If you are antisemitic does that make you panislamic?Islam in Europe is proving to be oppressive to all and especially Jews and women. Does being pro/pan-islamic make you a misogynist?
Do you like the music of Albéniz?Isaac Manuel Francisco Albéniz y Pascual (29 May 1860 – 18 May 1909) was a Spanish virtuoso pianist, composer, and conductor. He is one of the foremost composers of the Post-Romantic era who also had a significant influence on his contemporaries and... See More »
How do you decide whether to let someone here into ‘your inner sanctum’?I mean, becoming friends and allowing them to see even your friends only stuff.
Is life easy for you or do you have complex issues?Many say they have a lot going on in their lives but when they actually start talking about it they really have an easy life compared to others….. Should we take that view or is that oppressive?
Do you think loneliness is addictive?You have your ‘safe place’ where you are on your own and you don’t have to worry about answering to anyone. Are you addicted to being in that place?
Equity vs. Equality: What’s the Difference?While the terms equity and equality may sound similar, the implementation of one versus the other can lead to dramatically different outcomes for marginalized people. Equality means each individual or group of people is given the same resources or... See More »