It's been a while since I've read an actual book. I did however, finish a magazine my Mum bought me 2 Christmasses ago about deaths in rock & roll. Was a pretty awesome read. 🎸
The first book of Philip Pullman's His Dark Materials trilogy.
I now have Book Two but have yet to start it. (Both were Christmas presents, a year apart!)
Before that, Robert Harris' The Second Sleep - I'd first heard it in daily serial form on BBC Radio Four, but missed a few episodes.
One whose title I forget, by Bill Gates, collating analyses of human uses of natural resources and pressures on the environment, and his optimistic suggestions for minimising the damage.
I have yet to read Vaclav Smit's How The Wortld Really Works, and Neil Roberts' The Holocene - An Environmental History; plus various other books I have bought or been given!
One very unusual book I was given is of those peculiar images that resemble multi-coloured, runaway Q-codes mixed with an explosion in paint factory. You need view them in a cross-eyed way to see the hidden picture, but my eyes won't let me.
Last book (few weeks ago) I read was Friends, Lovers, and the big Terrible Thing by Matthew Perry. I was not a Friend fan so I didn’t know anything about him. It just popped up on my Libby library app so I read it and I really liked it.
@Lugwho it's a very easy read, terribly smooth. I very much like it although it's a bit more youthful than I thought it would be (I'm also still at the start of the book) but that's not such a problem 😁