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xinbaba · 61-69, M
All I remember is $4 gas under Obama, $2 gas under Trump, and now back to $4 gas under Biden. My family is lower middle class and better of under Trump
xinbaba · 61-69, M
@anythingoes477 except that the gas prices came down two years BEFORE the pandemic.
@xinbaba Two years BEFORE the pandemic simply says you can't stop a freight train on a dime. When the economy bombed under Bush....it took about 19 months before the next prez could turn that around. When Clinton left office we had the lowest deficit in decades......but in 18 months it was the highest it had ever been. With an economy as large as the U.S. economy....it takes a while reverse an uphill trend or downhill one. But eventually it catches up.

The second thing here is the mis-conception FOX and FB memes sells as fact is that the president controls gas prices. In fact trump never brought gas prices down...anymore than Bush brought them up. What does affect our prices at the pump is whatever price OPEC sets. The United States has been the #1 oil and gas producer for over 10 years. But our prices go up????? Why. Because EVERY barrel we pump and sell....goes on the world market. It don't stay here. By OPEC agreement with the United States...all countries...all oil produced in each country goes on the WORLD market. OPEC sets world oil prices. So if gas goes up under Joe Blow and down under Bob Hope........it just does. When the Russian pipeline opened to Germany.....more crude hit the market. When the U.S. produces more....more crude hits the market. But OPEC wants to NEVER lose a dime...so they simply reduce their own production so the amount of oil and gas on the world market stays the same. In doing that THEY...OPEC...sets prices....so THEY keep themselves rich.

The United States has absolutely NOTHING to do with world oil prices. It is 100% supply....and demand........as set by OPEC. If a pandemic cuts the demand...prices drop. If everyone going back to work as usual...travelling more wants more gas to do that..the price goes up. Period.
fddlpej · 61-69, M
@xinbaba we will do away with fossil fuels under Biden and go to sustainable fuels that are environmentally friendly and the air will be better to breathe and the water will be cleaner. Sounds much better then using fossil fuels

Harriet03 · 41-45, F
He's on a par with Jefferson Davis!
Be interesting to see where Biden ends up, I'm guessing probably lower
Lilliesandlight · 41-45, F
@anythingoes477 absolutely
Holidaze · 18-21, F
Biden is rated quite high and is rising in the ranks.
@Holidaze In terms of accomplishments for the American people.........jobs created, the only and best infrastructure package since FDR....less copays for drugs for seniors, increased healthcare benefits for everyone......Medicaid expansion for needy seniors and the disabled.............well the list mentioned in the following meme.........and that was JUST in his first year in office......Biden has already eclipsed every president in recent history.........including Obama..........for accomplishments for the American people.

Has prices been high for all things...........sure. But it would take a moron to not be able to connect the dots that inflation is higher than it should be at 6 1/2%.............but corporate profits are at 40% to 70% higher than they have ever been in history. FOX calls it inflation.........anyone with half a brain calls it gouging.

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Nanoose · 61-69, M
I bet he will go down in history as the most colorful US president (orange is a color). Cheers!
smiler2012 · 56-60
{@anythinggoes477] i think personally trumps legacy speaks for itself people have long memories
@turbineman40 Have ya looked at the number of idiots that threaten to kill anyone who suggests they put on a mask..or distance.....or get a shot? They are PURPOSEDLY getting this by taking no precautions whatsoever.......but then stand in front of a TV camera and are stupid enough ask what Biden is doing to stop this. Duh!! You can lead a horse to water....but if the horse is too stupid to drink...whose fault is that?
fddlpej · 61-69, M
@turbineman40 it would have been better if trump hadn't sowed the see that the virus was fake and it was a democratic hoax. Do you remember that?
fddlpej · 61-69, M
@turbineman40 if most of those people would have followed his suggestion and gotten vaccinated they would be alive today. So I don't blame them on Biden unfortunately it was their choice and they stuck with the wrong one. Again not Bidens fault
MarkPaul · 26-30, M
He will be the bottom of the barrel lowest by the time all the dust settles and all his closest advisors (that he handpicked-hired as "the best") write their books and tell their truths to clear their overburdened consciences.
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
Not the only ones that have been saying that. A number even have him as the worst. Yet that was right around January 6th 2021.
HoraceGreenley · 56-60, M
An effete group of ineffectual snobs

Bonus points for who said it
HoraceGreenley · 56-60, M
@anythingoes477 I saw your profile. Good luck with that dick.
@HoraceGreenley Flirting??? Gosh...........
@HoraceGreenley Not socialism??? Really?? Define socialism for me. If you listen to a Republican senator.......it's using tax money to pay for things...give money to people or causes that are then supported totally (or largely) by tax dollars.

