These last 20 lbs……just don’t seem to come off. Need to stay consistent regardless of the results. Anyone here overcome that hurdle with any words of wisdom, advice or encouragement would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
What are you currently obsessing over?Me, my weight. It used to be easy to lose 15 pounds… not anymore. Hitting the thirties is no fun haha. Hope everyone’s been well. Needed a break from having an online presence but I’m back for the time being. Sharing some pics from this morning fit.... See More » (4)
The Weight I CarryI shed the weight, I won the fight, I carved my pain in sweat and night. Eighty pounds, they fell away, Yet shadows of them chose to stay. I thought I'd stand so proud, so tall, But mirrors whisper, “Not at all.” Loose skin drapes where fat once lay... See More »
Is it true that fat increases the female hormone estrogen levels in the body in men who have lots of fat?
Weight loss starts NOW!! I’m hurting a lot because of that belly! Things HAVE to change!!Any tips would be great. I feel bloated all the time after almost every meal (1)