Not really. If your values system says you need to kick dogs, integrity would be kicking dogs no matter the risks or difficulties. I would rather people kick fewer dogs, not more.
Yes if they clearly are sincere and have thought honestly about their beliefs; and you have examined those to see if they may have at least some points in common or concession.
To do otherwise - to extend the same dislike personally as of their principles - only demeans yourself and is the main ingredient of bitter division that leads nowhere.
I think integrity and values/principles are intertwined. A criminal's value and principles don't lend themselves to integrity. I don't buy the mob guys and cartels not purposefully killing women and children as integrity when they're blowing other people away.
In my opinion, no. If I despise a persons principles and values, that means they have disappointed me in their choices, actions and words. I cannot respect those who disappoint me.
Generally, I do respect people who try to improve themselves and the world, even if I disagree with their values. But I'm sure there are some values so bad, that they would be the exception.
Uncompromising villains are easy to admire. They have a code, in some ways they're more reliable than most people who have no code and just do what everyone else is
In a life and death situtation, where the only way that the two of us come out this alive, is to go back to back and shoot it out against our immeadiate common threat.
I would choose my deadliest enemy over any of my family or friends.
We can attend to our personal business after we take care of everbody else.
At least I am confident in our passion for each other.
@PoeticPlay I do admire commitment to duty and loyalty. The truly good things do not require you to kill other people. If you have to do evil, then you are not protecting the good.
Humanity is sacred. There is no excuse for hurting let alone killing anyone.
No. If a person's principles and values are abhorrent, I do not respect the willingness to adhere to those things in the face of adversity. Integrity needs to be informed and compassionate in order to be a positive trait. Otherwise it's basically the same thing as stubbornness.
if you don't respect some aspect of them then run away now. every murderer rapist or thief i have known has had some good in them and usually i find that their positive side is a learned response.(something they saw in a movie) IT ISN'T REAL.
@sree251 OJ was a great athlete....he was a loveable likeable guy. i loved him on screen. he became insanely jealous, very violent and went and murdered his wife and the man he thought she was with. he did alot of drugs often and we know he was high that day. it was obviously not planned out or it would not have been the mess it was.
the rapists i knew had jobs and wives and eventually children. i knew of one that tried to save a kid's life. i don't know how hard he tried . i wasn't there.
Rapists and serial killers are not the lone weirdo on the park bench. They are your boyfriends and lawyers and doctors and normal seeming neighbors. i am convinced now that most people do acts of kindness because they think they are supposed to. they say they are religious because people will think they are nice.
it is too bad that we don't teach children the truth about things before they get kidnapped or go to college and get raped. there are so many misconceptions. people have always been crazy. now everyone thinks crazy is normal