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Trump moves to the next level of Farce

Appoints Dr OZ to cabinet to administer Medicare and Medicade.. I mean, there just are no words....😷
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TrashCat · M
I'm thoroughly convinced republicans have some form of deficiency. Imagine being so upset at paying an extra buck for dozen eggs and giddy about making a liberal cry that you are willing to accept the worst qualified persons for the most important decisions. This proves Trump is rapidly descending into senitily and madness with the help of a non-American who doesn't care about American values and patriotism.
specman · 51-55, MVIP
@LordShadowfire now I did reply to a comment to me there not our ally, but that was to get the guy to shut up lol
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
@specman Well, good. So we're clear on that. Far as cutting the defense budget, I'm thinking maybe if we didn't get involved in controversial stuff like Israel and Palestine, we might be a little safer? Just a thought.
Reason10 · 70-79, M
@TrashCat The dead body of Reagan was still smarter than any of you goose stepping DemoNazis. Trump is the greatest president of all time.
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Remember in western movies where the bad guys burned down the livery stable to distract everyone in town so they could rob the bank? Make no mistake.....that is EXACTLY what trump is doing now with his dumbass worst possible choice Cabinet appointments. While we get fascinated by the shiny object...............Musk and Trump....and if you look at the worth of the rest of the Cabinet...virtually every single one of them is a billionaire is setting the stage to rob us blind..

Musk's appointment to a never before existing "job"........has increased his net worth of his Crypto holdings by $50 BILLION just since he was named by trump. We are going to see trump "get even"...............not by locking his political enemies up.....but rather by he and his cronies burying the U.S. in debt we will never get out of as they strip the wealth out of America. Banking........coal and gas industries with no EPA standards anymore to give them 100% profits.......drug companies :(Big Pharma) profiting with no more safety or testing guidelines with the FDA eliminated. Then with massive profits..............and trump tax cuts for billionaires........the middle class and the poor in America will be left holding the bag for the next 50 years paying increased taxes to offset the debt caused by his tax cuts.

And when the budget don't balance.........................guess what the solution will be? Then he and the crooked MAGA's in Congress will tell us how they just HAVE to take our "entitlements" away from us to pay down the debt................that they caused. First to go will be Social Security.....Medicare...Medicaid...........................EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THE PROGRAMS FOR THE MIDDLE CLASS AND THE POOR THEY HAVE WANTED TO END FOR YEARS.

Watch and see in the next 4 years. While the stupid people stay fascinated by who got appointed to where......and what ignorant thing trump said today.......trump and Cabinet comprised of ONLY millionaires and billionaires are gong to rob the United States into poverty..
JollyRoger · 70-79, M
@anythingoes477 I can't comment now.... but I certainly will keep your forecast in mind!! Scary!
specman · 51-55, MVIP
Stop whining America surged the Biden administration well barely survived! Now that the majority of Americans voters decided that they want their safety, borders for their country, to stop this disease of the policies coming from the progressive's mouths. They want a strong leader that want’s to make changes to the insanity that was brought about by the Biden and Harris administration.
I’m sure you will be fine through the Trump administration!

I mean come on we had to put up with the Biden administration! Now it’s your turn to put up with the Trump administration!
specman · 51-55, MVIP
@JollyRoger no that is in my own words.
JollyRoger · 70-79, M
@specman Meaning? Was it an effort by AI or someone else?
As you say they aren't your words and it's attributed to your post..?
Anyway. Now you know why I questioned it.
specman · 51-55, MVIP
@JollyRoger what I said was no to your question or statement you claiming that they were someone else’s words.

The clippet from my post that you sent was my own words.
dancingtongue · 80-89, M
I'm beginning to see the hand of a very sophisticated bait-and-switch operator in the backroom. Let Trump have his fun nominating the zaniest people he can think of for positions to appease him; then have the saner portion of the Republican Congress put the brakes on, saying "no way in hell"; withdraw the name and substitute someone more capable to achieve the goals who would have had difficulty being approved but now looks moderate and sane by comparison. Reassures the general public that checks and balances are still working while getting who you wanted in the position and diverting Trump's wrath to the nay sayers.
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
@dancingtongue But it really is difficult in America to find a viable political alternative. The same money has bought 99.4% of the politicians..😷
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
@whowasthatmaskedman This! Exactly this! The same billionaires, the same corporations, the same money! That's why we have the problem we have, where one side cuts taxes for the rich, and the other side does nothing but wring their hands and clutch their pearls.
dancingtongue · 80-89, M
@LordShadowfire And point at other countries run by oligarchs. The two major parties have been allowed to game the system so much that no other party can gain traction. And the Supreme Court has made sure you have to have an oligarch pulling your puppet strings in order to afford a big enough megaphone to be heard with its ridiculous Citizen's United decision on campaign financing.
dancingtongue · 80-89, M
All those who believed the oxymoronic slogan of "Keep the government off my Medicare" must be relieved. 🙄
Calling this a "Cabinet" is a joke. Much more accurate would be calling it trump's "Junk Drawer."
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
@graphite I recommed the patented Dr OZ duck call and anti foot fungus whistle to cure that yawning.😷
graphite · 61-69, M
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
@graphite Thanks for the tokens😷
ron122 · 41-45, M
There are no words to describe the meltdown you are having either.🤣🍿
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
@ron122 Its not my country going into the woodchipper. Just wait till they explain to you why everything costs to much and you cant have it because you arent on the list...😷
swirlie · F
What you've been failing to understand ron122, is that not only was this last Presidential Election a catastrophic loss for the Democrats, it was a catastrophic loss for the Republican Party as well.
graphite · 61-69, M
akindheart · 61-69, F
Dr. Oz is a highly respected cardiologist. he also ran for Pennsylvania senate i believe and lost. if anyone knowshow to deal with medicare and medicaid it is him.
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whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
@MarmeeMarch You quoted that "history" like it mattered. I was way more interested in who and what he had become. A snake oil salesman and more recently, failed politician....😷
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Convivial · 26-30, F
Compliance is the deciding factor, not competence
Bhs123 · 36-40, F
Crying 😢
swirlie · F
Anything's better than kamala harris.She would have broke this country, just like she blew through that billion dollars for a campaign..

