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The Catfish

You know when you're chatting to someone on here for the first time and they have a female profile but you can tell you are definitely talking to a guy. They swear they are a girl but girls simply don't converse in the style these guys do. You keep chatting with them anyway, both cringing and laughing at their crass, clumsy attempts to seem like a female.
I only have one question though. Why?
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JacksonBlue · 36-40, M
Hello, i am the female. Im sooo sick of wearing bras and having periods. Boy do i hate being paid less than my male counterpart. Anyway, send me money plz
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BBrendan · 46-50, M
@helenS Alrighty. Well maybe I will dm you but not right now. I'm at work and I'm about to hit the road, so you'll not be hearing from me for a while x
helenS · 36-40, F
@BBrendan You're at work and you've got time for SW? 🤨
BBrendan · 46-50, M
@helenS Aw I finished already and was hanging around after everyone else left. lol
ServantOfTheGoddess · 61-69, M
An anonymous site like this is a good place for people to explore different sides of themselves.

Not every guy exploring their feminine side is as bad at it as the ones you mention; and those who are, may improve with practice :)
@ServantOfTheGoddess yeah I think if you are absolutely clear that it's not the real you and that it's role play and fantasy it's fine. I'm curious though, what did you get out of playing a woman?
ServantOfTheGoddess · 61-69, M
@SW-User expressing the younger and more feminine aspects of my personality, as well as guarding my irl anonymity.
Glossy · F
When a guy tries to pretend to be a girl, they always make the same common mistakes. There are several simple psychological pointers that always give the game away.
It depends on what the person identifies as that day.
@SW-User I was referring to the gender identity craze/concept as a sham. Not individuals.
@SmileOnYourBrother oh? That will settle down after a while, it's because it's a new social concept so it's getting pushed not only by those who genuinely identify as different to what they were assigned at birth but also those who support their right to choose.
@SW-User It is their turn in the attention barrel.
I’m not insane.. I can’t tell you the why..
Why you be outing me like this?
Dshhh · M
to have new expereince/. that seem okay
maybe they want to get on the Good side of some girl,
learn about her. for nefarious reasons
some of them want dick pics...
do any real women Ask for that?

that they are so BAD at it? tells you how little contact they have had with women in general
I am a Catfisher, I like to engage with them, till the make a mistake
then I out them to themselves
Like this one her,, keeps using pics of a porn star of 10 years back
:she was so into talkng with me
I could tell the language use was...wrong?
so I snt her the pics, she insisted were "her"
i even carefully hint\ed at what i knew,
gave the chance to come clean
so tin eyed her pics.. and sent them with attribution
Instant Block
i got four just now.
a matter of time
BBrendan · 46-50, M
@Dshhh Interesting. Some of these fakers can be very disturbing. I met one some years ago and I'm convinced it was a guy pretending to be his daughter. I kept the conversation going for a while before I outed him to himself. He got very upset and nasty before he blocked me. I said a few choice things to him too about how inappropriate he is.
Dshhh · M
@BBrendan whne you call them out? they get all butt hurt and then blocked
BBrendan · 46-50, M
@Dshhh Exactly right. Were as a real woman probably wouldn't be all that bothered.
666Maggotz · F
And how exactly do women talk? Asking as someone with a verified profile but still gets accused of being a man.
BBrendan · 46-50, M
@666Maggotz That's unfortunate. I have had few interactions with you and I haven't ever doubted your femaleness. Is it women or men who have accused you of being a man or is it both men and women?
666Maggotz · F
@BBrendan both. I have also been told I look transgender 💀 I think it’s my blunt personality but idk
BBrendan · 46-50, M
@666Maggotz I have often admired your photos. I think you have an interesting face, and a very attractive one I may add, and I have never thought you look transgender but maybe these people see something I don't. That's a shame.
Also I don't mind your blunt personality. At least we know where we are lol
Japrost · 41-45, M
Yes it happens so much on here it kinda crazy
DearAmbellina2113 · 41-45, F
They think they're so slick. 🤣
The 18-21F, 40-45M. Oh, I forgot he's also a Lesbian. 🥸
Are they gay hoping for dick pics? Most women don't really like that so if they ask that would be a definite flag. Sex chat not so much. 🤷🏼
Convivial · 26-30, F
@SW-User who knows... For them it obviously works or why do it?
@Convivial true.
Convivial · 26-30, F
@SW-User everyone has their preferences... Not for me to criticise
Because they’re gay
Donotfolowme · 51-55, F
Hahaha men like to think they are smart and cheeky and then they get to talk about sexual stuff easily with a woman whom they will open up to another woman quickly than with another man.
iamonfire696 · 41-45, F
So easy to tell who the catfish are

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