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The arogance of youth is something I find utterly disdainful... we're all such idiots when we're young. [Spirituality & Religion]

I watch this show called The Big Questions on BBC1 most Sunday mornings. It's hosted by Nicky Campbell. He & the audience discuss important issues around society & faith. This morning one of the questions was 'is death easier if your u believe in God'

After one lady who is dying of cancer spoke so beautifully about her faith, & another spoke eloquently of her humanist beliefs up pops this spotty little imbecile who's only contribution was to say that anyone who has faith is deluded, while parroting Dawkins. The bloody cringe!

Lock them all in a cupboard till they're thirty. It's the only way around it I reckon.
sciSci · F Best Comment
i don't know anyone who believes in god except my grans friend Barbara lol
Sonnet · 41-45, F
@scienceKid26: poor Barbara, all alone in a sea of heathens. 😂

Please note that I am not a Christian either. Lol!
sciSci · F
@Sonnet: oh Barbara is a very happy old lady. her and the priest are bffs according to my gran lol

same. my life is way too shit for god to be real
sciSci · F
@Sonnet: lol thanks

GlassDog · 46-50, M
Ha! I saw it. I believe in what Dawkins believes but both he and this kid seem to completely misunderstand what it is to be human. In their zeal for the "truth", they don't consider anyone's feelings.
Sonnet · 41-45, F
@GlassDog: I'm go right on ahead a take that as a compliment. Lol!
GlassDog · 46-50, M
@Sonnet: Was meant as one. :D
Sonnet · 41-45, F
@GlassDog: yay!
ok I can't get on board with this, one cringeworthy fedora does not make all young people stupid

When I was young, I didn't know a lot of stuff, I hadn't been through university or owned a car or home or had a real job. I hadn't seen a generation's worth of changes. I hadn't been married for 20 years.

But I wasn't an idiot. I was writing Macintosh GUI software and Mandelbrot set generators in Pascal when I was 18.
Sonnet · 41-45, F
@crossproduct: I hope it passed though, & that you've found some kind of contentment.
@Sonnet: oh definitely. I feel so much better and happier now than I did then, I got many of my problems resolved, and that did take years and years.
Sonnet · 41-45, F
@crossproduct: well, good. I'm delighted to hear that 😀 Coming out the other side is a wonderful experience
Cierzo · M
It has been always like that. Later life shows you how stupid your teenage certainty was
Sonnet · 41-45, F
@BlueMetalChick: perhaps emotional intelligence develops with age, I'd wager that that is true.

But I was talking about the arrogance of youth, not IQ levels. So you've went off on one about something I didn't even say 🙂
BlueMetalChick · 26-30, F
@Sonnet: No, I went off about something Cierzo said that you encouraged. Because he specifically used the word "stupid" which means unintelligent.
Sonnet · 41-45, F
@BlueMetalChick: it has a few meanings actually. Like foolish, pointless, irritating.
You can lock us up...

But then who's going to keep your internet running?
Sonnet · 41-45, F
@Johntom: he didn't contribute anything of his own. All he did was parrot someone else. There was no personal life experience & no respect shown to the lady who's dying from cancer
Gotch yea. Okay. I can understand that.

An I'd go so far to retract my original statement.

Just don't get a big head or anything.
Sonnet · 41-45, F
@Johntom: a big head is something everyone, if any age should work to avoid 😀
Tiropesadorapido · 61-69, M
I was never arrogant in my youthhood. I was very active in my studies, work in my family business and also in Olympic Weightlifting both as athelete and Coach. Every one respected me and prefered to be with me. That's how one is raised at home. Many parents seed self-prideness in their childs' brains making them think they're more special than others. From there begins arrogance and desrespect!!
BlueMetalChick · 26-30, F
@Tiropesadorapido: No no no, Sonnet says all people are stupid in their youth. That means you were stupid too.

Captions for the sarcastically impaired: Yes I am joking.
Tiropesadorapido · 61-69, M
@BlueMetalChick: No! no! no!!! 😪😪😪
Sonnet · 41-45, F
@Tiropesadorapido: wonderful. I wished I'd been more like you!