Oh, didn't anyone tell you? Kamala still has that money! She's out of a job at the end of this year, so that $Billion will be for future gas money for her car and the rest will get deposited into her retirement fund, which should go fairly far if she's thrifty. I knew you'd be happy that she never blew the money on that half-baked campaign she ran with!
JollyRoger · 70-79, M
@Bhs123 You seem to be a small man with a narrow focus looking into a microscope for a solution to the world's problems.
Patriot96 · 56-60, C
@JollyRoger wont find hunter's COCAIN in this wh
I know we're all gonna die soon, but that is pretty funny.
Elessar · 26-30, M
@BohemianBabe Gotcha, but the BSW doesn't seem really big either looking at the polls 🤞🏻
@Elessar Let's hope their support stops growing. If Europe gets divided up between Nazis and Tankies again, that would just be lazy on the part of whoever is writing real life.
Elessar · 26-30, M
@BohemianBabe I hope the silver lining of Trump getting elected is that fringe parties in Europe lose popularity and get resized, similarly to how all those "leave the EU" movements vanished soon after Brexit turned out to be a shìtshow. Otherwise we're all pretty much cooked, yeah.
Northwest · M
He's a reality TV star. He also added another TV star as his Sec. of Trasportation.
trollslayer · 46-50, M
So is he saying because he is a doctor he is qualified?
Northwest · M
So is he saying because he is a doctor he is qualified?

No, he's a reality TV star and he knows how to use crudité in a sentence.
Carla · 61-69, F
Hershel walker will be next.
Those are the only words i have...
@Carla If Trump puts Walker in charge of the board of education, I'll be convinced the last nine years have just been one long prank show.
Bumbles · 51-55, M
JFK Jr wasn't enough for ya?
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JimboSaturn · 56-60, M
@Bumbles he is going to work closely with Kennedy, that should be funny
Bumbles · 51-55, M
@JimboSaturn What could go wrong?
zonavar68 · 56-60, M
Tronald Dump is definitely not the Brightest Bulb
zonavar68 · 56-60, M
He will appoint Oprah and Dr Phil to something next.
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
@JollyRoger There are two ways for a society to look at health care. Either as a profit centred opportunity for the corporate sector of Hospitals, medical equipment people and pharamaceutical companies, with no constraints. Or as a provider of public health, with an opportunity for profit, but a responsibility to the people, the government and the future of the community as a whole.. This model looks to develop treatments to allow the greatest benefit to the greatest number to insure the community prospers long term..;😷
specman · 51-55, MVIP
@whowasthatmaskedman are you saying to rely on the government?
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He sure likes to put dog killers in charge of things doesn't he.
graphite · 61-69, M
The Great Donald Trump is America's #1 Hero!!
zonavar68 · 56-60, M
@graphite Be careful what you wish for
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PalteseMalconFunch · 36-40, T
@BohemianBabe Oh now there’s no brightside.

It was really him not being openly those things as a “bright spot” to indicate how badly everything is fucked
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whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
@BohemianBabe Maybe. If there is a huge pushback. But I dont see where thats coming from right now. Trump actually got the votes.. So I guess my opinion of the outrage of American voters is in the toilet right now..😷
TrashCat · M
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LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
@TrashCat He's making a reference to the immortal Airplane movies. Pretty much the only part of his comment that I remotely respect.

@Patriot96 You really don't want to make me unhappy today. Trust me on that.
TrashCat · M
@LordShadowfire nah... he's not that bright
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
@ron122 I am content to leave that to others to judge..😷
basilfawlty89 · 36-40, M
Snake oil, Armenian Genocide denying Turkish agent putting "America first".
We are living in the worst timeline.
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@TrashCat no proof beyond a reasonable doubt. Due to your consistent trolling, you're permanently blocked
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
Jesus Christ. Those are the words you're looking for.

Jesus Christ.
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
@LordShadowfire Personally I used that one up when Trump won...😷
Musicman · 61-69, MVIP
Oh my gosh it's horrible! Can you actually believe it. Trump is actually hiring people who know something about the field they are being hired for. So unlike the Biden administration.
If that was true he would be in jail.

Yes... because rich people always go to jail when they break the law... 😑
Musicman · 61-69, MVIP
@BohemianBabe Democrats don't even make it in to a court room. Hunter is a perfect example. Daddy had better pardon him fast.
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swirlie · F
...but Dr. Oz does make perfect sense though, right?
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
@swirlie In what context does Dr Oz having an oxygen allocation make sense??😷
swirlie · F
The brainwave pattern that is emitted from Trump's brain during hours of conscious awareness is what has created the foundation for his rationale for those he has chosen to run his Administration so far, Dr. Oz being the most recent addition to Donald Python's Flying Circus... 🎪
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
@swirlie I have a great idea for Space tourism that Musk can run with.. Trump can organise for something to be plowed into the earth right across America and lit up at night, so it can be seen from the moon.. a giant "WTF?"😷
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whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
@Reason10 I think you covered my reply by claiming a daytime Emmy makes Oz a "successful" doctor..I assume you purchased all his wonder gimmick cures...😷

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