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Question for the Christians posting.

I mean no disrespect as I was raised Catholic myself but I've started questioning a lot. I have a question that no one's ever been able to answer. If everything that happens is God's will, then why do innocent children die of cancer every day, why are they born with horrific birth defects, why would God want a child to suffer in this way? From a mom who's lived it first hand.
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Pfuzylogic · M
Where did you get the idea that everything that happens is God’s Will. Do you think it was his desire to bring his Son to Earth to die the horrific death that he did?
Have you seen “The Passion”?
Pfuzylogic · M
We disagree there.
This is a God that I love.
@Pfuzylogic I can understand why men do. I don't see any benefit in it as a woman.
Pfuzylogic · M
There is a lot involved that isn’t subject to the natural person.
Harriet03 · 41-45, F
Christians are always banging on about... Gods plan & he gave us free will.
Contradictory or what????
Take as long as you like!! 🤷‍♀️
@Harriet03 Okily dokely sisterini!
Harriet03 · 41-45, F
@puck61 🙄 🤷‍♀️
JBird · F
@Harriet03 wow, this reminded of a yt video
My findings were God is either not there or doesn't care. All powerful and all benevolent can not coexist in the same being and have evil still exist.
Harriet03 · 41-45, F
Fernie · F
It's not convenient or good PR to accuse that god of having anything to do with unpleasantness here...they say WE are to blame...or Satan. None of it makes any sense so I am glad you are questioning it
Pfuzylogic · M
The Bible NEVER said that everything that happens is God’s Will.
Summerbreeze45 · 51-55, F
@Fernie yes, I just got a comment with the words stupid and no use in it. If thats not bullying...
Fernie · F
@Summerbreeze45 You hit it on the head...religion IS bullying
This is my opinion , Diseases are man made , god wants humans and society to see the issue in their actions before he helps us. He wants us to help others first and start caring for each other before he helps us, he wants us to understand that our behaviour to other humans is wrong so gives us free will to make the mistakes and learn from it and become a better person. I don’t think god makes us suffer in fact I think humans make other humans suffer. This is just how I see it. He wants us to stop being selfish
QuixoticSoul · 41-45, M
@SW-User How are diseases man-made? You think someone just whipped up Taysachs for the fun of it?
Fernie · F
@SW-User you speak about that invisible sky fairy like you know what it if it exists
Because there is a very real devil that God , himself created and he rose up against God wanting to be just like him, God banished him and 1/3 of the angels were cast to the earth... Satan is the cause of all that is wrong in the world.. God is everything right!
CookieLuvsBunny · 31-35, F
@SW-User If God exists and evil exists then either
1 God cannot do anything about evil or
2 God could do something about evil but chooses not to
@CookieLuvsBunny well cookie.... I’m not here to argue with you, I’m not even here to debate with you this subject. All I can tell you sweetheart is just stick around and find out what your creator does to evil and evil people. My last comment... Have a good day!
CookieLuvsBunny · 31-35, F
Can't say I'm surprised
Not everything tgat happens is God's will. God has a plan, and uses tragedy sometimes for the greater good, but He does not cause the tragedy, and mankind has the ability to act on their own (free will).

Children are born with horrible defects and diseases. Sometimes, people become stronger, more patient and loving from raising such kids. I know I have. Children with these ailments can show us throw true meaning of love and a fighting spirit.

Plus, if a child is born with a cancer (for example), and their parent or sibling goes on to learn how to treat tgat cancer, or research a cure for it, God used their tragedy to bring something good into the world.

We don't always know God's plans, or what He has in mind for us. Sometimes, our pain and anger make it easy to blame Him and miss the true gifts He gives.

