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is my married friend trying to get in bed with me?

He asked me out for a bite today and since we’re classmates and friends, i thought it was cool. He started holding my hand in the car and massaging it and i just ignored it and kept talking. He even said “let me take you out on a real date.” I said no, then called me boring. He also started playing with my hair, which i kept ignoring. He started talking about my virginity saying that it’s a treasure and what not and that guys like it because they’re in control. Then he said “we should hold hands like this in private but not at school.” Then continued to complain about his wife. He has a kid too. Is he looking for trouble because it seems like it
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Montanaman · M
Steer clear. I mean way clear
Flipabee · 26-30, F
Bout to drive to another country. 😂@Montanaman
indyjoe · 56-60, M
Personally I think his wife has a right to know about this. The problem is it could cost you her friendship...the best thing you can do is stay away from him completely and then if your friend notices your sudden distance and honest and tell her why. Otherwise I really don't know what to tell you.
Flipabee · 26-30, F
I have to thank his wife for calling when he was holding my hand because i was getting scared. Lol @indyjoe
indyjoe · 56-60, M
@Flipabee I agree with one other reply that said not to ignore any more of his advances and to tell him to stop or you will tell his wife...however I still stand by what I said, that you should tell her anyway. She is your friend and you are most likely not his only target (and consider how many times he may have already been successful). As a person who has been cheated on by someone I was married to...I can say that when I found out all of the people who knew what was happening and didn't make any effort to bring it to my attention I was quite ticked off about it. She may not believe you and might even get angry, but she will get angry if she finds out you knew (and even was one of his "victims") and didn't tell her too (and in the former she will get over it and maybe even thank you). Just something to consider in deciding what you want to do. Just stay away from him and good luck to you.😉
MikeSp · 56-60, M
You know the answer. He just wants to use you for his pleasure and does not care a thing about you. Don't waste your time with this type.
Flipabee · 26-30, F
Not even interested like that in the first place. I like being single. @MikeSp
Stay away from that guy and never ignore anything like that again.
You tell them to stop doing what they are doing or you will tell his wife.
Hold hands but not in public? What a low life!
Flipabee · 26-30, F
Tbh, i seriously thought it was just going to be getting a sandwich with him. I didn’t expect him to do all of the other things to me even when i was being distant. I never even thought of him like that because all of my classmates are my brothers and sisters. Besides, not interested in sad married guys.@SW-User
@Flipabee Guys like this get off on pestering/ bullying women who they precieve are navie if you do not stand up to it you put yourself in some bad situtations.
Ignoring thier behavior doesn't really work only a direct firm No or Back off.
He doesn't respect any boundaries those type can become dangerous.
IBHappy · F
Yes... He wants you! When you let him touch you... you let him think it's ok. Set some boundaries with him.
Flipabee · 26-30, F
I’m going to be avoiding him a lot now @Suesinglemom
IBHappy · F
Telling him his behavior is not acceptable is the right thing to do.
Flipabee · 26-30, F
Defintely going to be saying “don’t touch me.” 😂 @IBHappy
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Flipabee · 26-30, F
Well, i’m bout to run away from that 😂@Suesinglemom
LyricalOne · F
Erm... do you really not know the answer? Short of whipping it out, I don't know how much clearer he could have been.
Flipabee · 26-30, F
Just needed clarification because i have a tendency to overreact. @LyricalOne
LyricalOne · F
@Flipabee Well you're not overreacting this time. Tell Romeo to take a walk.
DownTheStreet · 56-60, M
Well, I don’t know him and I barely read the story BUT I’m 99% sure the answer is yes
Flipabee · 26-30, F
Well bro. Bout to run away lol @DownTheStreet
becca00f · 22-25, F
sounds like you already know the answer.
Flipabee · 26-30, F
Bout to run away far away lol @becca00f
lori04f · 18-21, F
sounds like it.
Flipabee · 26-30, F
