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Has anyone been in a long relationship with a narcissit?

I feel like I have ptsd after spliting with him. If you know any real narcs you might understand why. Ive been watching a few videos on you tube which really hoghlighted how much he sucked me in. I feel empty and confused angry to. What can i do to get over this?
rottenrobi · 56-60, F Best Comment
I was in a relationship with one for 16 years. I felt the same way when I finally left. You will find yourself again. You will undo all the weird trips he put into your head. All you need is time. Life will get infinitely better and easier. I'm sure counseling would help, but I didn't go that route. I worked hard, kept myself busy, and I talked with friends.
I no longer hate him. I have a happy and nice life.
I promise, you will too.
Ciaotutti · F
@rottenrobi Thanks so much it truly is bringing me down especially when I fit the pieces together.
Your right about him not being horrible all the time but that was always when things were going his way.
He was just so evil at the end i felt I never knew him. He went too far in his cruelty. 🥰 Ta
rottenrobi · 56-60, F
@Ciaotutti Everything you said is just like my ex. In the end, once he knew his antics weren't working anymore, is when he got heinous.
I noticed just how messed up things really were when I opened up to some friends. The looks on their faces told me how abnormal things had become. To me, it was normal.
Trust me, you will be happy again. Be careful with your next choice. I found I tend to migrate towards a certain personality that's not always healthy. I'm staying single now. Lol.
Ciaotutti · F
@rottenrobi I live alone and I dont like it Im so used yo being in a house full of people. Idk if ill meet someone but its better to be free from mind games lies etc.

Be kind to yourself. If you can, go to a therapist that specializes in PTSD
@Ciaotutti oh sweetheart I'm sorry. I think it's a good idea..just know that I wouldn't judge you because you're going through this hell. Hugs to you
Ciaotutti · F
@SW-User Thank you so much you always give good advice.
@Ciaotutti you're welcome. I really hope you're going to be okay.
Can’t say I have - but I’ve watched those kinds of videos. I think just start with little things to build yourself up. Go out and seek people to be around that has nothing to do with him. It’s going to take a while but every little step is one in the right direction, give yourself some time to do this. Good luck.
Ciaotutti · F
@SW-User Thanks x
drymer · 56-60, M
Sorry, I can't feel sympathy for you. You picked him, you accepted him, you gave him your love, you quenched his selfish ego. Was it that hard to realize he was a narcissist before you got into a relationship with him...? There are tons of really good guys out there, so it gets tiring to hear women always whining about the jerks they picked up instead... Sorry I guess I'm not in a good mood...
Ciaotutti · F
@flowersindecember Thank you thst meant a lot after feeling so shitty about my life 🤗 Thankyou
Ciaotutti · F
@rottenrobi so true they are eveything you want them yo be at the begining then they go to work destroying you. Empty vacuums sucking on finances energy they just use you full stop!
@Ciaotutti of course 💜
greenmountaingal · 70-79, F
I've had a few major bullies in my life. One thing that has helped me has been making fun of them. Ridicule is one thing they cannot fight. Even if you choose not to ridicule them to their faces, you can still think of them as if they were comic characters in a TV sit-com. You can even give the show a name and put in an imaginary laugh track. Think of them as comic characters, kind of like George Lopez's mother in the sit-com of the same name; she is perfectly AWFUL and that is a key part of the humor. Seeing the funny side of these human demons makes them much easier to face and deal with.
Ciaotutti · F
@greenmountaingal Thanks thats a good idea I think I'll try that. Im not going anywhere near him & hope I never see him again. I have so much anger for him & also at myself for believing his lies manipulation etc. X
HannahSky · F
Just don't make yourself a victim. Too many people forever make themselves into the victim even if they got out. They incessantly talk about it and then suddenly their lives are better, when in reality they have their own hang-ups that are buried, because suddenly they're free from the problem.
Ciaotutti · F
@HannahSky when I heal I will get back on with life & be happy. Im strong so I can do it thanks . Its just so raw just now.
HannahSky · F
@Ciaotutti hang in there 🌼
Ciaotutti · F
@HannahSky Thanks...I never expected so many understanding people. So kind.
english · 56-60, M
well you are grieving you have started your angry your hurtit is all part of it ,you will have to go through the process,we all do there is no way round it ,there no rules, no easy way, we all do it a little differently, you share with close friend talk it out,honestly though its down to you .i wish i could be more positive,you will get pasat it you will better person for it, all of which is no consolation to you now. 🤗 i feel you
Harriet03 · 41-45, F
America! Been 3yrs now.. 🤷‍♀️
jackson55 · M
@Harriet03 It was 8 years prior to Trump.
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Ciaotutti · F
@fairefoutre 😂😂😂 she should run & fast
greenmountaingal · 70-79, F
I did spend many years around my mother who was a fierce fighting bully. I was so traumatized by her it took me years to build up any confidence at all. I am still a very nervous person.
MellyMel22 · F
Yep, close to 20 years. It’s seriously draining, even after.
Ciaotutti · F
@MellyMel22 so sorry to hear that....people dont realise its a game they are playing at first till they consume your life manipulation,lies, gaslighting etc all nearly drove me crazy. So many lies.
MellyMel22 · F
@Ciaotutti Thank you. I know all about that as you seem to too! Sorry you went through it as well ❤️
Ciaotutti · F
@MellyMel22 Thanks ❣
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Ciaotutti · F
@signature I know I studied that subject. Its easy to know something but when you feel paralyzed with stress and anxiety to name two, it is difficult.Thanks

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