Hope this helps.
@PrivateHell I believe it’s not his perfect will but certainly his permissive will. He’s in control of every and all.
@PrivateHell It just seems that an omnipotent being would at least protect those worshipping him from the free will of others.
Summerbreeze45 · 51-55, F
OK, so after reading all these comments it boils down to the fact that I shohldnt question God's will? That's a pretty hard pill to slow when speaking of why things happen to innocent children.
I'm sorry about what you've lived through. The truth is most people don't really want the answer to that question, and another majority doesn't like the answer. The reality is we all live in sin - and we certainly live in a fallen world, meaning there is sin. So while many of us are good (and innocent) by the world's standards, none of us are by God's standard. The good news is that he's given us a way out - through the plan of salvation that goes through His Son Jesus Christ, his death and resurrection. If you've heard this before and rejected it, well.. it's still true... it's the greatest truth in the world, and understanding that is the start to having peace about it.
CookieLuvsBunny · 31-35, F
So while many of us are good (and innocent) by the world's standards, none of us are by God's standard.

If God created this world then it is not good or innocent either
@CookieLuvsBunny Not sure what is meant by that.
CookieLuvsBunny · 31-35, F
Sorry I was ambiguous. If God created this world full of suffering then God is not innocent or blameless either
JimboUk · 31-35, M
That's an difficult one. I asked myself similar questions when I lost an loved one.

The best explanation I can give is only through suffering can you join in his compassion and love.
Only through struggle do we truly appreciate the positive aspects of life.
God Himself said that Satan is the god of this world. I don't understand it, allegedly we had a perfect world and blew it, but in all honesty, that looked like a set up too. Everything flies in the face of the concept of omniscience throughout the bible, yet I believe Christ died for our sins, rose from the dead , and is the Son of God. I believe the Apostolic Creed. Some things we simply have to find out when we shed these mortal coils.
@puck61 exactly Puck!
indyjoe · 56-60, M
Here is my personal belief...I do believe that "God" does exist. I was raised in the church myself and as I grew up, began to question, and threw myself into it even more in order to find answers, all I ended up with was being more confused and not getting any real answers (and what few I was given made no sense whatsoever). I no longer believe that "God" is the god of the Bible as I was always taught. I learned that all religion is man made, that all scriptures were written by people and not "God", and that every perception of the religious "God" is only a concoction of myth and fantasy...and in reality does not even exist at all. We all create "God" in OUR image and not the other way around. Is "GOD" out there? Yes, I believe so. Did God create what we know as the universe? Yes again, I believe so. I do believe that God works in and takes care of (his, hers, its) creation just like a garden needs tending to. However, though I do believe that God wants a relationship with us and does hear us and listens (perhaps even "helps" sometimes too), I do not believe that God has any "plan" for us nor do I believe that God intervenes or interferes much with the natural course of things either. All of the blaming and questioning god has roots in religious teachings that have permeated or lives, cultures, and societies. God has no "will" over and for us other than to live, learn, and grow. That's my take on it anyway after years of searching for truth in my life. Don't get me wrong...all religions do have good things to offer us in them, but they are also flawed and imperfect because they were created by US and not God, and not one of them is the real and the "one true" institution.
Northwest · M
God is not the same for everyone. So, you might get different answers, but unless you're a believer yourself, the answer is guaranteed not to convince you. By believer, I mean to have faith, as it's all about faith, not proof.
No religion should be regarded as the ultimate interpretation of absolute being. Our feeble attempts to understand the nature of God have permitted most to interpret it (God) through the personification of emotions. It is through that personification that many are in error.
kodiac · 22-25, M
I was molested by 4 catholic priests for almost 5 years ,where was god ? No one can answer because there is no answer. God has not answered me or my prayers ,blind faith or just blind people?
@kodiac I hope you don't confuse papacy with Christianity. I am sorry you were treated so horribly.
kodiac · 22-25, M
@rckt148 Who was it? Why your child but not me? What did i do wrong ? If god is real they should have burst into flames before my eyes. Short story ,i was being molested in a foster home ,i told the only person i trusted my parish priest ,you know the rest of the story. Nothing can justify what happened. To me he was god .
kodiac · 22-25, M
@puck61 Maybe i do ,i stopped trying to understand any of it the first time he touched me.
Budwick · 70-79, M
I think you are taking some shortcuts in your search for understanding - and it's leading you to confusion.