Also, ignore her. She has anger issues. Lol!
Xuan12 · 31-35, M
The only way around offending your delicate little feelings?
Sonnet · 41-45, F
@Xuan12: I've banned the word offended. You clearly didn't get the memo.
Xuan12 · 31-35, M
@Sonnet: A desire to ban words, and people you don't agree with. Gotcha.
Sonnet · 41-45, F
@Xuan12: that about covers it 😂
xCoinx · 31-35, M
I think it was George Bernard Shaw who said: Youth is Wasted on the Young
Sonnet · 41-45, F
@BlueMetalChick: pizza is one of my all time favourite things. 🤤Never had deep dish though because I've never been to America. & im pretty sure it's one of those things best left to the experts. I don't think frozen would do it justice.
BlueMetalChick · 26-30, F
@Sonnet: I don't know if I've ever had a frozen deep dish. That might turn out badly. But I live in Chicago, where deep dish was invented, so here is the best place of all to get it.
xCoinx · 31-35, M
@BlueMetalChick: Yea I've visited America once or twice, the pizza over these is pretty fuckin' incredible
Maybe it takes the audacity of youth to keep people on their toes and checking their own beliefs...
Sonnet · 41-45, F
@Luminescence: Yes, splendid. But I can loath it in the meantime 😂
@Sonnet: You can! It's always entertaining. Loathe away. 😊
Sonnet · 41-45, F
@Luminescence: Teehe!
BlueMetalChick · 26-30, F
It seems the arrogant young become the arrogant old. So many people think they know everything when they're young, then grow up and think they've seen and heard it all and they know how the entire world works.
It are different times, nowadays the young are triggered in a totally different way, far more mentally, thanks to internet and all virtual stuff and phone's not sure if it's t hat positive always.
@crossproduct: I'm sorry didn't intent too 😮
@kingkyrie: it's not your fault, it's the SJWs who devalued the term
Sonnet · 41-45, F
@crossproduct: everything you said here is a big yep! for me.

@kingkyrie: I know what you meant though.
Fernie · F
well, I'd have jumped up and quoted Dawkins too...and I'm older than you. I don't see that as youthful arrogance...but someone who sees religion as nonsense and said so
Sonnet · 41-45, F
@Fernie: oh, I'm well aware that you would 😂
goliathtree · 56-60, M
although locking them in the cupboard would likely taint the canned goods.
Sonnet · 41-45, F
@goliathtree: dang it!
goliathtree · 56-60, M
@Sonnet: Most people over 25 realize that Dawkins is a twat.
Sonnet · 41-45, F
@goliathtree: that's something I suppose
the problem with most older people is they forget they were once young
Sonnet · 41-45, F
@pandora: I haven't forgotten. I even mentioned that fact in this post.
well being locked in a cupboard until your 30 would mean there would be a load more annoying know it all inexperienced 30 year olds running around. I have personally found that annoying know it all kids grow and change more than the ones who take no interest in discussions at all
Sonnet · 41-45, F
@pandora: I was kinda joking about the cupboard part.

But actually you're entirely right. That wouldn't work at all. Bugger!
FurryFace · 61-69, M
that was probably staged to get the crowd going and boost ratings neg or pos still works , the spotty little imbecile i mean , lol
IcePrincess · 26-30, F these days...
Sonnet · 41-45, F
@IcePrincess: you'll say the same in your time. Lol!
IcePrincess · 26-30, F
@Sonnet: lol probably
SandInMyShoes · 36-40, F
I think if they want to lecture other people they should have it recorded and be made to watch it later. Then they might realise how frigging obnoxious they are.
Or someone should say "Oh hi, I see the Clearasil still isn't working"
Sonnet · 41-45, F
@SandInMyShoes: oh dear. Lol!
Firespirit · 26-30, M
Well the youth tend to not know the proper time to use things and usually leads to trouble
Sonnet · 41-45, F
@Firespirit: so true. He was so smug, it was horrendous.
Firespirit · 26-30, M
@Sonnet: Now if someone was preaching on street that would be a good time but not if it is helping some person get through cancer. Even if it is not rational or crazy Its there choice and as long as they are not forcing down others throats.
Sonnet · 41-45, F
@Firespirit: precisely. The humanist women was respectful too, it's not much to ask really.
5thApprentice · 31-35, M
Lol. That'll most likely be one constant for as long as humanity is around. The young will always seem to think they have it figured out and be staunch about it.
Sonnet · 41-45, F
@5thApprentice: I know I did. I'm pretty sure we all did.
Peaceful · F
Forgive them, they don't know better.
mathsman · 70-79, M
Good to have those types, so we can deride them
Mugin16 · 46-50, M
Sounds like a good proposal to me.

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