@beermeplease They do, yes, unemployment is high among the legal Immigrant communities, my cousin's ex wife told me repeatedly that the undocumented takes jobs away from them.
@NativePortlander1970 there's so much involved...do we revoke business licenses to those who employ these illegals? i'm sure it would be easy to spot them out. do we give jail time to these business owners? do we immediately deport the illegals? i wish i knew the magical answer but i just don't....maybe canada, the united states and mexico should just be one country...maple syrup, apple pie and tacos unite
@beermeplease Actually yes, there are laws on the books that are prosecutable, and in the past they were, however now that the coastal west has now gone full blue, they no longer pursue it, you know, lost votes.
@saragoodtimes He's one of the fastest growing youtube Chefs, after the pandemic started he started his channel, I was one of his first 1,000, now he has over 1.6 million. Chef dropped another one this morning but haven't watched it yet [media=https://youtu.be/cwPcgBr27Tc]
First thought that enters my mind is that it must taste pretty good. It's probably like a hot hamburger only instead of being covered in gravy it's covered in a tomato sauce of some kind.
An Italian cheeseburger has a yellow colored top half of it's bun while the rest of the burger is surrounded with a high visibility orange vest that's unfastened in the front, thereby exposing the tanned meaty surface of the burger meat under it's yellow hard hat!