Just think about your question - "If everything that happens is God's will" - Right there is where I think you are getting into trouble. I think you are talking about predestination and it's a very difficult and confusing topic.

But, I don't believe that God causes cancer in anybody.
I don't think that God interferes with the direction of our lives.

But if you are starting off believing that God wants children to suffer - I think you need to regroup.
CookieLuvsBunny · 31-35, F
It does not explain why a God would create a world full of suffering.
Budwick · 70-79, M
@CookieLuvsBunny Read it again.
CookieLuvsBunny · 31-35, F
Read it as much as you will it doesn't explain the cause of suffering. Evil was preexistent . Adam and Eve only discovered it's existence
Jackaloftheazuresand · 26-30, M
The closest explanation I have for god is that his will is that the universe runs itself
basilfawlty89 · 36-40, M
@Jackaloftheazuresand it's one of the reasons I don't believe in a personal anthropomorphic God. My definition of God is just the universe and that which connects all living things.
REMsleep · 41-45, F
@basilfawlty89 Sometimes I understand people who think like you I really do then the next moment I wonder what you could mean by calling the universe god. To me you are just kinda saying well it is what it is and I don't see how thats any different than a true atheist.
rckt148 · 61-69, M
God is not the author of evil satan is
Who gave satan power ? mankind
in many cases in the Bible Christ was asked "Who sinned "?
and he said no one ,,the child was born with a purpose
ever been in a cancer ward ,burn unit ?
None of them are blaming God ,they are making peace with what might come
When Saul was killing Christians ,,were they lost ?
or was their suffering over
The Bible says they are reserved for the day of the Lord
for us to be comforted with the knowledge they will not be left in the grave
that at the last trump of God ,all who belong to God will be raised to life again and all of us will go with Christ
who's names remain in the book of life

Why do bad things happen to good people ,,
cancer has been brought upon man ,by man
Its on the rise ,,
why do kids suffer and die in Africa ,,why do adults keep cranking them out when they know they don't have enough resources for themselves ?

The Papacy teach's you go to purgatory ,,or hell
only people who have witnessed miracles and done good deeds go right to heaven ,,the Pope has to saint them
they have even dug up bodies and put them on trial ,,fact
But that is not supported by the Bible ,that is a tradition of men ,,,though I know I will make some mad
not much the Papacy does is Holy ,,its a life of traditions that lead men to stray from the written word of God
And how do I know this ? right from the horses mouth

Harriet03 · 41-45, F
@rckt148 🤦‍♀️
@rckt148 Dang! I kind of wish that wasn't pure heresy! I earned a life's worth of indulgence years ago. I could pretty much spend the rest of my life in Vegas having a fantastic time without a care in the world!
rckt148 · 61-69, M
@puck61 Luther actually mocked the practice and said if all you needed was relics ,,he had enough to buy his whole family out of purgatory
CookieLuvsBunny · 31-35, F
The things that happen occur by chance and probability. There are no religious platitudes that will make you feel better about the evil that we all encounter
GrandMajestic · 56-60, M
Yes, I have often wondered the same thing. My son has Cystic Fibrosis, for which there is no cure. It's genetic and his mother and I gave it to him. Barring accidents, people with CF die from it. It is horrible knowing that I made my son this way and horrible seeing him having to cope with it every day.
Summerbreeze45 · 51-55, F
@GrandMajestic I'm so sorry to hear about your son. PM me if you'd like.
rckt148 · 61-69, M
@GrandMajestic I got my bone disease from my Dad
it was advanced by a vaccine that turned it into an autoimmune disease ,,I have passed it on to my kids

But sickness and disease was not part of Gods plan
The further we get from Him ..the more satan tries to get us to blame God
But I learned satan was the one trying to stop ,even kill me
Like Job ,,God is the one who wont let him

Aint it funny how the kids who are the sickest are not the ones blaming God
most I have met are looking forward to meeting Him in person

I have spent a lot of time on a cancer ward ,,burn unit ,nursing homes ,vocational rehabilitation centers

Very few of those people blame God

But it has made the families stronger for many of them
and they do an awful lot of praying

