WillaKissing · 56-60, M
I got all the fire wood split and stacked that I use to heat my home with that I had been cutting up for a few weeks from a large oak tree that fell over into the creek blocking it up. The creeks clear the wood is cut, split, stacked, and awaiting colder weather. I am thankful for that and the exercise and very warm day today actually refreshing a bit of my tan today as well. So I am thankful for a lot of things; especially for being alive.
Angelwings89 · 41-45, F
@WillaKissing job well done!
WillaKissing · 56-60, M
@Angelwings89 Thank you!
saintsong · 41-45, F
I'm listening to heavenly Angels sing right now, they're so pretty and for such a gift, I am grateful!
poisonouscupcake · 22-25, F
i ate about a thousand calories today so i’m getting my food intake up
Angelwings89 · 41-45, F
@poisonouscupcake that's awesome. Keep up the good work
iamnikki · 31-35, F
Got out of an upcoming team meeting with the VP. 😎
They scheduled it today for a day that I put in to be off on weeks ago 😁
They scheduled it today for a day that I put in to be off on weeks ago 😁
jackson55 · M
I got on a airplane and flew to California to see my daughter and family.
Gusman · 61-69, M
Still happening, Having my Car Serviced🙂
Ksmile14 · F
I had a great day in general.
exexec · 70-79, C
Played golf with my buddy.
reflectingmonkey · 51-55, M
I made really good soup, video-called my girlfriend and caught her coming out of the shower which was a nice surprise. a simple but good day.
I got through the day.
NeuroticByNature · 41-45, F
I didnt work.
MiserableAtBest · 22-25, F
I finally got sleep, which is something that has become an impossible task over the past couple of weeks. 🥳
Found your profile on here 😘

I didn't get attacked by a lunatic this morning. Just threatened and yelled at.
Atlotto · M
I didn't see my name in the obituary.
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