@SW-User It’s about how much they can get everyone to comply…control. If they get 100% of the people to go along with this they will do their next move, humanity will be slaves, the ones that survive. I won’t comply. And oh yeah the governor of California, the state that is pushing the hardest for vaccines and masks, has not been seen for over 11 days since he took his booster shot….have heard half his face is paralyzed with the Guillian-Barre syndrome.
@cherokeepatti Holy shit. See it probably doesn't matter to them - in their minds at least - that should they catch a little dose or whatever of something or experience adverse affects...because they have that nice healthcare that many there do not have. Here while the NHS struggles, the politicians will always get their private healthcare. The whole thing is fucked.
The almighty 'They' will be powerless not if but when someone circumvents Their Almighty Authority in the true spirit of philanthropy and love of humankind.
Admittedly I am torn between the two - misanthropy and philanthropy - quite often, but only people who care can really affect the big positive changes necessary to confront tyranny and shoulder check it to its arse in meaningful fashion. Did hippies [much as I don't really respect them] not stare down the barrels of armed soldiers all those years ago?
Inception can be insidious or it can be used for good. We really should remember this. If we bear it mind we can hypnotise ourselves and others, build ourselves up to a more fortified position and take something back for people everywhere. What they have never wanted people to realise it is not that we should be afraid of Thought Control...because ultimately, that is not enforceable. What politics boils down to now is a Thought War.
Remember, the UN is not what it claims to be. It's basically a time share of the world for want of a better term. Maybe not officially, but that's what it boils down to since it's a very exclusive club and you don't get membership without conditions X thru Z [and those waters are kept purposely cloudy too, because god forbid anyone gets ideas above their station - although one can understand perhaps the need for something like this to avoid any new Third Reichs for example].
Where the fuck was I going with this...oh yeah:
It's a Thought War, and ultimately whether cahoots are part of the equation or not, if one government falls, they all fall. So they're all essentially closing rank [even if their policies/national reactions are all different on the surface; you really think they don't talk about that as a strategy, ever? Come on, now. Come on.]
Eh...maybe I should stop talking. Not to be apathetic but...this is just one little forum.
But supposing the right person, or combination of people just so happens to read those words, and it sets off a positive - truly only positive - sequence of events.
Wouldn't that be nice.
[Sorry if went on a bit long but as always not forcing anyone to read or trying to change anyone's minds or tell anyone they're dumb. Not interested in that. Be excellent to each other most bodacious dudes etc. ✌️]
@SW-User We are engaged in a spiritual war now. For those who believe that the government (on all levels) will always have our best interests at heart, they are lost. People need to realize that we have had more power than we ever realized and it’s time to take it back and bring common sense back too.
@deathfairy Folks can get reinfected. Also, one can be asymptommatic and spread it. Far from all being safe with herd immunity. That now requires REALLY high numbers with Delta's R0.
@Neoerectus Before Delta, vaccines seemed to work wonderfully at preventing infection/transmission as well. I'm curious to see what happens once a sufficiently large percentage of the population has received dose #3.
@Shaveit plentiful jobs that also paid well only happened this year. before this, there were people working at a foundry here getting paid 5 dollars an hour with 12-hour shifts with no breaks at all, not even bathroom or food breaks, and they were glad to have a job. if anyone complained they were replaced on the spot by desperate out-of-work workers eager to have the job. 🦃
@trackboy I don’t know where you come up with your figures but there’s somewhat out of date. I travel around foundries and they pay a damn site more than that. Raising wages hasn’t done anything because runaway inflation because there’s no spending the control. Everyone I know is worse off than they were a year ago. I’ve worked through it to make sure things keep happening and things keep moving and the thanks I’m gonna get is get a shot or lose your job. I will just freelance. When you have a reputation you don’t necessarily need a title on a 9 to 5 job
@OggggO There's a very good chance he would win. All the people who refuse to get the shot because of religious reasons automatically win...no questions asked.
It depends on how bad I needed that job & how dead set against vaccines I am. Lot of places are looking for help. You could probably get another job. Then again, vaccinations don’t seem to hurt so why go thru all of that?
@fernie2 there are no guarantees with any medicines. It’s still your choice. Is it worth the risk? The world lined up for the polio vaccine. It wasn’t perfect either but was it worth the risk?
@iwishuwerehere First of all...I rarely leave my house and NO ONE comes in. I wear a mask on ZOOM calls. So many who got the shot seem to think we, the unvaccinated, are developmentally challenged. I'm not going to spread it or get it. There are, again, many different, VALID reasons why sane, responsible adults choose to not get it, we are not clones, we are not ALL sheep, we are not all selfish. Some of us are waiting for some consistency...every other damn day there is some issue with this thing.I am a perfect candidate to get the shot and die anyway...NO, it is NOT worth the risk. I do agree that there were no guarantees re: Smallpox vaccine...horrible, life threatening side effects...polio shots too. People back then had NO information about side effects/danger from the vaccines. Now, we get bombarded with many different opinions, warnings...it's all out there since the internet arrived. You haven't done this but too many vaccinated people demonize everyone who's chosen to wait, not get it at all,etc. "Selfish! Crazy! Stupid! Gonna kill thousands of people!" I promise I won't kill anyone 🙄 Peace
You might as well just get it and keep your current job, if you like it. If you quit and look for another job most places are requiring you to be vaccinated before you start anyway.
I personally wouldn’t, but my financial situation and needs may not be the same as yours.
The cost of living in my area is such that $19 an hour is very good money. That's enough here for a modest home and car on a single income. I mean, I'd get the vaccine regardless because it's the right thing to do but I'd jump through a fair amount of additional hoops for that opportunity.
Vaccines should especially be given to those working in the health care system ~ for those who are particularly vulnerable like the elderly or patients with underlying health issues around them.
It’s a duty of care or the un vaccinated should be shown the door and work elsewhere.
If you need the money and you can't survive without the money, and it would be difficult to get another job in sufficient time, and your objections to the vaccine aren't worth being on the breadline, then get it. That's pretty much the equation. It depends on how strongly you feel about vaccines and how much you need this particular job.
Your job shouldn't be factor. If you don't have any health issues making the vaccine more dangerous than COVID, get it. If you do, don't risk your life for any income.
Well, you do need a job unless you have another one lined up, correct? Those bills aren't going to pay themselves. I got the vaccine. I've had Covid and don't want it again.
I earn a lot more than that and didn't have to get the shot to keep my job but it made sense to me to protect my life. You should do what is right for you but if it's a choice, then get the shot...