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If a genie gave you ten million dollars (US) and then returned five years later to see how you were doing......

how much money would you have when he returned ??
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M Best Comment
So, I've actually given this a lot of thought, because I sometimes play the lottery, and I want to do it the smart way.

I'd probably have about half of it left, because the first thing I would do is spend a million dollars on a bunch of stupid stuff. Not things that I would have to pay for in the long run, just extravagant, useless, fun junk to get it out of my system. I don't know how old you are, but when I was a little kid, there was a Richard Pryor movie called "Brewster's Millions", about a guy who came into an inheritance, but his real inheritance would be released to him if he spent every last dime without anything to show for it. The lesson his dead relative was trying to impart was how stupid it is to spend extravagantly, and to make him absolutely sick of wasteful spending so he wouldn't blow the rest of the money on dumb stuff.

That movie left a lasting impression on me.

So I'd buy a ridiculous custom car, probably a hearse. Spend money on furry related stuff. Put together a kickаss graphic editing computer. Brand new PS5. Big screen TV, with massive speakers.

Then I would buy a nice modest house at a reasonable price to keep it all in, put the rest of the money in the bank at a nice interest rate, and proceed to live as I currently do, spending only on groceries and other necessities.

Assuming I received this in cash, I'd need to rent a storage garage to keep it. I'd also need some kind of business in order to properly launder the money. Spending an inordinate amount of cash for things like cars, etc. is only going to raise suspicions. A dive bar is perfect for laundering money as a lot of patrons pay cash.
@LordShadowfire That makes sense. As I think about it, if some fed wanted to get nosy about the bar, they could compare receipts against expenditures and become suspicious of volume differences. Bars are a fairly regulated business, whereas a laundromat maybe not so much.
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
@BrewCityBarfly Exactly. All you have to do is have someone bring in some dirty twenties, run them through the change machine, and wash their clothes. Literally lather, rinse, repeat.
@LordShadowfire The issue is the volume. You'd need to run $3K through a day to break $1M a year. Don't get me wrong, I'd take it, just thinking it might garner suspicion. Just not willing to start enlisting friends or fam to start shell companies, someone either rats or someone figures out the scam. I worked for a place where a dude was stealing from the company. He had people sending in false invoices. Didn't end well.
Iwillwait · M
Taxes would take about $4M, I should have by then about $8M.
Under Biden's economy or Trump's?
@BizSuitStacy The vulture capitalists, like Blackrock and Vanguard, have made out like bandits, as well as grocery stocks, invest in those and mutual funds.
Longpatrol · 31-35, M
The Inland Revenue Authority would probably not accept "genie gave it to me" as an answer for my suspicious spending patterns so 5 years would see me broke and in jail for tax evasion.
4meAndyou · F
Taxes in Massachusetts would take half. By the time he returned, I would certainly be broke...because I love spending money! 🤣🤣🤣
@4meAndyou you might be broke but damn happy for 5 years. 😋
4meAndyou · F
@Sojournersoul I DO know how to live and enjoy it! 🤣🤣🤣
@4meAndyou I am sure you do. 😏
Virgo79 · 61-69, M
No wasting, I'd spend it on beer and women😁
Jarffff · 46-50
I'm supposed to keep some of it??!! What a rip off!!
Ferric67 · M
Easily, double
GovanDUNNY · M
Dont really know but at least half
Jenny1234 · 51-55, F
Madmonk · M
I’d have at least two more children and a bigger house. Not too big but big enough. I’d bank the rest and keep working
Probably not much but I'd invest and save some.
HumanEarth · 56-60, F
Government would take 75% for taxes
Lilymoon · F
3 maybe
Investing in CDs and mutual funds, I'd say quite a bit more.
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