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Have you ever had a place you wanna go to, but then you don't really know who to ask to go with you? It's... Idk. Is this really part of adulting?

Is this normal?
Or is this a me thing?
Sometimes, I wonder.
I could probably ask people... but I don't for reasons. I also can't think of someone I'd feel really happy to go with. I mean, there are a few and we'd probably have fun, but...I just think that if they wanna spend time with me, then they'd be asking too. And I don't want the pressure of having to pay for other's expenses. It's kinda... it doesn't always feel good that you have to pay for the people you hang out with. As for those others that could pay for themselves, there's this hesitation that makes me not ask. Like, maybe they have people they'd rather spend time with. I don't know.
That, and other reasons, depending on the person concerned.
Maybe it's just me overthinking things.
MasterofNone · 26-30, M
I mean yeah in many cases if you are asking someone to go out with you it's kind of expected of you to pay for them. It does not however mean that the reason they are not asking you to go out with them is because they don't want to hang out with you. Probably something else. I never ask people to go out with me but I wouldn't mind if they wanted me to go out with them (granted I was free which I am not often).

I love to go out on solo dates. ☺️
Probably my favourite activity. So if there's a place I wanna go to, I just go. And I have been this way since teenage so don't know if it's part of adulting. Being adults does make relationships complicated though.
MasterofNone · 26-30, M
@Casheyane I guess I was wrong in saying "it is expected of you to pay". When I'm asked out somewhere I don't expect them to pay for me and I don't think they expect that either. But when I'm asking someone to go out with me I kind of feel like the responsibility of paying for them falls upon me since I was the one to ask them out.

Matching people's schedule is definitely a consequence of becoming an adult lol in fact the reason I like going out alone is because I can be spontaneous in my own time.

I mostly just choose to go to restaurants / cafe with a journal lol where I get my most ideas while waiting for the food. If it's not a time to eat then I go to park instead or just a normal walk in the nature. I have been to movie theatres alone as well.
When I'm with others I'm just excited to talk about stuff lol and not pay attention to the place so going to places alone where people go with others makes me more aware of the actual place instead. Initially it used to be uncomfortable ngl.

I definitely don't go to those places alone where it's risky to be alone. Safety first. But hey I've walked at night alone in the streets of Chicago so who am I to say.
Casheyane · 31-35, F
@MasterofNone I hope you don't take this the wrong way. Sometimes, I feel that way too. But being around those people tend to make me hold back a bit. Because it's so different when you have to pay for someone's time. Well, not really their time, but you get what I mean. I know for some people, money is hard, and in those cases, maybe it makes sense to pay for them. But I like to think that there are people who values you enough to actually hurt a bit and stay with you anyway. What do you think?

I do fancy going out alone once in a while. Shopping is therapy sometimes. It could be calming and freeing. Just use the time to relax without the worry of deadlines and work or stuff.

It sounds pretty fun. Those things you listed. You write poems or something? I wish I could go to a park, but there aren't much around. They tend to commercialize things. It kinda feels different now.
MasterofNone · 26-30, M
@Casheyane Oh yeah those freeloaders aren't worth it lol. But in my experience with all my acquaintances I think there's a balance of who pays when. If I pay this time then they'll pay the next time for sure. I am the one who delays scheduling an activity with someone else but I never forget. A few months ago I took a friend to a restaurant because they had invited me to their home twice to get home cooked lunch and I never had the time to return the courtesy especially with COVID around.

So if I have to pay for someone too many times I stop going places where I have to spend at all lol but I don't think that has ever happened to me yet.

Thanks:) I just write my thoughts. They are mostly regarding spiritual aspect of life but also sometimes they can be ideas related to potential products or apps that I'll never work on Lol but I have started working on some of my ideas.

I get what you mean about parks. Sometimes I play one of those nature walk YouTube videos with nature sounds to mimic that feel 😂 Never works that well but desperate times.....

