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Any suggestions?

What would you do if a woman makes more money than you in a relationship for me I don't think it's a bad thing as much as I'd like to be with someone who makes more than I do I also like to spoil my man of he existed Lol but still I don't mind being spoilt
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I think men are hard wired to provide protect, provision is the main way they protect in the modern world. It's not politically correct to admit this if you're a man but I think if a woman earns more, it can impact his self worth and ultimately breed resentment and a relationship will suffer.
@BohemianBabe Agreed. I’d bet a good 20% of them would too, if not. And ya, there is a bit of heteroflexibilty but that could just be a make out session. Girls are often less inhibitioned then guys to that.
@JustGoneNow Yeah, but just the idea of two straight guys having "just a make out session" sounds crazy. Whereas with girls, it's so common, it's not shocking when two straight girls do it.
That's a good example of what I mean here. It's kind of a throwback to when there was no straight/gay/bi orientation. That concept is rather new.
@BohemianBabe makes sense, and I’d agree from my experience.
ChampagneOnIce · 51-55, F
For most of my marriage I’ve made more money than my husband. It takes pressure off of him, which is good for both of us. I take pride in my independence, work, and ability to earn, so it works for us.
TexChik · F
When we first married and I got my first paycheck in my married name I proudly gave it to my husband to put in the deposit . Being a foolish newlywed himself he told me to cash it because it really wasn’t all that much. Instant tears and hurt feelings. Later I started making a lot more than he did . He had no idea until he wanted to know which account to write a check out of .

If who makes the most is that big a deal in your relationship , is it really love ???
KasieX · 31-35, F
@TexChik that's a very good question if doesn't actually netter
Matt85 · 36-40, M
none of that should ever matter
MarkPaul · 26-30, M
I'm not sure money is necessarily the metric by which gender roles should be measured.
MarkPaul · 26-30, M
@MrBrownstone I don't have the obligation. You have the list of all your messages; I don't. The obligation is yours if you need a copy of that message. If you don't know how to access that list, use the Help function.
MrBrownstone · 46-50, M
@MarkPaul I understand you are mad I showed you are sexist. Now you are just looking stupid.
MarkPaul · 26-30, M
@MrBrownstone I get that you are upset and acting irrationally. Maybe you can just get over it...?
BlueVeins · 22-25
I would enjoy her jacuzzi.
Stereotypical gender roles are pretty unimportant to me as I’m gay but there’s more ways to be spoilt than just spending money on them. I care for my wife, rub her back and feet, bathe her, write her sweet notes, and just do kind sweet things for her. If I want to buy her something I do, it doesn’t matter who technically earned each dollar. It’s our money and sometimes I’ll get her something she wants but wouldn’t have gotten herself with our money.
beaglehunter · 80-89, M
years ago i drove for a major soda company and was the union steward for the drivers.they hired a young girl as a driver and she was kind of small and back then it was a hard job bottles were heavy all returnables no cans.she did her job as well as all the rest of us and i was just waiting for them to say she wasnt strong enough.she outworked half of the guys.
OriginalDumbMan · 36-40
My wife makes almost equal money as me. I never take her money instead I transfer my money to her for savings. Money is not everything. My mother is a home maker and my father is a doctor. Managing a house is a very difficult task. We all live as a family supporting each other. Everybody do their own work and this is how it is.
Adogslife · 61-69, M
My first wife didn’t work which eventually became a bone of contention. My current fiancé does well, but I’m still the primary earner.

What I appreciate is that when I get a gift it’s actually from her instead of using my money to buy me a gift. That’s ok, but it gets old.
Raymuundo · 46-50, M
My view is that it is very common and many men I know are ok with it. It is increasingl happening, and this has to be good?

You seem concerned not about yourself but about “spoiling” which seems like not a bad place to. Enjoy that!
beaglehunter · 80-89, M
money is not the most important thing in a good relationship and if it is somthings wrong
Virgo79 · 61-69, M
I never gave it much thought, so i guess it doesn't mmatter much to me
YMITheWayIM · 46-50, M
I would be a happy house husband. 😌
Muthafukajones · 46-50, M
Women are hard wired to seek out a provider and protector. They can’t help it. If he makes less than you it makes the relationship harder.
Nanoose · 61-69, M
I would probably start leaving brochures of new power tools and sketches of things I could build (like a gazebo) on the coffee table. And hopefully she would buy me a reciprocating saw or something cool like that. Cheers!
When I was married many years ago there was a time when I made more money, I was promoted, then he was. There was nothing to be "done". In a partnership between equals it should be manageable for the household expenses, with no resentment on either side.
@bijouxbroussard the only money I bring in is the little bit for lessons that I been doing, but I take care of everything around the house and she has a very good job. She knew my situation coming in, though. And honestly the lessons are money we didn’t expect. I didn’t think I’d be able to work at all. Her money pays all the bills, so money we just put in an envelope for us both as fun money.
@bijouxbroussard it works for us.
Tastyfrzz · 61-69, M
Might want to keep it to yourself but do let him know that you don't have any debt. I have an old gf that is hundreds of thousands in debt. Not touching her with a ten foot pole.
Brasceo · 41-45, M
@Tastyfrzz what do you even mean?
KA9ha · 31-35, M
much as it would hurt me if my future woman makes more money and earnings than me,,,, but then its best that her money is spent on herself.. I would not ever touch it... its my ego. that a home is to be run with mans money spent...
WolfGirlwh0r3 · 36-40, T
If she made more money i woulent care i would still buy her stuff as little gifts and such and be the trophy partner when not
666Maggotz · F
Maybe I don’t get the heterosexual world but I’m used to the women I’m with making more than me 💀 mostly because I’m an underachiever, so I admire her work ethic and education.
Strongtea · 22-25, M
I think I might feel slightly threatened but maybe it could be cool as I would like to be looked after and bought things lol!
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Deceased · M
I personally don't feel some way about a woman making more than me. Its not emasculating, it just makes a better team in a way.
ChipmunkErnie · 70-79, M
Wouldn't care.
Montanaman · M
I make stupid money for my job, but with stupid money, comes stupid spending, and alas,
My wife works her tail off cleaning at my job, at only a fraction of what I make to help match ends. I long for the days gone bye where she didn't have to work if she chose not to. 🤗🤑🤗
But we never argue over money, bills, or material things. It's love and family that only matter. ❤️
beaglehunter · 80-89, M
if a women was making more money than me i would be happy as hell for her. they dont give money away so she is working for it
TheunderdogofNY · 36-40, M
It doesn’t matter as long as respect is there. As soon as any disrespect rears it’s ugly head then ✌🏾.
I love being spoiled by people of either gender.
Donotfolowme · 51-55, F
Its absolutely alright when you are in a relationship then there is nothing your or mine..its ours
Brasceo · 41-45, M
Rob her at gunpoint
Musicman · 61-69, MVIP
A friend of mine married a woman who made about five times what he made. That was about 20 years ago and they are still happily married.
BigGuy2 · 31-35, M
Nothing wrong in that ... i spoilt my FB
I used to work with a guy whose wife made four times as much as he did, she's an admin assistant to a college chancellor, beaucoup bucks, he admitted he only works for them to save money to go to Disneyland every three months.
beaglehunter · 80-89, M
@NativePortlander1970 he is a very smart man
@beaglehunter I'd be too ashamed to admit something like that.

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