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Imagine being an SWer who when faced with an opposing view writes three posts about his rage, DMs you then blocks you before you reply.

It sounds like a lot of work doesn’t it, a lot of admin. An endless waste of energy. And in a place like SW where you’re going to meet people from all over the world with different outlooks.

Imagine being that guy.

Oh well, at least I won’t have his petty rants about arguing with his father clogging up my feed.

[username removed by staff]

LilPrincess · 41-45, F
I am pretty I know who this whack job is. After calling me a series of obscene names, telling me he hopes me and my whole family dies repeatedly...he blocked me.

Can't say...I ain't relieved he did...
iamonfire696 · 41-45, F
@LordShadowfire I know but she said you did so that leads me to think she’s talking about someone else
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
@iamonfire696 Except that I was forced to block OP, and probably forced to block LilPrincess, because that's the way this website works.
iamonfire696 · 41-45, F
@LordShadowfire did you report her too then?
AntisocialTroll · 56-60, F
I think a lot of people come here for validation that they are in the right, if they don't get that they just can't cope because no matter how great the evidence to the contrary is their need to be right is too important for their sense of self.

To be honest I think it's quite sad, it must be exhausting to be that way.
Lol….. your last sentence was a dead giveaway otherwise there were several other candidates who would have fit the bill.
Morvoren · F
@OlderSometimesWiser That and the fact I’ve posted it in his personal group 🤭
@Morvoren I actually just saw that. I must have Sunday morning brain damage and/or a not very firm grasp of the obvious. However I will bravely carry on and contain my rage and go eat some cookies instead.
Morvoren · F
@OlderSometimesWiser Bless ya.good plan.
Or someone who creates a post about how it doesn't bother them.

This place is saturated with whackos. If it weren't for the fascinating psychology of it all, I wouldn't be here.
Morvoren · F
@NoThanksLeon Yeah I’ve seen those. “ I’m so nonchalant I’ve had to write a post about it”
@NoThanksLeon Hi :) I want to ask something but dont want to ask it publicly so anyone can see coz some people might make fun of me. Would appreciate it if youll send me a message so i can replay you with my question (coz for some reason i can't message first). Thanx :)
Ontheroad · M
Ugh, I'm slow this morning, I read your post, then read all the comments, then sat here trying to think who it might be. After a moment of drawing blanks, I got up and poured myself another cup of coffee... then I sat down and stared at the screen thinking "Who is this?"

Finally, I saw what group you posted in 💡💡💡!
Morvoren · F
@Ontheroad Don’t worry, it’s Sunday morning. Relax and enjoy your down time.
MrBrownstone · 46-50, M
I think I have him blocked.
MrBrownstone · 46-50, M
@Morvoren And I get the impression you block most men here. I know SW's reputation.
Morvoren · F
@MrBrownstone I do more muting than blocking. Because while I don’t like what they post, if you can get them on to a neutral subject you can still have a good conversation with most of them.
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
@Morvoren For the record, I don't block people unless there's absolutely no other option, ever, but quite often, the website forces me when I report things that are violations.

I've told the administrators what I think of that.
It's the blocking before I can read all about their rage that is the true disappointment.
Julien · 36-40, M
Ah yes … internet tough guys 😂

Long time blocked. Been a nice relief
iamonfire696 · 41-45, F
He must have deleted his rants cause they aren’t there anymore.

It’s okay for people to have opposing opinions. Just ridiculous, sorry that happened.
HotPizza71 · 51-55, M
He does come across as a big angry baby !
Morvoren · F
@HotPizza71 For real
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
Talking sһit about me behind my back never lasts.

Oh, and by the way, I didn't block you. I reported one of your comments, and the website forced me to block you.
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LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
@twistedrope Right back at you.
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