cinsac Best Comment
I can't think of anything Biden did while he was in office, except farting in front of the queen of England, which probably led to her demise. Embarrassing Americans by his bumbling around, good riddance to you and your son.
Harmonium1923 · 51-55, M
Stood by Israel while letting them know the importance of a cease fire
Supported Ukraine without loss of US lives
Record low unemployment
Reduced inflation to under 3%
Took actions against climate change by rejoining Paris accord and protecting federal lands from drilling
Supported Affordable Care Act to make health insurance available to those between jobs or at an employer that doesn’t offer it
Supported Ukraine without loss of US lives
Record low unemployment
Reduced inflation to under 3%
Took actions against climate change by rejoining Paris accord and protecting federal lands from drilling
Supported Affordable Care Act to make health insurance available to those between jobs or at an employer that doesn’t offer it
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Harmonium1923 · 51-55, M
@Lostsavage Sorry you lost your insurance. But that’s my point. Having the choice to pay to replace it or not is better than not having the option at all.
Briggett · T
@akindheart so what the rest of the story, did he drop the insurance and do something else or he still using it?
akindheart · 61-69, F
@Briggett well i am in insurance so i knew the rules. if he missed one payment, his surgery was off so i paid the premium up front every month. he paid me back. he couldn't get into a doctor for 4 months. then he waited for hours. it took months for the referral to come through and no one local would see him. we had to go to Miami. He almost died from a bronchial spasm and ended up in ICU. he recovered and eventually found a job with benefits.
there are so many loopholes by the time you pay premiums, copays and deductibles. and the providers demand it up front from people who can't afford it.
there are so many loopholes by the time you pay premiums, copays and deductibles. and the providers demand it up front from people who can't afford it.
* The DISCLOSE act, which requires campaign donors of over $10,000 to identify themselves. An important first step in campaign finance reform.
* Saved a huge area of the Alaskan wilderness from oil drilling.
* Enacted gun safety laws with executive orders.
* Acted on climate change.
* Most pro- labor president we've had in decades.
* Ended the disastrous Afghanistan occupation fiasco. The U.S. wasted $3 TRILLION on that bottomless pit for nothing. Thank God President Biden had the courage to end it.
* Saved a huge area of the Alaskan wilderness from oil drilling.
* Enacted gun safety laws with executive orders.
* Acted on climate change.
* Most pro- labor president we've had in decades.
* Ended the disastrous Afghanistan occupation fiasco. The U.S. wasted $3 TRILLION on that bottomless pit for nothing. Thank God President Biden had the courage to end it.
hippyjoe1955 · 70-79, M
@Briggett Who was set up for failure? Biden was the POTUS and at any time he could have thrown out Trump's timeline. Look at what Trump has done overturning Biden's EOs. Biden was not a victim of Trump.
Briggett · T
@hippyjoe1955 oh yeah forgetting about the gop push back for the right wing of the party.
I see some revisionist history in your train of thought
I see some revisionist history in your train of thought
hippyjoe1955 · 70-79, M
@Briggett Biden had a complete majority. There was nothing the GOP could have done had Biden decided to change his timeline. You must be a leftist. Always trying to claim victimhood.
Adeptlinguist · M
Your reply can't be empty.
Briggett · T
@LeopoldBloom absolutely right. Just because I gave the keys to the car and you didn’t have an accident; doesn’t mean that you’re a good driver. It was the same thing with the trump’s economy, until.
MarkPaul · 26-30, M
Infrastructure funding
Midlifemale · 61-69, M
🤔...I'm still thinking.....but I have nothing
NerdyPotato · M
@Midlifemale tell me you only watch Fox "News" without telling me you only watch Fox "News".
Elessar · 26-30, M
@NerdyPotato or Twatter
Captainjackass · 31-35, M
Paid off half the debt we accumulated under trump, didn’t spend all his time on twitter, helped increase the employment ratings and actually put up common sense measures against covid.
twistedrope · 26-30, M
Kept trump out of the white house in 2020. Too bad Kamala couldn't hold up.
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twistedrope · 26-30, M
@Patriot96 Well he didn't ruin the covid response. Hence my comment.
Midlifemale · 61-69, M
@twistedrope Kamala was a NOTHING.....did nothing and ran on nothing....glad she lost and glad Trump won
Patriot96 · 56-60, C
Just left
Ceci13 · 51-55, F
He left finally earlier yay!
Umile · 41-45, F
Nothing but made it worse.
wonkywinky · 51-55, M
Got Trump elected!
beaglehunter · 80-89, M
left the white house
Lostsavage · 46-50, M
Pretty Naive really to think the President does anything. It betrays a basic misunderstanding of how our government works. Congress makes the laws. American people create jobs. Etc.
Elessar · 26-30, M
Buyer remorse kicking in already?
graphite · 61-69, M
Took away our energy independence - there's one.
YoMomma ·
come2gether · 46-50, M
Emptied the strategic oil reserve
Ynotisay · M
@come2gether You do know that's 100 percent not true, right? If not, it is. And then the question becomes, why say it?
Fukfacewillie · 56-60, M
@come2gether If Trump did that to lower the price of gas you would praise it. Try again.
akindheart · 61-69, F
@Patriot96 as Trump said today...its Drill Baby Drill.
He was instrumental in getting Donald Trump elected
trollslayer · 46-50, M
Deported more border crossers than Trump.
Adrift · 61-69, F
Served his fellow puppeteers and then wandered aimlessly off into the sunset.
Jake966 · 56-60, M
Left the White House
GerOttman · 61-69, M
well he sure helped the Republicans out quite a bit. not sure that was the intention..
DonaldTrumpet · 70-79, M
ShenaniganFoodie · 36-40, M
Stopped other countries laughing at American again.
Sadly it will start again soon
Sadly it will start again soon
sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M
graphite · 61-69, M
@ShenaniganFoodie Like when Biden officials tried to scold Chinese officials over human rights violations, only to have a key Democrat talking point - how "racist" America is - thrown right back at them by the Chinese?
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hippyjoe1955 · 70-79, M
Increased its population by and estimated 20,000,000.
MartinII · 70-79, M
Facilitated the re-election of President Trump.
sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M
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Jake966 · 56-60, M
@NativePortlander1970 I thought this post was focusing on Biden‘s accomplishments ?
@Jake966 That's why I deleted it, I'm tired and misread it.