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If you could re-write the bible could you improve upon it?

I like Matt Dillhunty's answer to this which is: "Yes, easily. Just reverse the bible's rules about slavery and you've already got a better book".

Seems kind of like a slam dunk, doesn't it?
Post Enlargement times suggest non-commandments.

1. Be open-minded and be willing to alter your beliefs with new evidence.

2. Strive to understand what is most likely to be true, not to believe what you wish to be true.

3. The scientific method is the most reliable way of understanding the natural world.

4. Every person has the right to control of their body.

5. God is not necessary to be a good person or to live a full and meaningful life.

6. Be mindful of the consequences of all your actions and recognize that you must take responsibility for them.

7. Treat others as you would want them to treat you, and can reasonably expect them to want to be treated. Think about their perspective.

8. We have the responsibility to consider others, including future generations.

9. There is no one right way to live.

10. Leave the world a better place than you found it.
JoyfulSilence · 46-50, M
In the beginning, there was no God.

Then the universe banged, expanding rapidly into a swarm of subatomic particles, freezing out of the vacuum energy of spacetime. Density and heat dropped enough, and there was light. And it was good.

Dark matter imbalace sowed the seeds of galaxy clusters, and galaxies, which were fruitful and made the first stars. And it was good.

Around these stars formed the first planets, and their many moons. And it was good.

Several generations of stars were born, lived, and died, enriching the interstellar medium with heavier elements, forged in their cores and supernovas. And it was good.

Eventually the Sun and Earth formed, and so began the passage of days and years. And it was good.

Then the planet Theia crashed into Earth and threw up a ring which made the Moon. That was not so good at first, but good later since it stabilized the Earth's wobble.

The Earth cooled and rain fell, for thousands of years, forming the waters. Volcanoes rose from the depths and pierced the waves: the first dry land. And it was good.

Life evolved in water, and later evolved to harvest the energy of sunlight. The first plants. They breathed carbon dioxide and exhaled oxygen. The rocks rusted. But it was good. (and don't forget the bacteria and fungi, they are good, too).

New creatures breathed this oxygen and exhaled carbon dioxide, and fed on the plants. The first animals. And it was good. Unless you got eaten, of course. The circle of life.

Life got complex which led to the first humans, then language, agriculture, civilization, writing (including alternate Bilbes). It was mostly good. Except for war, slavery, mysogeny, and some aspects of religion. People were fruitful and multiplied. And wrote books and filmed shows. And YouTube was born. Somewhat good. Especially funny cat videos.

And there still was no God. Only in one's imagination.
JoyfulSilence · 46-50, M

Since there is no God, he could not have said anything. Some dudes made it all up!

There is no devil, either!

There is no everlasting life, at least not on this Earth, in its current form. Someday life on Earth will die when the sun expands and boils the oceans. So it is not forever! Unless it leaves Earth.

And light is not forever. Many years from now visible light will have redshifted so much it will no longer be seen. The universe will approach zero density and zero temperature. Even black holes will evaporate away. It may even tear itself apart.
@JoyfulSilence wow you are a sad sad mental case ! I promise i have seen heaven and i have seen hell they are very much real heaven is very clean prosten white beautiful music is playing there is peace hamony in helk its dark fighting argueing anger its is nothing but war every single second no peace no music ajd i promuse you you will not be saying that when yoir standing on judgement day which every singke one of us will be you will be begging and pleading for mercy and god will say depart from me that i do not know you and you will be soending the rest of your life and eterninty in hell !
JoyfulSilence · 46-50, M

And God said, let them be blocked. And they were blocked.

And it was good! So very good!
badminton · 61-69, MVIP
Christopher Hitchens came up with a new ten commandments. It makes good sense:

I: Do not condemn people on the basis of their ethnicity or color.
II: Do not ever use people as private property.
III: Despise those who use violence or the threat of it in sexual relations.
IV: Hide your face and weep if you dare to harm a child.
V: Do not condemn people for their inborn nature.
VI: Be aware that you too are an animal and dependent on the web of nature, and think and act accordingly.
VII: Do not imagine that you can escape judgment if you rob people with a false prospectus rather than with a knife.
VIII: Turn off that fucking cell phone.
IX: Denounce all jihadists and crusaders for what they are: psychopathic criminals with ugly delusions.
X: Be willing to renounce any god or any religion if any holy commandments should contradict any of the above.