God healed my kid who was crippled for over 4 yrs

people ask me all the time why did God heal my kid and not so many others
I can't answer that ,no more then I can explain how He enables me to walk ,,I just know He does
And my kid is 38 now ,,she was told at 12 she would never walk again ,,thats the year she was healed
I praise God for healing her ,,and I don't question why He has not healed me ,,I do know He enables me to walk
when doctors say I shouldn't be able to
4meAndyou · F
Thing is, God didn't actually "say all "those things were His will. It was a human, who made that up to explain why all this stuff happens. They were saying things like that long before Christianity was invented.

God is not evil in nature. But we all have to live in His world and survive, or not. And our bodies are subject to all ills. If they were not, we would be immortal. Your body is not the important part of you. You leave it behind at some point, and go with God, Who takes you home.

God has not ever promised us that we will not suffer, and he never promised us life for a length of time that WE choose.

Instead, He promised us that He would be with us, right by our side, as we cross to the other side. I remember being so frightened, right before surgery, and I decided to pray. I think I really connected, because the deepest peace I have ever felt washed over me...and now I know that God's peace is His greatest gift.
SimplyTracie · 26-30, F
That’s the age old question isn’t it? Why do bad things happen to good people?

I think it’s perfectly okay to question the gospel. I do it all the time. I ask God in prayer sometimes.
therighttothink50 · 56-60, M
Maybe those inflicted go straight to heaven and now live in eternity pain free and are happy for eternity. Maybe they are the first in line to be rewarded.

If human beings paid more attention to where they will live in eternity, rather than to this short period of time on earth, I think we would all be better off. I think the people you speak of may be God's special children and for all the suffering they do here on earth, this suffering gives them a first class ticket in heaven. Just a thought on what a just God's plan might be all about.
I was raised Catholic, too. I left the church for several reasons. I was taught a certain doctrine, by fallible human beings, that to anyone with a brain seemed contradictory and inconsistent. When I questioned what I was taught, I was discouraged and even punished. I was told to “read the Bible”, then told that the things spelled out explicitly were not to be taken literally, “we will explain to you what it means”. Again, inconsistent and contradictory. I hung in there for a very long time. I don’t hassle people of faith, among whom are my parents; I figure if it comforts them, that’s a good thing.
indyjoe · 56-60, M
@bijouxbroussard It's not just the teachings...Christianity itself is contradictory. All Christians claim that Christianity is the one true religion set up by the one true God. These same people claim God is perfect, infallible, and makes no mistakes; yet why then is Christianity so divided? You have the Catholics and Protestants, and then each one of them are divided into many different denominations with different beliefs and each either claiming that they are the only right ones or just can't agree with each other (and that doesn't even include all of the non-denominational off shoots that have and continue to pop up). Sounds like it's a human flaw and error to me and not something that was set up by the one true and steadfast God.🤷‍♂️
The devil comes to steal, kill, and destroy. We may not understand why God "allows" certain things to happen, but it's definitely not His will for His children to suffer. It's a result of the original fall of man, and the resulting battle between good and evil. Through all of the pain and suffering, we have to lean on God and trust in Him.
@latinbutterfly well said! 👏
CookieLuvsBunny · 31-35, F
Theodicy, both the positive and negative, is wishful thinking. When a person can get past the God myth then that is the beginning of true morality
Harriet03 · 41-45, F
@puck61 Your so called "evidence" would be thrown out of every court!
Except maybe Alabama, Georgia etc
CookieLuvsBunny · 31-35, F

No more than atheism is wishful thinking. There is certainly more evidence for divinity than against it.

What evidence is there that demands a verdict? If you claim there is evidence of a "GOD" then why don't you produce it? Which "God" is there evidence for?
@CookieLuvsBunny The air you breathe. The food you taste. The sights you see. You are standing in the midst of overwhelming evidence. Each night speaks and each day reveals the Divine, and every breath you take is a precious gift.
I remember reading somewhere in the bible that the land was cursed after Adam and Eve sinned and thorns and thistles are to now grow. It makes sense that diseases and other matters of suffering were created as well....

