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Littlewing · 36-40, F

Jesus, God the Father, and the Holy Spirit, all are God. They are all part of the Trinity yet each a separate person of the trinity, which is referred to as a whole, as God. One does not function without the other

Why do I believe in God?

I could write a book on it. God is so real, yet people refuse to believe it. Yet, I don't know how they could miss it all.

God loved me, though I was unlovable.
God loves me, though I am a sinner. Yet I am a sinner, saved by grace, thanks to Jesus. Jesus forgave me and transformed my whole life. He never turned me away and he never will anyone. Grace is unearned favor from God and anyone can have it. Jesus died for the world, not just one.

Jesus has shown me many miracles for those who believe. He saved my daughter from dying when the doctors gave up on her and told her she would die in a week. The family got together and prayed for her though she had given up on herself because all her organs were shutting down and her kidneys were, already. But the family prayed for her and God saved her. Instantly! And there were witnesses to see it.

You can't go wrong trusting Jesus and inviting him into your heart and life to be your Savior.

Jesus is the best friend you could ever have in the world. Though people lie and say he wants nothing but to hurt people and throw them in hell. What hypocrisy, what lies.

In the 50 years I have known and served him willingly, out of love not fear as some false teachers would tell you or naysayers..... he never abandoned me, he never stopped loving me though I made mistakes, he has done nothing but love me, care for me, protect me, has even healed me a few times, rescued me, never hurt me, has always been there for me through thick and thin, someone I can trust completely as my best friend. A friend in every way you can imagine. I can only say good about him because he is good. He's the only one that is good and worthy of being called good, and he is the best friend you'll ever have if you decide you want that.

God is love personified and he is perfect. He cannot err and he cannot lie. There is no sin in him. And he sticks with you until the end, always. There's just nothing negative that I could ever say or feel for him after all he has done for me and thousands of others that have accepted him as their Savior. He is a Way Maker, Miracle Worker, and Light in the Darkness.

His love does not require that we be "good" in order for him to accept us. He loves us just the way we are. We already have his love, we don't have to earn it, as some false treachers say.

I could say more, but you get the picture. Jesus said now is the time to make our choice whether we are going to accept him as our Savior or not. He turns no one away.

He died on the cross to save me from the condemnation placed on me... and the whole world. No one forced him to do that. He didn't have to do that, but he did. He volunteered. had he not, every one of us would have went to hell. He not only said he loves me, he proved it. There's nothing more he could have done, to prove His love for us. For that I am forever grateful and he is mine until I go home to meet him face to face and fall at his feet in love and gratitude, because he alone deserves all the honor and all the praise for what he did for the world.

Jesus gave his all for me. His very best, even unto death. Who am I that he should do this for me, and care? I cannot give him less than my best.
1pebbles · 56-60, F
@LadyGrace please do, others need to read... I'm getting back on track, thanks for being a motivator in my life
1pebbles · 56-60, F
@LadyGrace Hes always there, accepting
@1pebbles Yes, He is. Always.
Budwick · 70-79, M
I do because I can see, hear, smell, taste and feel His Creation all around me.
It's far too complex to be some kind of chemical accident.

That was the beginning. Then I professed my belief and over time my relationship with God became stronger, my trust more intense.
@vorian You know, I've heard so many things but I've not gotten a chance to really dig in and study that, so I'm sorry to say I really don't know. 🌹
Budwick · 70-79, M
Sounds like woke bullshit to me.

Black Rain - My beliefs are not my beliefs to please you.
In other words - I don't care.
Budwick · 70-79, M
fair enough, believe what you like. One thing bugs me old do you think the earth is?

THAT is your follow up to an expression of my personal faith in God?
My sense is that you don't actually give a rat's patootie about my faith in God.
But, you are salivating over an opportunity to express your disbelief in God.

