Corporalcolleague · 61-69, M
my school had a "Decades" reunion.....anyone who graduated in the '70s could was great. Think about knew students older than you, and younger, not just in your class.
nedkelly · 61-69, M
Would not attend, did not like the other students, so why go after nearly 50 years
smiler2012 · 61-69
@nedkelly 👍i agree ned

They don't really do them in Britain but actually I would be interested. School and childhood was a pretty difficult time for me. I would like for the same people who knew me then to see me how I am today because now I'm much happier and far more confident. 😊
Nimbus · M
Avoid like Covid 19.
DragonFruit · 61-69, M
My 50 year HS reunion is in two weeks....I'm looking forward to it, and 175 people have already paid to be there.
eyeno · M
Never and dont intend to ever participate.
smiler2012 · 61-69
{@mksworld] i have but reluctantly as some of those people made by school days a nightmare and i find it hard too forgive . besides not wanting to be in the same room with some i think it water under the bridge the future is important what is too come not what has gone
exexec · 70-79, C
We enjoy them. My wife and I graduated one year apart, so we know most people in each other's classes. We live 800 miles away, so it is the only time we see some of our old (really old) friends.
Royrogers · 61-69, M
Never happened in my school. We would be strangers . Would like to meet up with friends from sixth form though
AbbeyRhode · F
Could not be less interested in attending such a thing.

Interesting that most people are so negative about them. 🤔
I went to my ten-year reunion in 2019 and it was a lot of fun. Of course I went with my best friend, who has been my best friend since we were little. I don’t know that I would’ve gone if I hadn’t been able to go with him.
I went to my ten-year reunion in 2019 and it was a lot of fun. Of course I went with my best friend, who has been my best friend since we were little. I don’t know that I would’ve gone if I hadn’t been able to go with him.
Thevy29 · 41-45, M
Never been to one.
Barefooter25 · 46-50, M
Not interested. That part of my life is over and I don't wish to be re-live it. Besides, going back will remind me of how badly I was treated by half the people there. That's a main reason people will never go to school reunions.
originnone · 61-69, M
I always thought three types of people attended
1. high school heroes, especially athletes, whose dreams crashed after graduation.
2. people who want to show how they went from high school loser to something great
3. people looking for their next companion.
1. high school heroes, especially athletes, whose dreams crashed after graduation.
2. people who want to show how they went from high school loser to something great
3. people looking for their next companion.
TexChik · F
I’ve been to a few , I was homeschooled and college was a blur. I have gone to a couple of Law school reunions and met with a few old classmates for dinner .
ElwoodBlues · M
I've been to a few college reunions and always had a good time. Never been to a HS reunion; I made a lot more friends in college than in HS.
Sidewinder · 36-40, M
I've been to a few parties with some schoolmates of mine.
ShaneMckay · 41-45, M
I'll pass. Thank you very little .
Confined · 56-60, M
@ShaneMckay same. Not interested.
Jake966 · 56-60, M
Never had one
Fun to see how fat the cheerleaders got.
Submissiveiendencies · 22-25
I love school reunion . I get to meet all the guys I gave blow jobs to in school.💋
Royrogers · 61-69, M
@Submissiveiendencies this is the funniest response
Deceased · M
Well since I despise most of the people I went to school with I find them a waste of time.
Disgustedman · 61-69, M
They're great if you're rich then everybody's like going oh whoa but if you're poor everybody just wants to spit on you some more!
My mother's antics caused us to move around so much that I never got to stay in any one school district for long, so I never got to keep friends for long, making reunions useless for me.