I'm not much of a shopper but going to departmental store is always a refreshing experience for me. Sounds really weird to say it that way lol. I like bookstores. There aren't many around where I live.
Thevy29 · 41-45, M
I've never wanted to go anywhere before.
But this year I wanted to do the Cairns to Sydney Road trip with my Dad. But he kept putting it off and putting it off. Then I didn't hear from him in a month until he sent me a text saying how he was enjoying the holiday.
That's right he went without me! And claims he forgot I wanted to go.
Now he wants to meet up on the weekend to show me photos of his trip. I told him to f@#k off.
Casheyane · 31-35, F
@Thevy29 Ahh. Why not go on a trip to somewhere yourself then?
I had this experience too when my friends went to another country and Disneyland without me. We were supposed to go together but they couldn't wait for me. I was still at the uni so was finishing thesis. After that, I guess the friendship didn't feel the same. Because they did that. I didn't tell them off or something, because really, I think they know it wasn't nice yet did it anyway. I couldn't lie to myself.

We're still in touch now. We still wish each other well. But some things just don't stay the same after they hurt you without a care.
Thevy29 · 41-45, M
@Casheyane I would like to try the Heysen Trail. Go end to end before I get to old. But I'm not sure if my back could handle sleeping on the ground anymore. It's 1,200 kms/ 745 miles long. It would take a lot more planning to do it plus you kind of have to start at the end of Spring beginning of winter.

Or go to Tasmania on a bus tour. 🤷‍♂️
Casheyane · 31-35, F
@Thevy29 If it's something you really want to do, I'd say start planning now. It's up to you. Just that, I have this belief that you should be able to achieve anything you're stubborn enough to try and do anyway.

But of course, do consider safety and health. If your top 1 choice isn't possible even after that, maybe go for the second one. A compromise. It wouldn't be settling since it's still in your bucket list.

I wish you get to have that relaxing and meaningful travel with nice people.
CrazyMusicLover · 31-35
I've always been like that. I always feel selfish that I only want some company to not be alone and feel either unsafe or awkward instead of being with them specifically. I especially would love to go hiking but I don't dare to go alone and I have nobody to ask to go with me.
Casheyane · 31-35, F
@CrazyMusicLover Yeah. I hear you.
For hiking, I think there are tour groups you can sign up to.

In my case, I wanna go swimming. Not sure where yet. I'm thinking to go alone or with a friend, but honestly, I don't feel safe going to a public pool. If ever, I'm considering renting a private one as an option.
CrazyMusicLover · 31-35
@Casheyane I went swimming alone several times before pandemic, even without a locker so I left my stuff on a towel while I was swimming. 😅 Although I didn't bring my phone with me. Only an old mp3 player and a small sum of money so I could pay entrance fee and maybe some drink/food inside.
MysterySci · 22-25, F
I’ve totally been there where my friends were busy and it got awkward after I wanted to reconnect with someone and they kept putting it off. So i just decided to go places by myself. It was horrifyingly uncomfortable at first but then I got used to it.
Casheyane · 31-35, F
@MysterySci What's the one place you started going alone to? Some places, I feel it's okay to go alone. As for others, honestly, I just think it's better to go with someone with. For conversation's sake, and actually, for safety too.

But I do get it that sometimes, going with someone just isn't an option.
MysterySci · 22-25, F
@Casheyane Well, I mostly went to safe public places, like cafes, bookstores, jewellery stores etc.

And yeah if you mean a hike or smth, then definitely take someone with you or don’t go alone. Wouldn’t risk your safety.
specman · 51-55, M
That’s a good point!
There isn’t anyone I would ask!
It would be strange for me to ask one of my guy friends unless it was a manly trip. I don’t really want to go on those. I usually just want to go to places with a woman. Not just for sexual reasons. It is for reasons like some places are more fun with a woman, but that’s out of the question. I have been divorced for about 3 yrs from a 25 year marriage. I’m scared it would only make me miss my ex wife. Lol so yes I’m damned.
Casheyane · 31-35, F
@specman Aww. Yeah that sucks. Maybe go with your kids?
specman · 51-55, M
@Casheyane yes maybe
4meAndyou · F
For quite a long while, I wished I had someone who would go tent camping with me, but people who enjoy that are VERY hard to find.
Casheyane · 31-35, F
@4meAndyou Maybe there are groups for that? You know, those kind of groups where fellow strangers look for buddies who share the same interest. Or like an organization who arranges events?
If it's travelling, choosing the right partner is important.
Casheyane · 31-35, F
@SethGreene531 Honestly, yes. I do agree.

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