If you are on your phone, can you write me a love note using predictive text?Start with "I love you because" I'm waiting.
I wonder how many people here got blocked because of a misunderstanding or a poorly phrased text.Face to face you have tone and demeanour to better read a person. I think here people scan read something, and fly off the handle. I wonder how certain individuals here cope in real life without a block button. Somethings you just have to be an... See More »
Do you reply to all your "real-world" messages from friends/acquaintances? (E.g. on WhatsApp, messenger)?If you ignore messages without replying - what are the reasons? I feel bad when my messages get ignored but off late I've been thinking of ignoring texts of those who ignore my messages ... My earlier thought process was to never leave any message... See More »
should i text her backi was sad today and not checking my messages i think im not going to share my number with her ): (1)