Gonna stay 10,000 miles away from him lol @lori04f
ninjavu · 51-55, M
Umm, yeah, definitely! ;)
rckt148 · 61-69, M
Sounds like you picked up on all the signs he wants more and he is a cheater
I would not take any more rides or go out for any more "Bites " if I were you
Flipabee · 26-30, F
I’m making sure to bring my other classmates along so he won’t try anything else. Not interested in taken men anyway. My parents went through a mishap with cheating and it really affected me on relationships. @rckt148
rckt148 · 61-69, M
@Flipabee yea mine was a cheater who only came home to beat the hell out of me
kind of effected my life too ,I was on my own by 13 ,,married by 16 .
I have been working hard every since ,but at least not doing her job .
My Dad broke his back when I was in service so she had to go to nursing school for an excuse to get out and meet up with her boyfriends ,
Dad was home and totally screwed my brothers up
They went from listening to me like I was their parent to no one .
So yes it screws kids up not having stability ,
Another reason he is a major jerk ,not only does he want to cheat on his wife ,
He does not seem to care what his actions could do to you ,his wife or his kids .
Listen I was no saint either ,so I am going to tell you like I tell my Granddaughters ,and I told their Moms ,
I am an expert on jerks
You need to stay away from the jerk ,just go to lunch with real friends
He is not one ,,he just wants to sleep with you ,
A real friend would care if he was going to end up hurting you .
His wife ,and the lives of his kids
Winenot · 51-55, F
Yes and he obviously doesn’t even respect his family, so Im sure you can imagine how much he respects you.
Flipabee · 26-30, F
I should’ve sticked to being alone lol@Winenot
Winenot · 51-55, F
@Flipabee Not alone but surely you can do better than a married father who is trying to take advantage of a young woman and your age absolutely is relevant in this situation. He thinks he will be able to manipulate you, don’t let him insult your intelligence.
Flipabee · 26-30, F
Thank you. I’ve been telling him no actually. He’s super persistent. @Winenot
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Flipabee · 26-30, F
Oh hell no. He is not getting anything from me. Nope@Suesinglemom
sighmeupforthat · 46-50, M
i'd get news 4 on his ass.
StevetheSleeve · 31-35, M
He's after your fortune.
Flipabee · 26-30, F
My fortune is not available for him hahah @StevetheSleeve
StevetheSleeve · 31-35, M
@Flipabee Whew. Always need to be on the lookout for those gold diggers.
becca00f · 22-25, F
Been months, what has happened between you two?
djcam · M
Sure does to me lol
Flipabee · 26-30, F
Rip bro. This is not how i wanted to be flirted with. 😭@djcam
RebeccaSJ · 46-50, F
It would seem so.
Montanaman · M
Dah 🤔😔
Always the complaining about the typical. He wants his cake.....
Flipabee · 26-30, F
I said “but your wife if cool.” His wife is really sweet. Can’t believe he had the nerve to call her crazy.@SW-User
CountScrofula · 41-45, M
He sounds horrible. Stay away from him. He is manipulative and wants to use you.
Flipabee · 26-30, F
Geez. He was really persistent. @CountScrofula
He's being a manipulative pos.
Flipabee · 26-30, F
Guess it’s easier for me to manipulate because i’m young and inexperienced with dating. @SW-User
You need to know when to slap him.
Flipabee · 26-30, F
Or kick him in the jewels. @SW-User
Tailspin · 36-40, M
Yeah, he wants to bang you
Flipabee · 26-30, F
I’m gonna run the other way lol @Tailspin
Tailspin · 36-40, M
Run fast, a horny guy can be quick lol
Cruiser91 · 51-55, M
sighmeupforthat · 46-50, M
wear one of those floppy penises and when he goes 'down there' he'll leave you alone.
Flipabee · 26-30, F
That’ll scare him for sure 😂@sighmeupforthat
sighmeupforthat · 46-50, M
we have a name for them 'round here, 'manwhores'.
Flipabee · 26-30, F
He wants it for free ahhhhh i’m not giving him anything @sighmeupforthat
Goralski · 56-60, M
What a scumbag
Flipabee · 26-30, F
He likes to flirt with A LOT of other women from rumors i’ve heard. I’m just surprised he tried to get a go at me. @Goralski
sighmeupforthat · 46-50, M
time to escape or wear a body cam and catch that fucker in the act.

and i bet you're not the only victim along with his wife of course.
Flipabee · 26-30, F
I’m not the only one. There are others. This isnmt the first time he cheated. I’m glad i wasn’t drunk. @sighmeupforthat
tenente · 100+, M
what a dick
Flipabee · 26-30, F
Right? :\@tenente

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