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I worry too much

About people liking me. I've done that for my entire life. It's exhausting. I've tried not to care, but my mind drifts back to, will they like me if I do or say that? Its almost an addiction that I can't stop.
Umile · 41-45, F Best Comment
I can feel you on that.

Life is way too short to linger on the .... negativity of people.

It's hard not to let it get to you. I'm with you on that.

But, think. Who are they to you, no one. What do they do for you, nada. Why should their opinions affect your life so much, it shouldn't.

Confidence is not they will like me, Confidence is I'm ok if they don't.

Love this quote. Not a bad mantra also.

Chin up. All the best.

Browneyesarebest79 · 41-45, F
@Umile thank you for your kind thoughtful response. I needed to hear this. As much as we try to tell ourselves things, we need to hear it from other people
Umile · 41-45, F

MarkPaul · 26-30, M
Well, professionally speaking, your obsession with this is an underlying (root cause) condition of not liking yourself. The "trick" is to transfer your attention on whether or not people like you to a laser focus on why you don't like yourself. Now, your brain (subconscious) will try to prevent you from doing this for obvious reasons. YOU have to take charge and focus on the reality of the situation. Keep in mind, the objective is not to wallow in not liking yourself. Instead, it is to...

1. Acknowledge your situation.
2. Understand the basis for your situation.
3. Resolve the reasons for your situation.

In other words, you want to come out of this with liking yourself. The test of success will be you are no longer interested in whether people like you or not. Oh, you will be aware that some people don't. And, you might decide to make some alterations to accommodate them... to be social. But, it won't really matter to you because you will know (in your heart) YOU like yourself. And that will matter more.

This is hard work and it won't happen on time schedule. If you do it right... if you commit to the program... it will be an emotional rollercoaster and you will realize why your subconscious tried so hard to keep you off this track. Long term though, it will free you from being enslaved to this obsession and you will feel it.

All the best.
being · 36-40, F
I can feel that.
I too get it sometimes. Through work I'm over it but sometimes I go back. What works sometimes is
-confront my mind telling it, you know what people like me and you are simply ignorant
-going the opposite direction and celebrating, saying to myself something like yay no one likes me how much fun
-invoking the voice of a grandparent saying something sweet
-going for the big picture and imagining the people who have indeed love me through the course of my life...
I hope it may be of help...
Freetime · 56-60, M
I'm the same way, so afraid of offending someone. I really dislike conflict too. I think I've gotten a little better with aga, and therapy, but this worrying will probably always be there.
Cloud7593 · 46-50, F
I would rather people like me, but I don't fall apart if someone doesn't. I try too hard to avoid conflict sometimes.
Lilliesandlight · 41-45, F
I can relate. And it's hard to like yourself when no one else likes you
Fertilization · 36-40, F
Why do you need someone’s praising for your own being?
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