@Longpatrol lol you mean yahoo messenger? Actually, it was before that even. Those are all pager phrases when we had to type using dial pad. 'Lol' was really 555666555
@Longpatrol yikes! I forgot about that one. Which was first? Yahoo or MSN? I remember vc on yahoo but still had to type. The onky audio was that alert blast you could hit to get the attention of whoever on the other end who may have had all the intentions of chatting with you but forgot to click back on your chat so they're wrong sending all your messages to the wrong conversation.. lol
Technology is moving at breakneck speeds and getting faster every day. Apps like twitter only allow you to use 280 characters to express yourself. Other apps charge by the character to send information to one another. It makes sense to streamline our phrases. I applaud the practice. But sometimes i like to make up my own initialed phrases to keep them on their toes. ..like when im explaining how funny they are to me.. instead of saying lol, i might say, lshismoomn. ( laughed so hard I shot milk out of my nose)..or ilshipabvimentwpibr ( I laughed so hard I popped a blood vessel in my eye now the white part is blood red..) I know, they're a little wordy but I think they'll catch on LOL
Perhaps they can't spell real words..... (Were they to busy sleeping in a school, hence Generation Zzzzzz...?)
Either that or their 'phone companies charge highly by the letter so making their umpteen-hundred-quid instruments too expensive to use in any literate sense!
It's the nature of language to morph and condense. Same with HIFi, HiTech, Cola, Auto shop, Gas Station Eco friendly ....all these have been abbreviations for years . It's just getting more condensed due to texting . You have to realize that texting is an INCREDIBLY slow form of communication - but it's preferred due to the fact it's immediately sent when someone thinks of something , and it's non confrontational .
So to make up for slowness and effort , things get condensed . It'll get worse in years to come I'm sure .
@OogieBoogie the only thing that bothers me about this whole thing is when people will actually say, in person, LOL, without there being any signs of any real L-ing O L. It seems like we're overriding some of our emotions that supposed to come to us naturally. The impact of the lack of actual laughter manifests itself all over places like Reddit, on things like the latest memes or the latest joke crazes. I struggle to find the humor anymore
Millennials started that because texting use to cost per character sent. So reducing small sentences to a few letters was cost effective and would eat up your limited texts. Same thing happened with the older pager system actually.