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Should all people really be allowed to vote, no matter how fucking stupid they are?

I’m talking about the people who will drink bleach unless told not to in capital letters.
Convivial · 26-30, F Best Comment
I'm just going to remind you of a quote from Churchill... The best argument against democracy is five minutes spent with the average voter
SandWitch · 26-30, F
I'm just going to remind you of a quote from Churchill... The best argument against democracy is five minutes spent with the average voter.

thanks for BA

What you should have really said in this particular circumstance was, "I accept Best Comment on behalf of the Late Sir Winston Churchill, Author of stated quote".
Convivial · 26-30, F
@SandWitch interesting thought.. But i did attribute it to him lol
SandWitch · 26-30, F

..yes, you did attribute it to him, but you also said "thanks for BA" when it wasn't your quote, yet you took credit for Churchill's quote!

You can never assume ownership for something you didn't make or create, which is why I said that you can only say thanks on behalf of Churchill, you cannot say thanks on behalf of yourself. To take credit for something you didn't write yourself is called plagiarism.

TinyViolins · 31-35, M
I've heard it said that the single best argument against democracy was to talk politics with the average person for about 5 minutes. Experience has taught me that it takes way less time than that.

Still, we're all stakeholders in the countries we live in, and we all share the same fate with the decisions that get made.

The problem isn't necessarily who can and can't vote. I think the problem is that people far too often lack critical thinking skills and fill the gaps in their reasoning with more primal emotions like fear, anger, and tribalism.

What we need more than voting restrictions is to elevate the level of discourse and have a higher bar for educating the masses. More often than not people are relying on social media algorithms to spoon-feed them their news, or only using a handful of sources that have been compromised by an audience capture feedback loop.

There's an imbalance in our information diet. People are consuming junk in the form of falsehoods, or highly partisan reporting that only gives them one-sided views. Much like our own nutrition, it's important to get variety. People need to hear more from other points of view to get a much more balanced opinion, because otherwise all we're left with is unbalanced people
Picklebobble2 · 56-60, M
And what about the candidates themselves ?

Rather than create a required standard for voting, how about a required standard for standing ?
@Picklebobble2 Yeah, my criteria for a candidate to be eligible is twofold, again based on the fact the the modern world is highly technical.

(1) Calculus up thru differential equations (they can skip the Uniqueness And Existence theorems though).

(2) Linear algebra up thru eigenvectors and their applications.
Onasander · 41-45, M
I also think there should be a height requirement, too many short women with a nasty attitude. The polling stations should be too high for them to read and and know which buttons to push.

Onasander · 41-45, M
@SandWitch No, I was just picking on a muslim guy. Proves I'm open to all cultures and types of people.
SandWitch · 26-30, F
Oh I see, you're a Racist too! Wow! You really are a well-rounded artifact of human behavior!
Onasander · 41-45, M
@SandWitch Had nothing to do with his race, he didn't know if Mt. Dew was halah or not (I'm at a puzza place.) I looked it up and google said both.

The pepperoni pizza isn't halah but he said he isn't the one eating it so it doesn't matter.
I've often wondered that too, but any limitation just causes different issues. No system is anywhere near perfect, at least not for any community where cooperation doesn't come naturally and a government is needed to get some essential things done.
666Maggotz · F
Yes because I think it’s a slippery slope to deny rights to people you view as “less than”.
Torsten · 36-40, M
no, leftists are evidence enough that not everyone should be allowed to vote
MasterLee · 56-60, M
Democrats always vote how the media tells them
DrWatson · 70-79, M
As a friend of mine puts it, "We can't prevent them from voting, but they should not be allowed to reproduce!"

(for the record: This friend is conservative, he voted for Trump, but he was referring to people who believe that the Fox network actually delivers news.)
666Maggotz · F
You shouldn’t be
Personally, in this modern technical world, I believe US citizens shouldn't be allowed to vote unless they can pass first semester calculus. But that's just me; others will have their own criteria🤣😂😝🤣😂
KingofBones1 · 46-50, M
No there should be a minimum IQ requirement, and also a patriotism qualification
Jaego · 100+
@KingofBones1 Patriotism huh? That might require you knowing some history
KingofBones1 · 46-50, M
@Jaego exactly back in my day they actually still taught it in school and it was not indoctrination it was actually fact-based go figure
Jaego · 100+
@KingofBones1 Yeah? Without googling it how long did the US military occupy the Philippines for?
Voting is not that big of a deal. There are two kinds of people in this country the liberals and the conservatives. Easy peasy.
MrAverage1965 · 61-69, M
I would say yes since we live in a democracy. Maybe that's the question we should be asking of those we being asked to vote for.
smiler2012 · 56-60
[@thelaststarfighter ] 🤔that is democratic right for you 🤷‍♂️it shows is does have its faults lol
samueltyler2 · 80-89, M
Bad choice of example, a certain chief executive sort of suggested people do just that.
HumanEarth · 56-60, F
I hate voting, I don't even waste my time
Northwest · M
In a non Orwellian society , yes.
Donotfolowme · 51-55, F
While voting its hard to point out whose who
SandWitch · 26-30, F
I have always felt that voting for the President of the US should be taken out of the hands of the American people altogether because history keeps proving that Americans don't have a clue what they're doing.
SandWitch · 26-30, F
Well, that's what happens when a woman is in charge of the hen house!
@SandWitch that should happen more often for other reasons too.
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SandWitch · 26-30, F
For several years now, I have been a strong advocator of removing the ultimate selection of the US President solely out of the hands of registered American voters, regardless of what color tie they like to wear.
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@sree251 Best Answer.
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