after forty years in one place doing different roles and decided i need a job too fill the time .i have spent nine months applying for jobs only too be rejected time and time again and even after interviews . but disheartening as it is the constant rejection i finally got success and got a part time job so never loose heart my take time may take patience but with good judgement you will get there
swirlie · 31-35, F
Did you read my reply about this very thing?
yugimotodm · 26-30, M
I was laid off a month ago and currently going through the same. No interviews lined up but plenty of rejection emails
Baremine · 70-79, C
Hang in there. Hopefully Trump gets elected and the Republicans control the house and Senate. I have been where you are now. I'm a teamster but the Republicans have always done better for the working man.
Baremine · 70-79, C
@MethDozer but we have our own timber so tariffs shouldn't effect the price of a house. The housing market was better under Trump.
MethDozer · M
@Baremine Oh but it does sir. Oh but it does. The major contributor to the high lumber prices these days is draconian tarriffs on Canadian lumber.

The housing market was not better under trump. trust me I been looking under trump and even before. It wasn't really any better. Nor does the President control the housing market. Nice try though.
MethDozer · M
@Baremine Higher material costs=less building and more expensive construction.
Ferric67 · M
I know several people that recently lost their jobs
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Who says? They're wrong.
Tastyfrzz · 61-69, M
Oh yeah...I was laid off in May and it was very apparent that 63 year old males need not apply. I figured I was retired. My mind is gradually coming around to that same realization.
@Tastyfrzz Are you working now? It is horrible out there. I have a job. It pays the bills barely.
Tastyfrzz · 61-69, M
@PoetryNEmotion I'm on unemployment. After that I'll use savings and my retirement account.
Economy means the wealth, not the population. Don't try to make people matter! That's communist and socialism. You aren't allowed that. You serve the ownership and kill all alternatives with NATO.
RedBaron · M
Your personal employment experience is not a benchmark of the economy for more than 300 million people.
Vin53 · M
Maybe at the age of 70 you shouldn't be applying for heavy construction work.
wildbill83 · 36-40, M
anyone that thinks the economy is okay belongs in a straitjacket...
HannahSky · F
What kind of work are you doing?
496sbc · 36-40, M
I been looking for years
Husher ·
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
So, you're just now finding out that the job market is terrible when people have been telling you that for the better part of a decade, is what I'm hearing.

Believe it or not, the economy is recovering. The job market actually used to be worse than it is now.
MethDozer · M
The economy isn't meant to work for the worker or the people. It's meant to work for the capitalists
@MethDozer exactly. An economy that's forced to work for the community is definitely socialism and communism. Americans swore they killed those in the nineties.
swirlie · 31-35, F
The economy is not okay if layoffs are happening all around us. Layoffs are a sign of economic contraction, not economic expansion.

What I've been reading about in Canada for example, is that seniors who apply for employment who are over 60 years of age will not be considered for any job even in a donut shop, though no official reason is given because it would be an admitting to age discrimination which is illegal in Canada.

If a person of ANY age is collecting a company pension which resulted from their early retirement, or they are collecting a government pension because of their life's circumstances, they are automatically disqualified from employment interviews because they already have an income and are perceived as being 'less needy', compared to someone who has no pension, has no job and is also under 60 years of age who therefore needs the job more than a pensioner.
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Hope70 · F
@LadyBronte I totally agree.
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