I admit as a Christian things like what you are describing did in fact trouble me. I cannot understand what goes through God's mind...He wants no one to suffer yet he created means of suffering? I don't think it's my place to question it...
Fernie · F
@SW-User if you don't question things you have been brainwashed...assimilated. No free thinking anymore. A drone
I don't think it's my place...but it doesn't keep me from doing it anyway. Like a child who has to do what his parents say but deep down inside he has his own conscience and doubts.
HoraceGreenley · 61-69, M
Free Will. There is no destiny.
hippyjoe1955 · 70-79, M
If this life were all there is then you have a legitimate complaint/question. However this life is not all there is and the reward that comes later makes the sufferings we undergo now seem trivial.
smileylovesgaming · 31-35, F
I had a friend that was very religious. She would tell me stuff. I went to my mom and started to ask questions. Some reason my mom told me the bible was just stories in a book. Also back then people would think thunder was a act of God. But really it was just thunderstorm. I asked why would God let kid's get sick. I had a friend that had cancer. She told me that there was no God. But human's and animal's just get sick. Just like we are born and some day we just die. Some reason that just made since
Read When Bad Things Happen to Good People - Harold Kushner.
CookieLuvsBunny · 31-35, F
@SW-User A good book for sure but The Christians are not going to like his answer
@CookieLuvsBunny Some won't. I liked it though, provides a way to think about it. C.S. Lewis - Asian Grief Observed is another good book on the subject.
Celt50 · 51-55, M
I often wonder these exact same questions but take hope and belief in my faith..
REMsleep · 41-45, F
God created this existence. This world is not perfect because God has given us the freedom to choose to believe or not believe. To go against his will or to accept his will.
There are 2 kinds of evil in this world. Natural evil such as a flood that drowns people and man made evil such as a nuclear war. For natural evils God had created an order to the universe and if God were to come down and miraculously stop every strong wind, every heavy rain then there would be no order to this world. That same strong rain that causes flood might fill up a dry river that provides water to many for years to come. As far as a response to human evils again its down to choice. How can our decision to serve the Living God mean anything if he takes that choice away from us? This life is very temporary and when it is over our suffering here is totally gone for eternity. You might feel bad for a baby who suffers and dies while he is with our Father instantly blameless which you while on earth appear to have the better life but struggle to accept God and stuggle with daily sins and torments.
REMsleep · 41-45, F
@SimplyTracie His will is for us to accept his love and direction. Our earthly minds might best equal this to the love of a father. Love is the greatest commandment. We are to love each other as we would love ourselves or our most beloved friend. Doesn't mean we have to give away all our our possessions or not enjoy life because we are compelled to help everyone but it just means keeping that commandment in mind first above all else.
SimplyTracie · 26-30, F
@REMsleep Are you talking about those people with private jets and private islands? I’m pretty sure they’re enjoying life.

I think of Gods will as something different. Like for example, someone gets cancer and dies. People esay, it was God’s Will.
REMsleep · 41-45, F
@SimplyTracie There is nothing wrong with being rich even very rich but it does make it harder to live righteously. Lots of temptation being rich and easy to forget our spiritual needs because our earthly selves are convinced that money solves all problems when it is also the root of much evil.
But God does want us to enjoy this gift called life. It would be clearly against God's will to have lots of money and see people in need all around and ignore them.

