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PassingThrough · 41-45, M
Yep, story of me learning adulthood isn’t easy too

OogieBoogie · F Best Comment
4,7,8 breathing .
4 count breath in
7 count hold
8 counts breath out .

It's a bio hack to initiate the parasympathetic nervous system into 'rest' .

Edit : the sympathetic nervous system is our flight or fight system initiates breathing fast (hyperventilation). You can overide it with the above breathing exercise .
DarkSideoftheMoon · 31-35, F
Saw on tiktok to try focusing you eyesight on something close to you then adjust your eyesight to focus behind it like when you make the object infront of you blurry and focus on the wall but then make the wall and background blury and focus on your finger or pen. Supposedly doing that can help

Other than that i just wait for it to pass
I'm so sorry. Have you tried EFT by any chance?
TheOrionbeltseeker · 36-40, M
Easy deep breaths. Start counting backwards in your mind if your mind permits you to.
CrazyMusicLover · 31-35
I had them as a kid too. If only it was that easy to take control over the body and the mind.
Babaloo64 · 41-45, M
Try yoga if you haven't till now
I had my first one ever. Figured depression and suicidalness was enough. Na, let's add in an anxiety attack for good measure.
I absolutely know where you're coming from. I hate having them too. Life was so much easier and stress free back when I was a kid too.
WhatLifeIsFor · 41-45, M
i agree Anxiety/ panic attack sucks... with me seems no medication work, and mind keep thinking without no reason... it is miserable
diablo · 46-50, M
How are the panic attacks now? It's been forevvvvvvvvver since we last chatted.
In this world, yes it really can. I'm sorry about your panic attacks. I had them for years.
Dawgsfan3 · 41-45, M
If it helps try doing or thinking of something that relaxes you
WillaKissing · 56-60
Ah, Bless you.
PhilDeep · 51-55, M
Not every adult gets panic attacks. There are some good resources in managing them without medication, I found.
WhatLifeIsFor · 41-45, M
@PhilDeep I agree that not every adult facethe same. but managing it without medication is very hard, beleive me
PhilDeep · 51-55, M
@WhatLifeIsFor It's hard for sure, but I managed and there's nothing special about me. I think if it's actually triggered by trauma then it's a flashback not a panic attack. Those are harder, I find 🙈
WhatLifeIsFor · 41-45, M
@PhilDeep well we all face it differently. i had panic attack recently after 7 years all of sudden
Krysclear · 31-35, F
Definitely agree that controlling your breathing is the most important part of breaking the cycle of a panic attack
MellyMel22 · F
They say steeped ginger calms, I think it helped me when I had it. Reminds me that I must start it again!
revenant · F
who is giving you panic attacks ?
Pretzel · 61-69, M
how are you feeling now?

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