Which item in the 2 memes is not wholly paid for by either federal or state tax dollars? The wages of EVERY politician..including the ones that sell the stupidity that socialism is the great evil....gets paid out of the same income tax pool welfare checks are cut from. And they can't stop grabbing for money. Best healthcare for free in the universe. Free housing. Cars. Pensions equal to pay after just 4 years on the job...FOREVER. All out of tax dollars. Prove me wrong.
PEACH4LIFE · 46-50, F
😂🤣😂🤣😂😂 You're so funny. Always starting trouble!
@PEACH4LIFE Truth seems to do that. ;-)
PEACH4LIFE · 46-50, F
@anythingoes477 you like to get people all riled up talking about their beloved Trump.
Well he does love being number 1 and has been a success at being a number 1 loser for years.
As much as I despise Trump, it's a little premature to rank him right now. These surveys tend to over weight recent presidents. That being said, Trump was incompetent on a level never seen before. It just shows how much of government can work without the president's input.
fddlpej · 61-69, M
@LeopoldBloom it would have worked well if Mitch McConnell would have been a united States senator first and worked for the country instead of the one percent
@fddlpej That's asking too much. He's a Republican, meaning either a Trump fluffer or a corporate lackey.
That’s because the Historians are rich and don’t have to worry about inflation ,they're no toilet paper ,illegals and on and on.
Maybe you don't like Trump but he made American strong and help the citizen of the USA
@lovebeingasissy In fact on every rating from economy...to leadership...to governing...to pandemic response.....diplomacy.....about 100 criteria.............Trump was unanimously rated at either F or D across the board. Look up who did the rating. Lawyers...teachers in law and economics...qualified people. None lived on the street in a cardboard box...if that is what you mean. But then none who rated the other 44 presidents so far did either. Point is...Trump is rated by the same types of folks....that all 44 others were. And the criteria for rating is identical president to president. Trump just sucked on all benchmarks.

The reason this is hard for those involved in cult love for a figure to accept is because if one is involved in cult love for an individual they REFUSE to look at anything factual and instead overlook that if it makes the one they adore look bad.
If you say so. How much more are you paying for gas now?Waite until one of the illegal take your job.I guess you don’t go grocery shopping.@fddlpej
fddlpej · 61-69, M
@lovebeingasissy it's economics and if he gets his alternative energy plans done it should be the last gasp of the fossil fuel industry and then things should be better for the world. It would be funny to see the middle east without oil or fuel to support them.
Lilliesandlight · 41-45, F
Our country barely survived Trump..
eli1601 · 70-79, M
OggggO · 36-40, M
Andrew Johnson or Andrew Jackson? Because Jackson would make a lot more sense, at least in my opinion.
@OggggO Jackson perpetrated the genocide of the southeastern native tribes, and by opening more land for farming, allowed slavery to expand, making the Civil War inevitable. Johnson sabotaged reconstruction, allowing de facto slavery to persist in the former Confederacy, a legacy whose effects persist to this day. So it's a tossup which one was worse.

Buchanan is often regarded as the worst president for his inaction leading to the Civil War, but given what happened up to that point, it's unlikely that any president could have done anything other than delaying the inevitable.
OggggO · 36-40, M
@LeopoldBloom Did he actually sabotage it? Presidential history is not my area of expertise by a long shot, and I thought he just half-assed it.
@OggggO It definitely would have gone differently if Lincoln had lived. Buchanan was a southern sympathizer.
Muldoon · 56-60, M
I guess that's news. Historians? Who does that include, your family members?
fddlpej · 61-69, M
@Muldoon I think it includes anyone who looks at the facts.
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
I believe Buchanan.. Dont know enough about the others.,😷
Wow, I wonder what those other 3 guys did that was so bad
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@MalteseFalconPunch good answer..!
@MalteseFalconPunch Johnson helped reverse Reconstruction and basically take what might’ve originally been reparations for former slaves and return it to the slave owners. He also gave the south the freedom to implement Jim Crow.

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