So, - Have a Merry Christmas
The key word here, being "believe". Many people may believe in God, yet he said they won't be going to heaven. Even the devil believes in God, yet he's not going to heaven. Jesus said it takes more than just belief to have salvation. One can believe they're going to heaven because of this reason or that, but is it for the reason that they are following God's standard for salvation, is the key.
Is that a picture of your new baby? She sure is cute! I'm assuming that's a little girl because you have pink, right? Even some of the little boys that are born are so beautiful they look like girls so that's why I said that. The baby is beautiful.
Shakealot · 26-30, F
@LadyGrace Yes, It is a baby girl. Thank you. That's an old picture. She is 21 months old now.
@Shakealot I'm a little confused it's not been that long has it since you were asking people on here if you should keep the baby. Is this the same baby?
Shakealot · 26-30, F
@LadyGrace No, I'm pregnant again with a boy this time
"The whole world is made of incredibly tiny things, much too small to be visible to the naked eye - and yet none of the myths or so-called holy books that some people, even now, think were given to us by an all knowing god, mentions them at all. In fact, when you look at those myths and stories, you can see that they don't contain any of the knowledge that science has patiently worked out. They don't tell us how big or how old the universe is; they don't tell us how to treat cancer; they don't explain gravity or the internal combustion engine; they don't tell us about germs, or nuclear fusion, or electricity, or anaesthetics. In fact, unsurprisingly, the stories in holy books don't contain any more information about the world than was known to the primitive people who first started telling them. If these 'holy books' really were written, or dictated, or inspired, by all knowing gods, don't you think it's odd that those gods said nothing about any of these important and useful things?”
― Richard Dawkins, The Magic of Reality: How We Know What's Really True
Penny · 46-50, F
@BlueSkyKing God as a concept existed before the bible. An dholy books are for spriritual matters. Why expect them to be science articles?
Matt85 · 36-40, M
@Matt85 I believe in God as a creator because someone or something created this universe out of nothing, yes nothing. So if we ever figure out how the universe was created, that would be God. 🙂
4meAndyou · F
I don't just believe in God. I LOVE much that it brings tears to my eyes.
Bklynbadboy12 · 31-35, M
I believe in god cause i can feel him and his effect on my life
I believe because of what is see of the world around us. In my eyes, it's the work of His devine hands and not a result of random chance.
RedBaron · M
1. I believe that instead of God creating everything, people formed civilizations and religions and created God to explain how it all came to be.

2. I believe that belief and non-belief co-exist, both being right, because God is the ultimate self-fulfilling prophecy. God exists for those who believe because they believe, and God doesn't exist for those who don't believe because they don't believe.
RuyLopez · 56-60, M
What is the alternative? We have a right to choose our metaphysical reality. We can choose nothingness or choose a presence in this universe that had a purpose for it all. Both are equally valid from a philosophical point of view because they are not externally verifiable and only one can be verified from within. Even when I don’t feel close to God I refuse to allow others to enforce there own religion of material pointlessness. They have reached a dead end. I have only started my journey. They have no hope or purpose past dinner. I have a desire to find my God and hopefully see him one day.
I believe in God
revenant · F
There is something that is for sure. What exactly I do not know. But there are "supernatural" forces which are way bigger than ourselves.
LordShadowfire · 100+, M
@revenant I agree there are forces we can't explain, but calling them supernatural would imply they exist outside of nature. I don't think that's possible. Paranormal is my favorite word to describe it, but some people think that's a woo woo word.
revenant · F
@LordShadowfire supernatural and paranormal are kind of synonysms to me but I understand what you mean.
CestManan · 46-50, F
@LordShadowfire I've never heard of a woo woo word but did you know there's a woo woo song?
Aidan · 26-30
I do believe and I have experienced my own evidence of God. There are things that have encountered that I could not explain scientifically. Sometimes spirit is the only explanation.
Allelse · 36-40, M
Why not? There's no evidence for any gods.
Allelse · 36-40, M
@CestManan DEAR LORD!!! Give me tits, big tits, HUGE TITS!!! Tits with which to end my miserable existence, great big, bouncy boobies!!!
CestManan · 46-50, F
@Allelse dear lord, please Grant @Allelse with the kind of boobies that will bounce on his head like rubber balls and go boing boing boing boing as he fondles himself feverishly while those gigantic boobies are rubbing all over his face and body. Amen
vorian · 51-55, M
@CestManan can you pray for me too please? I have a righteous boner right now.
Lostpoet · M
😌You gotta have faith
AnonymousJSS · 22-25, F
@Lostpoet It’s not. There’s seriously no factual evidence supporting the claim God is real.
Lostpoet · M
@AnonymousJSS Jesus, Buddha, Dali Lama, Saint Francis, Mary Magdalen.. and other people are proof of a God to me. Tbh, sometimes i believe and sometimes i don't, but i think it's better to believe and live accordingly than it is to not believe and live accordingly. I that makes any sense.
LordShadowfire · 100+, M
@Lostpoet I don't see how "some people are cool" is evidence that the Christian god exists. But if you want to live your life following their examples, ain't nobody going to stop you.
I am not certain either way. Thus I'm an agnostic. Religious people try to classify me as atheist, but that's false. I don't have certainty either way.
My unbelief is based on not being able to fathom such a being, nor is it supposed to be humanly fathomed, imo.

