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Have you ever thought about suicide?

When you realise life is pretty futile in the end lots of things go through your mind. I don’t know if I should or could be a mother in this awful world, and if not, I think, what is my purpose?

It isn’t just about what you get trained to do. They train animals to entertain but their lives are dreadful, having to subject themselves to the whim of a human who has a whip. That’s just the same as it is for us, humans. Nobody takes a holistic approach to life, they think because they are alive they have a purpose, a right to be alive. The ultimate egotism.

Everyone has heard the saying that from the moment you are born you are dying. It is a sick joke perhaps, that all of us ‘miracles’ from the struggles of the womb, are destined to die, at varying times, but the idea is ‘three score and ten’ , and you might be the one who’s vanity arrives at world fame for some achievement in science, or some oneupmanship in the world of entertainment. But it is all vanity, a striving after the wind.

What is happiness? Lying in the arms of someone who helped you achieve orgasm? I’m unconvinced, since so many men don’t have that as a distinction. It’s not on their C.V, or resume, that they give earth-shattering orgasms!

The futility outweighs any sense of worth, or wonder.
Zeusdelight · 61-69, M
Well, we are all going to die, that is a given. So if we reduce our time on earth to that one event, nothing we do counts.

But the hyphen on tombstones, between when we are born and when we die denotes the time we spent living. Nobody that I know thinks that simply because they are alive they have a purpose.

Virtually everyone I know has sought out what their specific purpose is. Some have found it or something like it, others are still looking but living as they are looking and doing what they see as their purpose now. No matter how great or humble it is, it is their purpose, not for any wonderful egotistical pleasure, but simply what they think they should do.

One bloke I know took his purpose as symbolised by a big toe nail. He was to be there to protect and serve the people in his life, as a toe nail protects the big toe. Not to get accolades or any great fanfare, but just to ensure he made other people's lives easier.

So what is your purpose or role in your time of living?
Smidke · 26-30, F
@Zeusdelight I am an agrochemist, and I was achieving good things until Putin attacked my city 🏙️
Zeusdelight · 61-69, M
@Smidke Yes, I am sorry for your experience, but horrible things happen in life. You have experienced a loss of your career home and lifestyle at the least.

But that doesn't mean your life stops. You are continuing it on. Now you either rebuild your agrochemist career or find some other purposeful role for yourself. It is not easy, but it is still your life to rebuild.
DragonFruit · 61-69, M
I have thought about suicide, but never seriously considered about ending my own life prematurely.
Even at the lowest points in my life, I wasn't suicidal.
I have often thought about what my purpose in life is, and though I have married I've never had a child...but I come from a large family and want to make the world a better place for my nieces and nephews and those in their generation and beyond.
As an attorney, I did what I could for my clients and got a sense of satisfaction when I was able to help them.
I joined SW as a support site, which is what I see as its main purpose, to try to help those who need the support as well as receiving support for others when I need it
To me, being a friend is the most important thing you can do.

"Of a lover and a friend, the one who by definition loves you is called a friend."
Yeah... but not because I'm infertile.

There's more to life than popping out crotch goblins every few years or so - though I did want a big family.

The way I see it now is that it's not the end of the world I can't have children, I have my cats and I find my own meaning to life in other ways - like coin collecting and writing. I don't really need to be passing on my shitty DNA anyway, or facing the chance that another generation might die before their first birthday as I almost did.

Not having children frees me in a way, at least, when I leave here, I don't have to worry about borders and kidnapping charges for taking children abroad to escape the abuse I live with.
Repete · 61-69, M
This may be a selfish idea in some ways but for me , my opinion is as long as I can do the things I like to do and live my life doing the things I feel is right I’m ok, when it gets to the point I can’t do these things they may as well plant me in the ground. If I know I’m dying because of an issue that can not be cured , or will leave me in a way that I cannot live my life , then yes I would make the decision of how and where I will die.

My aunt was in the hospital with cancer , her last months of life was only done by machines, with no hope even when she couldn’t even recognize or speak , she was kept on machines. I’m not going through that.
There is some one out there for you. Just don’t look. People come into your life at unexpected times.

Just have hobbies where you meet people, concerts, gym, art group , you name it.

Most men need a road map to explore a woman’s body. Just teach them!
Smidke · 26-30, F
@SW-User It would be nice to have the experience of someone who knows
Peaceandnamaste · 26-30, F
Yes I do, I think about suicide everyday, nature forced me into the existence I don't want.
thepreposterouspanda · 36-40, M
Yup, pretty consistently since I was 11.
I feel that way much of the time. And, I think about suicide all the time. I don't see anything great about life on Earth.
As in thinking of committing it? No.
Peaceandnamaste · 26-30, F
Yes everyday

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