I Am Depressed, But I Am Trying To Hide ItI haven't had a real meal in a couple weeks. I've been eating a small snack every other day. I've been having a hard time staying awake too. I think I slept through most of yesterday and I'm super tired. I move my car around just so my roommates... See More »
I think religion is bullshit, but if you think prayers to your god will help me, can you put in a good word? [Spirituality & Religion]
How Do You Celebrate Father's Day For A Delusional Dad?He's always been an asshole, but doesn't seem to comprehend it. He thinks he deserves the world's adoration. Even after years of people telling him he's terrible. Do you just buy a cake, or..?
What's the worst fight you've overcome with your significant other?Just curious as to the absolute worst fight/breakup you've had that was eventually mended?