This is the reason God gave us His Word, to tell us what He was all about and why he came. I hope you will read my answer on this post.

Jesus came, he finished his mission here, and then he went back to His Father in Heaven, and over 500 people saw him Ascend into heaven. He said he is coming back and that is a promise he will keep.
@LadyGrace Thanks for replying. :) I'm giving myself plenty of faith booster shots these days, it's imo something that God does when one begins to have faith.
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DocSavage · M
All or nothing is unacceptable to me. Religion says one thing, reality says the other. With religions you have to buy the whole package. If you cherry pick what you believe, you’re just telling yourself what you want to hear.
There is too much evidence against god for me to ignore , and not enough for him to make him believable. .
CestManan · 46-50, F
@DocSavage usually when religions cherry pick the bible, they just follow the parts that are easy. For example, they love to talk about how being gay is a sin but they flat out ignore the parts about greed or wearing clothing of mixed threads, or the parts about what you're not supposed to eat like pork,

And plus since sin is not avoidable no matter how hard you try, I mean even having impure thoughts is considered a sin. So if someone were to try to live a holy life they would be in constant guilt. So it's like why even bother to try to be righteous and holy and Christian and all that mess.
Morvoren · F
If he exists, he doesn’t speak when he’s spoken to.
I very much want to but its not easy.
TheWildEcho · 56-60, M
ElRengo · 70-79, M
Roughly quoting someone (from circa year 135 AD) I believe BECAUSE it´s absurd.
Lemony1199 · F
Yes I do,
Because it' makes sense to me.
basilfawlty89 · 31-35, M
That wholly depends on your definition of God. I don't believe in an omnipotent anthropomorphic personal God, but I do believe in God as a form of collective consciousness and God is merely the English name for it.

I don't claim this with evidence. You could define my position as Agnostic Theism.
caesar7 · 61-69, M
If there was a God, he would have intervened a long time ago and set this world straight. There is something out there but not the God of religion that we are all familiar with. Like I said before, we will find out when we die what entity or creator has started it all.
CestManan · 46-50, F
@caesar7 it has been suggested that whatever creator is out there is probably more similar to Satan than anything. I read a fictional story about a guy who ended up in hell and had some brief exchanges with the Devil and the guy says, they say your greatest deception was convincing the world that you do not even exist. And then the devil goes, no, my greatest deception was convincing people they had another choice.
If there was a God, he would have intervened a long time ago and set this world straight.

He did. I'm sorry you missed it. And look what they did to him. Nailed him to a cross. Though they saw Miracles first hand, some of them still rejected him. He did more than necessary to let us know who he is and people still mock him and curse him and reject him. He died to save us from the condemnation sin placed on us. What more could he have done? Who else would love us enough to do this so we could have heaven? No one, that's who. People are so ungrateful.

Jesus said to choose now who you will be your Savior. You missed that too. Once you cross over, you're there for eternity, no changing your mind for those who reject him now.

I don't know why people think that salvation is all about religion. Religion never died on the cross for our sins. Jesus didn't die for all the religions of this world he died for everyone in the world.

He didn't leave us to guess on this, so they will not have any excuse to say they did not know.
@CestManan In real life people do, and that's not fictional. Over 500 Witnesses saw him after God the Father raised him from the dead and watched him ascend into heaven. That many people could not have been delusional.
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LordShadowfire · 100+, M
Normally, I would ask which one but I'm going to skip that bit.

Here's what I've come to believe. The gods are not necessarily fictitious, but neither are they the creators of humans. I believe humans created them, whether intentionally or not. They only think they're in charge.
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vorian · 51-55, M
@LadyGrace Who said christians were self righteous? Not this one.
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