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CaliLuv702 · 36-40, F
No, you're selfish. You should've let him sleep. Geez.
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Serenitree · F weren't being too nice. You had a good time. He was tired but didn't cancel on you. He went with you and you enjoyed it. He could have said yes, when you suggested going another time. He was also being nice.
fazer1k · 56-60, M
Depends on the reason he got no sleep the night before. If he was called in unexpectedly to work then he's just a loyal worker and that's good; if he was partying despite knowing he had to be in good shape for your date then that's not so good. At least he apologised. :-)
hopeespe · 26-30, F
@fazer1k: He was at his friend's birthday party, then we both had this prayer hour with our church group at 5 in the morning. He works everyday except sundays, not this past saturday. You judge.
fazer1k · 56-60, M
@hopeespe: I would be inclined to forgive him that as it sounds like an error of judgment on his part. Expect him to live up to his promise not to do it again though!
hopeespe · 26-30, F
@fazer1k: Yes, I won't accept another error of his like that.
Yes, as a Feminist you're supposed to treat men like shit. Shame on you.
@Fernie: I investigate people, her profile says she is a feminist. I then read her reply to someone that said she was brought up to give men a hard time. I don't just throw things out with no evidence.
hopeespe · 26-30, F
@Contagious: I did say I am a feminist, but I was unclear with the statement, as in, I don't believe women are just meant as house wives, women can also work and maintain the family. We shouldn't be shamed upon for not being the best cook
@hopeespe: It'll be hard to find a man in todays society that has that mindset that a woman should only cook and clean and take care of their kids.
Primnproper · 56-60, F
In what way do you believe you were too nice? did the decent thing by offering him to postpone the date I don't see that as being too nice just respectful.
hopeespe · 26-30, F
@Primnproper: I was raised in a way to always be hard on guys, though I have a really hard time acceptng that.
Primnproper · 56-60, F
@hopeespe: I think you behaved in an appropriate fashion..
CaptainCanadia · 41-45, M
I think you were fine? I mean... he did his best to make right on missing the pickup time. Ideally he wouldn't have missed it to begin with but there's not too much else you can ask for there.
Too nice? For not giving him shit because he was tired? That is the decent thing to think too much dear. Glad you had fun!
TheCoolestCat · 31-35, M
you cant start giving people shit on the second date.... what a turn off
Fernie · F
THAT is a huge red flag!!! How many people do that when it is the second date? 13th maybe..not the second. It was inconsiderate, irresponsible and disrespectful. I personally would not have gone anywhere with him. We teach people how to treat taught him something about yourself he can use
Fernie · F
@Primnproper: so he said. I think it was inconsiderate
Primnproper · 56-60, F
@Fernie: she had no reason to disbelieve him, not all men are players..there are some very decent men still out there if you give them the chance..
fazer1k · 56-60, M
@Fernie: That's harsh when we don't even know the reason he was tired. He could have had a family emergency or something like that.
Wraithorn · 51-55, M
Give him a chance I think. When I was about 19 I did an even worse thing. I had been awake for many hours, long story, and met up with my girlfriend.

We ended up on my bed doing our thing with me on my back and her on top. The next thing I know I wake up and she looks at me with a really bleak face and tells me that I fell asleep during sex.

Lol. True story. Give him a break. Shit happens. :-)
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hopeespe · 26-30, F
@LadyJuneBug: Yea another chance, we had a great time so he did make it up.
MrGoodbar · 51-55, M
No he honest could of overslept plus he did take you out. I think you did the right thing
Thanos · 31-35, M
no its understandable i'm glad you weren't too stiff to turn him down ^_^
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