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I only unblocked certain people to make room for new blocks

I'm running out ...
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pripyatamusementpark Pinned Comment
* waits for someone who is sanctimonious to.tell me they don't block anyone *
Lugwho · 61-69, M
@pripyatamusementpark I've no time for any santctimonious people. I've always thought, it's my account I can do what I like with it.
Jeephikelove · 51-55, F
@pripyatamusementpark I don’t get those people either, although I pissed someone like that off so much he blocked me, I’m probably his 3rd or 4th block. 😂

pride49 · 31-35, M
How do you run out of blocks? I mean, yeah I block ppl who exclusively post politics and religion (especially those converting blech) . And serial killers and whatnot. But I've only blocked like 30 people or so...and muted around 20? Perhaps if nuno allowed obtaining extra blocks by using SW coins it would be helpful. We could actually find better use for them.
Lugwho · 61-69, M
I've just started blocking people again. I tried to ignore, but there are some people who are never going to say anything that I want to read.
Miram · 31-35, F
Use an alt and they will be automatically blocked from this one too for whole 6 months or so.
That's how you save spots on your main.
WintaTheAngle · 41-45, M
500 blocks is a crazy amount to use up. I’m guessing you get into debates.
@WintaTheAngle da fuq are you talking about ?
WintaTheAngle · 41-45, M
@pripyatamusementpark Apologies. Predictive text got away from me there.

I wondered how do you get into a situation where you have to block 500 people?

I’m on 4 for example.
@WintaTheAngle I suppose my tolerance for people is very low
ShepherdBard · 31-35, M
Pripy! I ain’t seen you in ages, where you been!?
@ShepherdBard uhh ummm ...you know ...busy and stuff
Ferric67 · M
good morning pookie
Jessmari · 46-50
I do that too. Alot of them are block lifers though.
pride49 · 31-35, M
Also, some of your first blocks may not be online anymore so you could unblock peeps who will never come back online again anyway. Or mute those ones
How can you run out of blocks?
nobodyishome · 31-35, F
We just delete some. Check it out.
Castenmas · M
Have you honestly blocked 500 people?
@pripyatamusementpark You're the new Nonames. 🤣
@MsSwan accept I don't pretend to be a woman and try to get money from people on here ..
pride49 · 31-35, M
@MsSwan oh yeah I forgot about that simp addict bench

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