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Will Putin start a Third World War?

if america stops giving cokelinsky cash.. it'l be over it short time.

but nooooooo we gotta fund that proxy war. poke the bear until he reacts.

then its all putins fault ey?..
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
The Americans sure want one they already started one In Ukraine and now want one with China. Stupid Americans.
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
@Harmony so telling the world that unprovoked it will send nuke at Russia?
Harmony · 31-35
@hippyjoe1955 stop with the BS. Thanks
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
@Harmony that is exactly what the US said. I'm not making it up.
It's possible, but if he *doesn't* enter NATO territory I don't see how he would.

He doesn't have any interest in using nuclear, and has in fact been somewhat restrained in Ukraine. If he really wanted an effective and quick capitulation, there are a number of measures he could have taken. Instead he is playing the long game and is gradually trying to wear Ukraine down, and hoping that support and interest from the West will diminish.

If the Republicans are voted in next year, the war will be won by Russia in a shorter period of time, or a peace deal will be reached.

Despite what some media outlets say, Putin is very calculated...he isn't impulsive.
Harmony · 31-35
@BizSuitStacy who said win?
@Harmony you did

wonkywinky · 51-55, M
@SW-User Yes Russia is only playing with Ukraine.It has a vast secret underground army of hardened troops just willing to die for their Fuhrer,Pootin....Oh wait,i think they were all killed within 3 months,and now he relies on criminals,drunks and unemployed camel botherers from Tajikistan to fight for the Motherland.
SoLeRiMix · 31-35, M
Any war in our world is instigated by USA's
C.I.A. Let me clarify, C.I.A not US Forces. C.I.A creates the mess and then they send troops to resolve their mess. Meanwhile, coots of C.I.A earn money by selling weapons to the so called allies and rebels.

China is simply following the footsteps of C.I.A. The only difference is that Chinese Intelligence is doing the same job better than C.I.A. Yes, China's dream of conquering the world by force is a concern but C.I.A has been chasing this dream since cold war. C.I.A's actions triggered likewise response from USSR's KGB. C.I.A is like a slow poison. You get to know the effects of poison years after consuming it.

Just like common man of any country, a common man of America cannot be held responsible for C.I.A's action or for the wars. Even troops cannot be held responsible for C.I.A's actions. They are bound by orders. Some soldiers expose the evil faces. It was a soldier only who exposed the atrocities during Iraq invasion and violation of human rights of Iraqi POW(s) and citizens. Good and bad exist in every race and community.

War never brings any good! Peace brings prosperity for everyone.🙏
wonkywinky · 51-55, M
@wonkywinky Im no military expert,but to conquer a large country like Ukraine,with several large population centres,i reckon he should have used about 500000.Overwhelming force.By only planning for 120000 it shows a kind of contempt.The inadequate force shows how poorly led is the Russian army.War on the cheap.
SoLeRiMix · 31-35, M
@BizSuitStacy Thank you mate!😇🤝
SoLeRiMix · 31-35, M

"I find it hard to believe that USA was behind the Ukranian war."

Both, USA (C.I.A) and USSR (KGB) have a history of choosing a leader in countries who were their allies. Iron Curtain era or Cold War is all about this practice.

Cold war may have ended but the practice of electing leaders favourable for USA or Russia hasn't stopped. As a matter of fact, there are multiple cold wars going on right now.

Former Ukrainian President was inclined more towards Russia and things were normal. C.I.A not only chose Zelenskyy but helped him win the elections. Putin had no issues with that. The problem started when C.I.A started pushing Zelenskyy to join NATO. Ukraine cannot join any intergovernmental military alliance as per the old Soviet treaty. Zelenskyy made the stupid move of ignoring the treaty and considering NATO despite Putin's warning. End result, we all know it.

How is C.I.A benefiting from this war? Good old process, sell weapons. USA is not in the position to support any war by itself at the moment. So, NATO members are helping Ukraine from time to time. Germany gave weapons to Ukraine in the recent past.

