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meggie · F
Yes. You should always make the most of life, as none of us knows what's around the corner. Too many people die before their time.
@meggie very true Meggie.

Coralmist · 41-45, F
Yes. My friend and her husband were in a horrible car crash and they died instantly against a tree. Speed was the cause of the was just awful because she was only 35. She had 2 young kids and their son was with them in the crash. He survived. But We all couldn't BELIEVE this happened..she was SO happy. It was surreal that she died. 😟 and her husband too. Everyone kept saying " No. No. No. Its not true". Life is just so fragile.
@Coralmist The person I posted about was in a car crash tonight. I use to be very close to them.
Mmiker · 46-50, M
@Coralmist so so sad.
Dusty101 · F
Yes, my brother died in a gas station toilet. He had a heart attack, while his 12 year old and 10 year old were waiting in the car for him. Autopsy showed he had bruises all over his body and a foot mark around his buttocks area, his children stated that their mom had been abusing him when they argued. Writing this brings the pain back. The trauma of what my beautiful brother and nieces went through, his heart gave in .she has denied abuse. I cherish every moment with my daughter and her dad. Not a finger has been lifted!
Mmiker · 46-50, M
@Dusty101 saddest 😢
Dusty101 · F
@Mmiker it truly was and still is. I'm having such a difficult time with the grief. It has broken me! 💔
nedkelly · 61-69, M
Losing a children, as you never really recover
@nedkelly yeah.. I know you’ve been there .. and it is very sad cause you really don’t ever get over it. 😞
nedkelly · 61-69, M
@NoGamesTolerated I am sorry for your loss, our son left us in 2003
@nedkelly I haven’t lost a child.. so I don’t know that pain. It’s just an old friend.. and it has shaken me up just a bit.
Thevy29 · 41-45, M
My Uncle suffered from cancer for 10 years before dying in his bed. He never took anything stronger then Panadol for the pain. Believing morphine would kill him quicker then the cancer.

A cousin, 66 years old grandmother, just recovered from a triple heart bypass. Died in a Barfight 2 years ago.

And last year, my older brother was getting married. We played Golf in the morning then went back to his so he could get ready. My other brother lived with the elder. He works 14 hour days on the weekend and didn't like golf, but it wasn't like him to sleep through to lunch time. He was already cold when we found him...
We notified the police. My older brother's fiancee was on a temporary visa and would be deported so he had to go through with the wedding. It was close to the end of the shift for the cops too, so the first lot pissed off, just as the next lot came on. And we had to go through all the questions again. And the new shift was short staffed so I had to help load up the body into the back of the coroners van.
kodiac · 22-25, M
I was too young to think about it at the time but as i grew older i can see how fragile life is . How a split second can change the world . I was in a car crash with my parents when i was 4 years old ,i survived, my parents didn't. With no other family i ended up in foster care and i can see the ripple effect that continues to spread out from that one split second.
Made me think about how fragile life is, how it can change in the blink of an eye, how much is out of our control and how no one is promised tomorrow.
@OlderSometimesWiser no one yet sometimes we live like we are going to be here forever. It’s sad.. especially when reality strikes!
@NoGamesTolerated Strikes like an SOB.
My best friend committed suicide 12 years hit hard and made me definitely re-evaluate how I lived my life.
Jenny1234 · 51-55, F
My friend bought a motorcycle when he was 16 and first got his license. He was driving super fast and turned a corner and a big delivery struck was parked on the side of the road. He slammed into it and died. It has made me very aware at a young age how vulnerable bike drivers really are on the road. I always give them lots of room when I’m driving
WonderGirl · 36-40
I had a neighbor who lived across the hall from me. She was young and very pretty and the nicest person you could ever meet. She had 2 young children. She and her husband had a drug problem. They moved away and the last time I saw her was working in a convenience store at a gas station. She looked as pretty and healthy as I had ever seen her. We talked for a few minutes and the next week I found out she and her husband died of an overdose. Now the children are with their grandparents. It was so sad. She couldn't have been more than 30 years old. 😔
Beatbox34 · 31-35, M
Yes. My dad was all fine one night. The next day I got a call that he died. He was reaching for his car and his heart stopped. My close friend from school who became a Christian died at 24. We were going to meet up after several years and I got a call that he passed away young.

But I've never been really scared of death. I still am not. It's a part and parcel of life. Some sooner, some later. It's not like I would miss a lot if I died. So I never really bothered about it.
Starcrossed · 41-45, F
I lost several friends in my teens and twenties due to suicide, car accidents and drownings. Enough to have some C-PTSD from my grief. I have come to understand young that you just never know when you may lose someone important to you, and life won't stop for you to catch your breath after they're gone.

I'm so sorry you've lost a friend. I know grief sucks hard.
No it hasn't happened to me. (Knock on wood)
Cigarguy101 · 41-45, M
My sister was hit and killed by a car. It was my fault. My parents should of picked her up from school but I was having issues at school and I couldn't ride the bus. So they had to pick me up. It was cold and rainy that day. Car going to fast lost control and hit her on the sidewalk. She died before anyone could help her.
WizardofOz · 26-30, M
My aunt and uncle were murdered in their homes.
I don't know if this is tragic.At the corner of our neighborhood lived an oldman.He might be around 70+ and lived alone.One night,a lady ran out of his house crying for help...People ran towards his house only to find him unconscious and naked with semi erection.Ambulance was called.But halfway to the hospital he died.It became a case and police investigated that lady.She confessed that she's a prostitute whom he hires frequently since his wife's death.During one such session,the guy passed out for unknown reason during the intercourse and said incident followed.
Police closed the case citing death due to Viagra OD and left the woman.
This incident often makes me reflect life sometimes (though in a funny way; Don't mistake me.Sorry.I just was open about how I feel regarding this matter).
yes...both my parents. my dad died cus the doctor(s) f'd up on his colonoscopy results and my mom died cus she smoked too much...both deaths were horrible and preventable.
therighttothink50 · 56-60, M
We are all taking part in a death right now. Medicine and technology are merging to destroy humanity. See my last post, the video is jaw dropping.
Yeah.. but I’d already questioned the seriousness of life.. 😑
Twiglet · 41-45, F
A work colleague was killed by a train.
Cassieeeee · 31-35, F
Yes.. I’ve lost plenty of people sadly
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
I’ve had several close calls since I was a child and that made me think about how quickly it could have ended for me. Seems like a miracle that I survived my childhood considering everything much less lived this long.
Nitedoc · 51-55, M
Yes. My childhood best friend I grew up with was killed in an accident the summer after high school. He left my house one typical Friday afternoon and 15 min. later he was dead.
A roommate died from a self inflicted gun shot wound He never showed signs of being suicidal. There was no outward act beforehand. Never saw the red flags either.
BLP11520 · 61-69, M
Yes, no guarantees in this life
BLP11520 · 61-69, M
@NoGamesTolerated yes, certainly
BLP11520 · 61-69, M
A balanced life
@BLP11520 yeah
Sidewinder · 36-40, M
I had an experience that made me think of the seriousness of life, but it didn't involve the death of anyone I know.
HumanEarth · 56-60, F
Yes, it has happened a few times in my life
Justmeraeagain · 56-60, F
My nephew shot himself that was very traumatic
craig7 · 70-79, M
Yes … sadly my cousin died in a car accident in South Africa when she was on her way home, someone ran a red light and she was in the passenger side of the car that was struck. She was only a street away from her home.

I adored her … she was very artistic 🤍
Hamlet. I knew him well.

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