As for your comment about people saying that "its God's will" when bad things happen this is a complex statement that people tend to oversimplify. We know God's nature towards us, his commandments towards us but we can't even fathom the greatness or true existence of God so how could we truly know what his will is within a given situation? We don't always know but I do believe that all things work for the good of those that love him. This doesn't mean that life will be easy for those that love him. It just means that every opportunity can draw us closer to him, even great suffering can serve a purpose in our lives. What if our compassion for others is so increased that we become a medical provider and spend the rest of our life curing others due to our personal loss. We don't always know what plan God has for us so oftentimes we can't understand loss. This is why people say it was Gods will. It does not mean that God particularly wanted you to experience personal pain but sometimes it might. We have to stay in communication and obedience to God and ask for understanding.
Spitbak · 56-60, M
😈Wrong god!
workathome · 56-60, M
I second that question
That's just it - you dont know what his will is - good things can happen too. I was just looking this up and it says: ( and I dont usually quote the Bible) but , Amos 3:6: “Is a trumpet blown in a city, and the people are not afraid? Does disaster come to a city, unless the Lord has done it?”
This website explains it pretty good if you care to look
Summerbreeze45 · 51-55, F
Had to step away for a bit, but I see I've received a lot of responses. Will look through them now.
Bluesky52 · 61-69, M
right,,,,it makes no sense,that is like saying,to your kids,kids i'm giving you cancer to teach you lesson,or because it's my will for you to have cancer,
english · 56-60, M
I mean no disrespect either ,as soon as you start questioning ,you are no longer a good catholic ,if your not stupid and you dont have blind faith your of no use . welcome to the real world nice to meet you 🤗🌈
Summerbreeze45 · 51-55, F
@english I never claimed to be one. As Ive said, I have been questioning my faith. It is this choice of words like stupid, no use, that have made me stray from the church. So thanks for reaffirming that which I already knew.
english · 56-60, M
@Summerbreeze45 so now your just a feisty non believer , thats good you wont need magic beans . 😆 somebody this chick out , im kinda busy 😆
This message was deleted by the author of the main post.
Zeusdelight · 61-69, M
To me everything that happens cannot be God’s Will. He gave us all free will, which means we can choose to follow Him and try to do His will or not follow Him. Where we don’t follow Him, we may or may not accidentally do His Will but most of our actions we will do without reference toHis Will.

Now there are some people who think everything is His Will or it is Gods plan for you or worse still it happened because of something you did. IMHO, those people are full of crap.

Bad things happen to Good People. Good things happen to Bad people.

The best we can do is to try to do God’s Will and accept He’ll make the best of whatever we do.
REMsleep · 41-45, F
Everything that happens is not God's will. Sin that we commit is not God's will. Rape,murder, abuse are not what God wants for us. This world is not perfect and often we are allowed to do as we please even if it may harm others.
God's knowledge is perfect. Our knowledge is very limited. A child who lives a short life might be pitied here on Earth but may actually have an easier time choosing a right path since all children are innocent. Remember this life is incredibly fleeting. What is 70-90 years compared to eternity? After death comes the most incredible experience of pain free, anxiety free, guilt free, peace with God.
God is always in control which is different than saying that everything that happens is his will. Nature produces beautiful things and terrible disasters often the same mechanism that causes us pain is the reason for something incredible as well. Remember we are only here for a short time. It's what we do, how we life and in whom we hope that is important.
msros · F
We will know that one day.
mainvane · 61-69, M
It's tragic but we love on a sin sick world Read chapters 9-11 in the Book of Romans in the Bible
firefall · 61-69, M
Sorry you had to go through that, and sorry for your child.

I dont think there is, or can be, a good answer to that. The best you'll get is 'its gods mysterious purpose', or maybe 'its a judgement on you (or your family or your city or your nation/race/sect'. Which is to say, really bullsht handwaves pretending to be answers.
Justenjoyit · 61-69, M
Religious beliefs are for some a savoir, thats all nothing else 😊 certainly not for me but if it helps others why not😊
Didn't you start this off saying it was a question for Christians? 🤔
Summerbreeze45 · 51-55, F
@ImperialAerosolKidFromEP well yes but open to any interpretation on trying to find the answer.
@Summerbreeze45 you also said no disrespect, but then went and endorsed the most disrespectful of fundamentalist atheists
Summerbreeze45 · 51-55, F
@ImperialAerosolKidFromEP not all, shedding light on someone's statements is by no means endorsing the opposing opinion.
life and death is a cycle of life, in a perfect world we would be immortal and fingering our soulmates for eternity but to throw every shit part at GOD is kinda weird when we're so imperfect and still seek/deserve perfection.

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