Yeah not bad lol
darkmere1983 · 46-50, M
much of the bible was edited by corrupt individuals twisting gods message, all the wars and damnation in the bible is put there by man, not god, so part of the bible is gods true message and much edited by man.
darkmere1983 · 46-50, M
@Manneeds it is as i said, you obviously know nothing.
@darkmere1983 i knkw the bible is gods words as he directed it to he written unlike you that is told lies by other people so there for it js not how upu say it is or you would know i have told you the truth but nice try your the one that knows nothing. !

If that were so then one would struggle to call any of the bible god's message.
Make it more clear that God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit are to do the judging, NOT HUMAN...

You can judge your own sins, but not look down upon others for their sins, as you are supposed to welcome them, and wash their feet, not shun them because you judged them.
@Pikachu I think morals change with time and society, and it's not nessarily fair to judge one time period based on the morals of a completely different time period otherwise we would all be burned at the stakes of the salem witch trails morals and put to death in many others.

But a 2 month year old is a human and I believe the parents have the right to own that human as long as they're taking care said human but I'm guessing this is not what you meant but it does fit the question technically and I think I rather not answer your intention question.

I think it is entirely fair.
What was deemed acceptable at one time does not excuse a violation of humanity.
Owning humans as property is exactly as wrong then as it is now even if the majority accepted it.

I believe the parents have the right to own that human

Parents don't own their children. They are responsible for their care.
HUUUUGE difference.

I think I rather not answer your intention question.

Many Christians shrink from that.
@Pikachu It's not based on Christ Believe that I shrink from your question for the racial overtones that it can bring with it, not that you were bringing them, but someone could jump into the conversation later and racial debates aren't usually debates but usually emotional venting which just annoys me...

Parents don't own their children. They are responsible for their care.
HUUUUGE difference.

Eh, your trying to split hairs that just aren't there, the words are different but the meanings are exactly the same.

When the slaves in the US southern states were freed, what was it called?

Emancipation Proclamation

When children I'm the US are freed, what is it called?

Emancipated Minor

An emancipated minor is a minor who has been legally deemed an adult by a court in their state of residence. This means that they are free from the custody and control of their parents

Children are under the custody and control of their parents, and parents are allowed to use punishment including physical hitting on Children. They can force a child to work for them for no pay.

It's an ownership.
Diotrephes · 70-79, M
Instead of it being all about the Jews, make it about the Congo Pygmies or the Inuit (Eskimos).
JimboSaturn · 51-55, M
If I wrote an atheist Bible, I would have the same commandments the other users responded already. If I included God in the Bible, I would have God's creation, including humans, already ok and in no need for constant anger and retribution and finally no need to send my son to be murdered for my own poor creation. God would have created everything perfect the first time and avoid all the murder and hate and violence.
Diotrephes · 70-79, M
@JimboSaturn The biblical God character couldn't even create a perfect heaven for himself.
ViciDraco · 36-40, M
The Bible is already a cherry-picked hodge podge compilation of other writings. It's not really a standalone text. You can change the whole thing just by picking different cherries out of the extended source material.
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SevIsPamprinYouAlways · 56-60, F

“Like they did when they were the KKK back during slavery”

News flash, genius-the KKK was formed after the 13th Amendment freed the slaves. I know why you’re so ignorant of that fact, though:

You obviously didn’t get this message, either:

And being a Reich-Winger, I’m sure you’re also in this demographic:

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jehova · 31-35, M
I wrote my own already and the actual christian bible is so old id just scrap it.

It's a bit out of date lol
Straylight · 31-35, F
I’d probably get bored and never finish it.

lol there are definitely many improvements to be made.
JoyfulSilence · 46-50, M

I tried to read it and got bored and quit. Same with the Quran.
Dont worry about it the democrap communist natzi's are doing a good job of it as it is to lie scam deciet con and control is just as they are with wgats left of our constitution and bill of rights
@badminton no its tine for alm you demosewerrat democraps to take yours !
SevIsPamprinYouAlways · 56-60, F
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