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What does being in love feel like to you ?

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riseofthemachine · 41-45, M
If your not used too love and you find love " Well that brings on fierce anxiety cause it's a new emotion to what your used too .
The sad thing about that and not blaming anyone that can lead to nervous breakdowns if both are not stable .
When one is stable that can be difficult as well but what I do " love " is the terms " Stick together through thick and thin " I tried my best with that .
I couldn't do anything else but it ended .
The after effects of it isn't nice at the start of a break up cause all your left with is fear and bitterness but after awhile when you give time time you can see that we couldn't do much more . There was a 6 year gap in our age. She was 19 . I was 25 and last until I was 29 .
I'm 44 now and what changed my whole perspectives in relationships at that age was when I was talking to a man who was 88 and he said to me when I was 37 he turned around to me and said ' sure your still only a young fella '
I had no come back to him cause he loved his life up to that age and watched his wife pass away .
It was then after he said that , that I could let go cause we were still young at that age .
That's my sum up about Love
VirginMatchmaker · 46-50, M
Honestly the best feeling in the world. A total high when things are good. But if you're in my position right now not so good. I recently ended my one year relationship with a girl I loved and still love. We parted amicably after I said I wanted it to end but I do have regrets about ending it. We parted for all the right reasons as we wanted different things and as she was 45 mins away we only saw each once a week sometimes twice. I've blocked her and deleted her out of my life since we split 2 weeks ago. Out of sight is out of mind, in the main it works.
@VirginMatchmaker I'm sorry .
mindstruggle · 31-35, F
It feels "weird", the good kind of weird. It's like finding a safe place to land, and vice versa. It's like that feeling when you get into a warm familiar bed after a long day. It feels like having a partner, a lover, a supporter, and a friend whom you don't necessarily require, yet their presence enhances your life in a strangely vague manner.
@mindstruggle Do you think it's a sort of spell that falls on two people like you see in the movies? Or is it more nuanced than that?
@mindstruggle Very good description .
Comfortable.....So comfortable right down to your bones. To your soul.
You feel settled within yourself, eneveloped in the safety net of their love for you, and yours for them....amd that love fuels each other like a perpetual motion machine.
Its like your pores get filled in and you feel sealed.
No yearing or searching or unknowing within your heart.....coz its filled 🤗

Very very comfortable.☺
@OogieBoogie You give the best answers :)
@Idontbelonghere kinda old 😂
I have lots of answers to choose from, i have quite a collection🤣
AngelUnforgiven · 51-55, F
It feels very relaxed, no stress, like nothing else matters, and when something does come about it feels less stressful because you aren't alone. Like together you can conquer anything.
I don't feel like writing a paragragh. But i maybe met only a few people that i felt like i couldn't live without...maybe like 3 people.
@Pressure I feel that.
Thinking about that person all day, feeling better, everything becomes easier.
@NerdyPotato Yes. :)
its my safe and warm happy place. when I feel beautiful and sexy and wanted and cared about.
Matt85 · 36-40, M
warm and fuzzy
FreestyleArt · 31-35, M
Gmoney601 · 36-40, F
Passion, respect and confidence
Tumbleweed · F
No. I don't do that anymore.
I forgot how it feels
eyeno · M

Safe, warm and sexy
A warm summer's evening watching the sunset
@V00doo beautiful :)

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