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How do I let it go?

Recently separated from someone I've been involved with because they decided to be with someone else. I cant seem to shake all those hurtful words I told them and its been replaying in my head. Mind you, they did say some pretty hurtful stuff to me too but for some reason, I felt like I never should've said what I did.

Its been a very toxic situation with us and its like even though they wanted to be friends and stay in touch, I decided to go no contact to protect my peace and heal. All this happened last weekend.

Do you think I should reach out to apologize for those things I said?
LadyGrace · 70-79 Best Comment
You decided to go no contact for a reason. That's the best thing you could have done. He's the one that decided to go with someone else. You both said what you had to say, and felt like you had to say, so let it go, please. You've got a lot of mixed emotions right now and I'm sure you're suffering from more than just words. This whole thing was a shock to your mind and body, so please give yourself time to heal. Sometimes it's not even the person we lost, that we grieve over, but what we thought we had. All the lies. Think about that. If you need to talk about it, then please PM me. You can get past this but love yourself enough to go on and don't look back. And never contact him again, for sure. This is what he wanted and this is what he got. You shouldn't feel guilty about anything. Love yourself enough to move on and find someone who will treat you with all the love and respect you deserve.
Alifeinterrupted · 26-30, F
@LadyGrace this is some solid advice right here! You have NO IDEA how much I needed to hear this. Thank you for taking the time to reply!

Its not easy but I reallly do believe in time, I'll be ok. I just miss the everyday conversations and the hours of talking on the phone. Ultimately, none of that meant nothing because I just someone they killed time with until something better comes along and tbh, its just the rejection im struggling with

Pinklemonade100 · 31-35, FNew
No, just get on with you life now. Learn from your mistakes and think about why you said the words you said. Write a letter apologising for the hurtful things you said, why you felt they deserved it and what you wish you could say to them. Write it all down and then throw it away-don't give it to them. It's concerning to me that within a week, this ex partner is with someone else. It seems that this person had someone else lined up and resentment was building between the two of you. This suggests that this ex partner has no respect for you and they don't deserve this compassion from you. The idea he wants to be friends is because he/she feels bad about the way they treated you and/or just wants to transition to a new partner as peacefully as possible.

Don't reach out to this person. Reach out to people who will love you and respect you xx
Fieldmaster · 46-50, MNew
@Pinklemonade100 good suggustion
Alifeinterrupted · 26-30, F
@Pinklemonade100 Thank you so much for saying this! You're right, they never respected me and even though they told me they loved me, I don't believe it to be true at this point. I just need to give myself time to hurt, really learn from this experience and accept that they've made their decision and Ive made mine. It's just to make peace with it and heal wholeheartedly. I can say this, they did reveal the major unhealed versions of myself that I know I need to work on.
girlofparadise · 31-35, F
The other person would rather be with someone else than be with you, as wonderful as you are. Let them go and move on.
Alifeinterrupted · 26-30, F
@girlofparadise absolutely and as much as the rejection hurts, I have to use it to move forward and heal.
KingofBones1 · 46-50, M
No you should let it go because after all, they were the one that was toxic and they were the one who decided to hurt you. I have recently been through a similar situation, and decided to break off all contact. That person continued to try to contact me to a certain extent and also throw in my face that they were moving on with someone else. Rather than get mad I treated the situation with indifference and have remained firm in my resolve to move on. Sometimes the best way to let things go is to simply let them go
Alifeinterrupted · 26-30, F
@KingofBones1 yes, ive always known things would never have worked out with them based on their qualities and their traits but I still loved them so much that I hoped in due time, it would all change and they would love me how I needed but if you've been through even relationships and had multiple encounters, you realize people rarely ever change for anyone but themselves.

Im proud of you for standing on business and remaining at bay. They never deserved you.
LadyJ · F
No don't opologise,at the end of the day they decided to be with someone else not you so let them go and go no contact completely..your healing journey will begin the moment you cut them from your life,it won't be easy at first but you will move on and be feel grateful for the lessons
Tulipbaby73 · 46-50, FNew
No. Don’tt reach out. You may be the only one thinking this. You said hurtful things because you cared and they mean a lot to you. That’s why you keep thinking about what hurtful things you said vs the hurtful things they said. It will pass. But if you reach out, it will not pass for you even though it may pass for them .
riseofthemachine · 41-45, M
Apologies Yes .
If it's toxic your both going your separate ways both of ye will get sicker .
There's nervous breakdowns after that if you don't
Mudkip · 31-35, M
No. Move on. What's done is done. It'll hurt for some days, even weeks or months. But they chose someone else over you too. Be at peace with it
solitaire · 41-45, F
If they have decided to be with someone else then why even apologise? NO NEED TO apologise
Fieldmaster · 46-50, MNew
I am sorry to hear that. It is never easy, hopefuly you would get past this and move on.
TheRascallyOne · 31-35, M

Don't let go give me your hand

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