My gratitude to all over one hundred and eighty persons who find my contributions here enough to want to be my followers. I am humbled by such interest. Thank you 🙏
Though I am Slovak by birth being raised in Ukraine 🇺🇦 has made me certain that my adopted country has the capacity for a final victory in its travails and forever I will enjoy my blessings as a Ukrainian woman
What is a Slovak girl doing living in Ukraine, and now in Spain, I am asked. Well, survival! My parents moved to Ukraine from Slovakia when I was six, and I got my education there, and we regularly return to Slovakia to keep up with family. Putin's war broke the bubble of our idyll, where my parents had won us a great lifestyle and security, through hard work!
Again, a few bad apples. All they seem to want is to look at me naked, or listen to me talk about sex, or my body. They really ought to find some kind of porn social media and log in there!
Naozaj si myslím, že táto stránka by bola lepšie využitá, keby s ňou ľudia skutočne zaobchádzali viac ako s Facebookom.
Approaching three months a member here. It is interesting some days, but usually I only get time to catch up with what comments have been made on my content, I hardly see anyone's stuff. I shall try to look at more of the posting of people I accept as friends....