I am against war irrespective of who instigates it. However, the fact cannot be ignored, C.I.A is behind every major or minor war. It is a fact known to most across the globe, war is a business for C.I.A. So, C.I.A creates the reason for a war and then ensures that war lasts for long time. Middle-Eastern proxy wars are the best example.
TheRascallyOne · 31-35, M
No Biden will
GJOFJ3 · 61-69, M
No. If WWIII is started, and I believe it will be, it will be started by NATO
wonkywinky · 51-55, M
@GJOFJ3 If Russia wants war,NATO will give it a war.Russia needs to know it is beaten,it is a busted flush,no-one fears it anymore.Its army is pathetic.
wonkywinky · 51-55, M
@SW-User Its just as well Britain did then isnt?Instead of most peoples idea on here of acheiving world peace,simply by allowing powerful nations to take over smaller nations.Why didnt we think of that before?
@wonkywinky what are you talking about?
Start the peace talks as soon as possible. As long as the US keeps sending money & missiles, this thing could drag on for a long time. End the endless wars.
wonkywinky · 51-55, M
@BizSuitStacy Yes good plan in order to have peace just let big countries overrun small countries.
@wonkywinky Right...Bush really showed Russia in 2008 after they went into Georgia. And Obama really showed Russia in 2014 after they went into Crimea. Oh wait...that's right...the US didn't do squat. Well, other than executing a coup in the Ukrainian 2014 election to install a pro-western puppet gov't, and ignite a civil war in the east against Russian speaking Ukrainians. I can't imagine why Russia would see that as a threat 🙄
wonkywinky · 51-55, M
@BizSuitStacy Who cares about what Russia,or little Pootin thinks about anything?Ukraine is an independent nation,and has the right to defend itself.Too many people seem to view Russia as a giant dragon thats going to burn their house down.They have had to retreat from about 60% of the territory they managed to grab in 2022.Since then its cost them over 200000 casualties just to try hold what they have.Mussolinis troops in WW2 would give you more trouble.
TexChik · F
I think biden is trying to beat him to it.
After blowing up nordstream 2.
And neighbouring nato countries funding a war against a non nato country.
If old puts was a crazy as they report.. the bombs would have been dropped by now..
putts dont need to do anything..
just play the long game…
FreestyleArt · 31-35, M
If that's the case then they had all the time to start world war 3 while many still fearing about world war 3 months and months and months and months and months and months ago....actually to think about. It's been two years
Harmony · 31-35
@FreestyleArt he can still do it
MarkPaul · 26-30, M
Well, according to dementia-prone Cry-Baby-trump, the world is still on World War 2... and no he won't. The Russian military is as effective as a non-existent wall that Mexico won't pay for... directly or indirectly.
Subsumedpat · 36-40, M
He could, lot of parrells between what he is doing and what Hitler did leading up to the war.
Harmony · 31-35
@Subsumedpat I agree
ArtieKat · M
No. He's stopped making nuclear threats after he was quite obviously reined in by the Chinese.
Pfuzylogic · M
I don’t think second world countries are capable.
Harmony · 31-35
@Pfuzylogic So your answer to my question is "No"?
Pfuzylogic · M
He better hope there isn’t an insurrection in Russia because it won’t be pretty!
Harmony · 31-35
@Pfuzylogic I agree
wonkywinky · 51-55, M
What with?He only has nukes left.
Harmony · 31-35
@wonkywinky thats what im afraid of
China is building up on their port across from Taiwan right now. US Generals have said they need more money for a war with China.
Dumbman · 36-40
Why are you worried?
Harmony · 31-35
@Dumbman A little bit
Dumbman · 36-40
@Harmony no one thinks about non combatants, women and children who suffer. Everyone enjoys power and war from a distance.
Harmony · 31-35
@Dumbman im sure you are talking none sense.
ExtremeNext · 31-35
If he wipes out New Zealand I will be happy
MonaReeves86 · 36-40, F
Harmony · 31-35
@MonaReeves86 me too.
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
He basically has.
BigGuy2 · 26-30, M
Oh YES ...

... 'Sleepy' will say "what's that big red button, what happens if i press it"
empanadas · 31-35, M
Honestly this is why I keep looking for new ways to obtain citizenships
Harmony · 31-35
@empanadas I don't think South America will escape hydrogen bombs
empanadas · 31-35, M
@Harmony lmao you think south America is going to play a big part in this? Come on let's be real..the Fighting will be done in the USA, Asia near Russia and Europe
Harmony · 31-35
@empanadas Thats where you are wrong. A nuclear war involves everyone. Do you think South America will avoid the black Sky? or the acid rain, let alone the Radiation? THING ABOUT IT. South America is gonna get it too.

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