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I don’t understand how some people are utterly incapable of answering more than one question at a time over text

I don't mean that I expect them to answer them simultaneously, that’s impossible, or that I expect them to answer it all in the same single text box, idgaf if they text answer #1 then after that #2, etc. what I mean is when I ask someone 2 or 3 very simple questions that shouldn’t need to be timed apart, they will literally always only answer one of them, most often the most recent of them.


Me: hey what are you doing right now? Did you give Bob his item back? You’re in X city right now, right?

Person: yeah I’m in X city.

Me: okay, so what are you doing at the moment, and could you possibly stop by X place? I assume you gave Bob his item back, you were supposed to do it today right?

Person: yeah he wanted it back today

Me: … so did you give it to him? And when can you come by X place? Are you busy right now?

Person: nah I’m not busy

Me: okay, but did you give it to him? and can you come to X place now?

Person: yeah

Me: ????

Person: what


With some people I swear communicating with them is like pulling teeth 🥴
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being · 36-40, F
They don't seem much interested to communicate with you.... Of course they can answer two questions at the same time.
By you not seeing this and proceeding...to me it shows that you are not giving yourself the attention and importance you deserve.

I think you deserve better, let this person be.
Loving communication isn't like pulling teeth...of course I can understand of how communication can be difficult..
Zeuro · 26-30, F
@being haha oh this convo was just an example, I only have this problem with people I need to communicate with, like for transactional reasons and such.
Miram · 31-35, F
Sometimes I do that when it is a regular conversation. I will ignore any data that I don't think would be pragmatic to share. Like questions of "How are you? What did you do today? Where were you?..etc. I have to save my energy for other things.
Zeuro · 26-30, F
@Miram yeah but if it’s something they need to know then you should answer lol
Orca4950 · 70-79, M
I see the same in business email communication.

I think it's an attention déficit issue.

The benefit of doubt answer is time boxing each communication reply
Zeuro · 26-30, F
@Orca4950 Wdym by that last sentence?
Orca4950 · 70-79, M
@Zeuro the person you are communicating with may not have time to answer all your questions right then. By dealing one question at a time you get answers in possibly the right order
Sutten · 36-40, F
It annoys me when people are selective over which questions to answer, especially if you take the time and effort to type it out. I definitely understand your frustration.
MarkPaul · 26-30, M
Well, you need to learn how to communicate effectively and productively. You see, the issue is you are usually all over the place with your communication and you tend to ramble with lots of (unnecessary) drama thrown in. This is something you really need to work on if you intend to improve your social skills.
Matt85 · 36-40, M
oh i do that sometimes, sorry 😖
I've noticed that too.

And then there are the people who provide numbered responses. This is more common when you're having an argument.
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
Some are still back in the days where text are short due to costs.

Anything more than 128 characters was charged extra. Unlimited text's were unheard of. And images were impossible.
DesiDudeJ04 · 31-35, M
Maybe we could ask one question at a time if people don't seem to be interested. We should not waste our energy by asking so much questions.
Zeuro · 26-30, F
@DesiDudeJ04 except when you literally need to know the answer… it shouldn’t be this hard to answer multiple questions
Some people are like that.

Me: Should I make the PPT first or the Quotation?
Boss: Yes

Next Time

Me: I am making the Quotation, and then will make the presentation.
Boss: Ok
CultOfPersonality · 36-40, M
Totally agree lol or if you sent more than one txt they only answer the last one
exexec · 70-79, C
It's easy for me since people who text me know that my answers will be one word. So, the answers to three questions are: yes, no, maybe
You're not that person who asks multiple questions over text are you? 🤨

I guess he is not big on typing
LordShadowfire · 46-50, MVIP
Honestly, I think it's intentional.
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