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Just an observation concerning something I'm sick of hearing

There are several people around me who keep telling me America needs another civil war. Seemingly hoping it would happen.

Can't help but notice all of them have nice homes and property, good incomes, fairly well set for retirement when it comes, take multiple nice vacations every year and have young adult children just starting out in the world.

If they actually got their wish they'd spend every minute praying things would go back to normal.
JimboSaturn · 51-55, M
That's absurd. Who needs a war; no one would win, the economy would be destroyed and people that you love dead. Utter nonsense.

I think we are all so removed from any war historically that most people don't know what war really is. They have no concept. I think the same was for WWI when people cheered and were jubilant to march off to war. They learnt the horrible reality of course.
badminton · 61-69, MVIP
America's foreign enemies want us to have a civil war. They want us to be divided into hostile factions and fight each other and so be greatly weakened.

United we stand, divided we fall. Never forget it.
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
I suspect its a thing with these particular Americans that they expect to come out on top, without damage to their own possessions. That what comes of not fighting a war on your own ground since muzzle loaders were a thing. 😷
Ynotisay · M
The Civil War talk is SO freaking childish. No matter who it's coming from.
Just ask them what that would look like. Specifically. And then laugh at whatever foolishness they come up with.
samueltyler2 · 80-89, M
They have no concept of history!
smiler2012 · 56-60
@robingoodfellow obviously people who crave this sort of lunacy have not thought this through very well. too personal loss upheaval and turmoil and the death and destruction of your infertructure
Conservatives at least have a coherent ideology. Of course they want war and oppose peace, or positive views of cooperation.
I bet you it’s mostly folks on the younger side, folks who’ve never dealt with countrywide protests and race riots, who can’t imagine being chased down the street and jumped on by gangs. And this time everyone would be armed. 🥺

Trust me, defending yourself against kicks and punches is painful enough. I guess they must imagine that they and their loved ones wouldn’t be the ones in danger. 😞
DDonde · 31-35, M
It's very immature on their part.
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@Crazywaterspring No, and they’ve never even seen the results of serious domestic conflict, like house bombings.
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