CountScrofula The claim is that black lives currently matter less to the state than those of other races, and this should be corrected so black people are treated equitably and their lives given -equivalent- value to those of other races.
I'm sorry but I don't agree with this. First and foremost I don't agree that Black lives matter less to the state, that is propaganda, we are all equal under the law. Additionally, there are already a multitude of programs, benefits, and give aways available since the 60's that were to address the racial inequalities that occurred between slavery and Jim Crow. It would seem you think they deserve more, and that is perfectly fine by me if you feel that way.
But I don't agree. I also don't appreciate the way you categorize my disagreement as misunderstanding. I understand this concept perfectly, again, I don't agree.
If you feel that this is important, than that are your feelings and I have no issue with them.
But own it bro. You say I am not getting this? I think its you who can't accept that there could be a difference in opinion on this. You seem to believe your feelings should trump my opinion and beliefs. It's not going to happen.
And another thing...
This is a demand for fairness, not for black supremacy.
You aren't talking about fairness, you are talking about equity. If it was fairness, then the playing field would be level and we would exist in a pure meritocracy. That isn't what you are promoting is it? Rather you think Black lives deserve equity, a special leg up, because you believe Black people deserve this for what you believe is their lesser status in society and other societal ills that you feel impact Black lives more.