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Makes me sick

So Yesterday, 5 min away from where my daughter lives, a man unalived his 2 young boys aged under 5 and then took his own life. These babies did nothing wrong...they were innocent ffs. If you wanna screw your life over and don't take away with you innoncent lifes that have nothing to do with your state of mind.

Ive been there often, where I wanted to unalive myself, but never in a millions years did I ever think of taking my kids with me, they deserve the best life has to offer. My issues and problem were never about them, they are the reason Im still here.

My heart is so sad for these babies and their mother that learned the news while going to her babies dad's place....imagine the heartbreak. God bless their soul.

My prayers goes to the family

Too many desperate acts like this happens, if you feel down and desperate, depressed and at the end of your roll, pleaae PLEASE talk to someone. Today may be hard, but tomorrow is always a new day. I know I've been there way too many times and im glad to still be here. PLEASE if you need help talk to someone, you are NOT alone. Lets nit take innocents lives and lets try to save your own

Docdon23 · M
devastating...we need to do a far better job as a society to help those who need help...and children...awful...
Barefooter25 · 46-50, M
This happened at my job years ago. We had a nice quiet girl that worked for us and when she didn't come to work the next day, we didn't think anything of it. We later learned she was murdered by her husband and he then took his own life. Murder/suicides are never an easy thing to comprehend, especially with law enforcement investigators.
pride49 · 31-35, M
Killed. Unalive? Really? Ahem anyways. He should have sent the kids somewhere and just killed himself.
Morrowind · 26-30, M
Yea, I’ve never understood how someone can do that. I’m also suicidal, my dogs are like my kids and I could never imagine doing it. If anything it makes you feel obligated to live for them.
Never will I understand where the idea to destroy another person because I have problems comes from.

I just wish they'd start with themselves.
Coralmist · 41-45, F
I hope those little angels' souls find peace. Just so heartbreaking 😢❤️‍🩹
This is happening too often 😢
Monalisaa1986 · 36-40, F
Unalived isn’t a word
iamonfire696 · 41-45, F
That’s absolutely terrible. Why did he have to take them with him 😢.

I am also sorry you have gone through suicidal thoughts. I hope things are better for you.
@iamonfire696 I take a day at the time, each day Im still here I see as a victory :)
iamonfire696 · 41-45, F
@SimplyMeChantou Yes you’re right, a day at a time. I am glad you are 💗.
Sadly, one thing I learned while going through police candidacy in Portland almost 30 years ago is that once a person reaches that point all reason and logic goes out the window, they are unreachable, nothing you can do or say will convince them not to do what they have planned, I learned this in one of the weekly class lectures LEOs are offered to take by experts. Back in the early 90's stuff like these things were taken far more seriously, far easier recognized, and quickly stopped, these days the left has done everything to hinder efforts to combat violence with their defund movements, while simutaneously blaming the conservatives, while the courts and modern prosecutors look the other way, mass and social medias are also complicit in this. 100 to 1 Vegas odds this man was showing signs that led to this horrendous tragedy and most likely reported to the authorites, only to be ignored. My heart and soul goes out to this grieving mother.
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
@NativePortlander1970 While this may not be true for every person who does this sometimes a person’s mind breaks from reality and they snap. Their thinking is not logical. When I was 11 years old my mother had a complete breakdown. She should have been hospitalized before this happened but she picked up a butcher knife and raised it threatening my sister and I. The closest exit was down the basement stairs, we ran down screaming. She had the knife raised and I literally came within a few inches of getting stabbed. At the last second my father grabbed her wrist and got the knife from her. She had been stable about 3 weeks earlier till my father decided to experiment with some LSD he found in someone’s car (was prescribed by the VA to an alcoholic he knew). He took one and gave it to my mother telling her it was her medicine. Although it scared us when it happened it broke my heart when he called the VA and told them what happened and they called the police to come take her away & handcuffed her and put her in the police car. I never held it against her at all because I knew it wasn’t really her that did such a thing.
@cherokeepatti I am so very sorry that happened to You and your sister :( LSD is a very potent hallucinagen that should have never been allowed outside the lab after its creation, to be used as a treatment for anything is irresponsible of the psychiatric communities, and with them now looking at psilocibin (mushrooms) only proves that psychiatry is nothing but quackery, they're just as responsible for the breakdown in society as the mass and social medias, along with politics. No, it is not your mother's fault, she didn't know what she was taking, your father should have been the one arrested and jailed while your mother was recovering under a medical doctor's care, he knew what he gave your mother, knowing its danger.
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