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Ladies: do you respect a weak/beta male?

Just looking for other people's thoughts and opinions on it.
Groofydorkgerdo · 56-60, M
'Alpha' males are usually men wiht inferiority complexes, low self esteem, and or a perpetual feeling of demasculinization.
The whole 'macho' 'tough guy' is usually just an act and only acted out in the presence of those he has determined weaker than him
To cowardly to stand up to a real confrontation.
AkAtSUki · F
@Groofydorkgerdo the so called "alpha" you're describing sounds more like a narcissist. Which is a toxic person.
@Groofydorkgerdo Right on man. They are insecure an always feel a need to prove themselves -
'Alpha' males are usually men wiht inferiority complexes, low self esteem, and or a perpetual feeling of demasculinization.
The whole 'macho' 'tough guy' is usually just an act and only acted out in the presence of those he has determined weaker than him
To cowardly to stand up to a real confrontation.
Groofydorkgerdo · 56-60, M
@AkAtSUki Aplhas are narcissists.
In word and deed, by intent and by very definition of the term...
Sharon · F
Why not? They're a lot better than a "real man" thug.
Sharon · F
@Mufasatheone15 So, why not do the same if a man has problems with you? What would you do if a woman (perhaps bigger and stronger) attacked you and you couldn't "just walk away". You'd have to just stand there and take it, perhaps being beaten to death.
AkAtSUki · F
@Sharon what if "unnecessary force" becomes necessary when lives are at stake?
Sharon · F
@AkAtSUki The moment force becomes necessary, it ceases to be unnecessary, that's simple logic. I'd like to know what a "real man" who "would never, under any circumstances, hit a woman", would do if he were attacked by a woman and why he wouldn't do the same if he were attacked by a man.
I can't stand the term "beta male" to be honest. Every man is a MAN. There is no need to prove their worth by acting like an overly aggressive, macho, dickhead. Nothing weak about that.
AkAtSUki · F
@SW-User I guess the alphas you've known are different from the ones I've known.
@AkAtSUki Maybe so.
AkAtSUki · F
@SW-User just because they claim the title doesn't mean they're about it. But I get what you mean.
Pseudonym · 26-30, M
I came here to read the comments, interested because I don't consider myself 'alpha' by any stretch of the imagination. I'm a relatively passive person, conflict averse where possible. Although I know consciously, that it isn't always the best policy for long term betterment of my life.

The reason I employ that strategy is quite simple; I'm not a 'big' guy. I'm slim and of average height. There's an underlying threat in any social confrontation of physical violence. Normally, it is just a threat, only actionable as a last resort (thank social and state punishment for that). But if it came to it, I'd probably come off worse for wear in most cases.

That's not to say I'm a coward. I'll stand up for what is right, and I've done things in the past that guys twice my size have looked expectantly around for someone else to do. It's a different sort of courage. However, if I were physically stronger I think I'd argue my case more, feeling reassured by my strength if it ever came to blows. In fact my primary motivation for gymming it up, is to become stronger for that very reason.

In terms of respect, I am bothered if people respect me; indeed, half of those people are going to be women. But only if it's for reasons that I care about. I.e. if you respect my opinion on a subject because I've read around it, not because I'm shouting louder, then I do. Or if I'm defending a point of what is morally right, then great. Otherwise, I couldn't give a shit what you respect.

In terms of attraction. That's a whole different ball game. I don't even think women know what they're attracted to half the time. And even when they do, they usually don't want to admit it. The same applies for blokes but we're here talking about women's respect for men so...

Being 'alpha' in the way society portrays it, definitely does make you more attractive whatever objections you may have. A male's muscular, athletic body tells your primal brain the man is physically fit, probably healthy and able to defend you and potential children. Having attractive facial features, especially those related to a healthy smile, clear skin, thick and full hair, and facial symmetry tell of good genetics. Having a lot of wealth could mean he's hardworking (or if not, at least still able to provide you with material things and an easier life). Being loud in social situations says that he could be a social person, somebody who's good company (not always, but it can be a good sign). Etc etc. These are some of the traits of an alpha male from where I stand. The obvious, overt ones. Doesn't mean that that someone is a good person, or deserves respect. That takes far more time to determine.
LyricalOne · F
Depends on the ways in which he’s weak. Melts at the sight of a puppy I can live with. Lets people walk all over him, not so much.
AkAtSUki · F
@LyricalOne yeah puppies are cute
LyricalOne · F
@AkAtSUki I won’t PM to change your mind. 😉
kayoshin · 36-40, M
Depends, who gets to call him weak? Who gives out the beta cards and in what order? Does anyone who doesn't want to be a leader or boss or top dog or whatever other thing you consider alpha, become a weak beta? I see more strength in choosing a "weak" way of life than in being an attention hog assertive at all cost with ambition as the only driving force in your life. That sounds like true weakness to me because it's easy to be selfish it's easy to want to stand out, it's hard to be selfless to realize you are a insignificant cog in the humanity machine and to keep on going because you know you're doing your part for others not because you're gonna stand out and feel special (when you're not really) that sounds hard to me. So I guess to know if I hate weakness I must first know if we define weakness the same way.
I generally find it hard to respect weakness.

I can respect some of their traits but not on the whole.
BigHeadScience · 41-45, F
No. I like somebody who is KIND of a jerk. Assholish but not abusive, with a big ole banana in his pants
StokedFox · 36-40, F
It's not that I disrespect them, but I can't run beside them. I can't follow.
if you give any man enough power, he will become what you would call alpha. it's such a cliche
AkAtSUki · F
@SW-User it is a vague term. I should've worded the question differently because allot of people are getting the wrong idea. But thanks for your input.
@AkAtSUki there are too many labels, if you like the guy then who cares if he's weak/beta/alpha. there is too much bullshit to divide us and adapt to reside in fantasies
Straylight · 31-35, F
Humans don't really fall into the alpha or beta male dynamic (neither do wolves, it turns out). Human social dynamics are complex and shifting.
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
It's you personally who define what a "weak beta male" is.

So in the end it doesn't actually matter what they are, it's just another empty insult you can throw on any man you dislike.

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