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No way forward for America

Having watched the smoke clear and the dust settle a little, I asked myself the question, "What happens next for America?" And there are no acceptable options. None.. America was on life support with printed currency. Chinese manufacturing and Arab oil, while the world admired the Emperors new clothes.. But thats gone now, with the government of "Evil McNasty" about to take over and bury the rotting body..America is about to become a street hooker for the few rich people left and its not going to be pretty.. And there is no escape. Even the fanciful idea of rounding up and shooting the facists before they take over is a complete betrayal of American values..America sold its place in the future of the world and it is the fault of American voters...
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Elessar · 26-30, M
Every empire comes with an expiry date
Elessar · 26-30, M
@BohemianBabe They either become paranoid or they don't live long. Nobody's safe in authoritarianism: neither the troops, nor the upper class, nor the governing elite, not the leader. It's indeed literally an "everybody loses" scenario.
@Elessar From Julius Caesar to Engelbert Dollfuss.
Elessar · 26-30, M
@BohemianBabe Caesar wasn't paranoid enough lol
Historically the average run for a country that is a democracy is about 200 years.. America is at about the 250 year mark now. Then that society begins to fall apart. There is always the low end of society that are losers by life choices usually..... and the high end that takes advantage of them. At some point the poorly educated...low financial worth.....low experience doing much of anything rebels and thinks they are going to change things to make it better.

The top end topples and the lowest educated in the country takes over in a revolt and proves they are clueless at what to do next. Then all they used to have erodes away even more as that country falls into disarray because once "taking over" one has a clue what to do next. So they elect a leader that relates to them on their intelligence level......just like the movie "Idiocracy." That low intellect leader takes them further down..........then another power who does know what to do......takes them over and they end up back where they used to be...... at the best scenario and far worse off is usually the case. This has been the case with every advanced society in history.

Watching a country die is not a slow process. Rome fell in a day. Nazism sprang up in a year. We're looking at 4 year terms ahead of us.......plenty of time for someone already ranked as the worst president in 245+ the helm again to do EXACTLY what he said he would do....tear America apart to get even for being prosecuted. This time with not only the same incompetennce and corruption......but now with immunity and a chip on his shoulder for America to boot. This time he will do to us whatever wants and who is to stop him? Trump is a man willing to burn us all to the ground to get even in his mentally ill mind that thinks he is Ceasar and if we don't agree its best if we all suffer.

On one side of the show are the ones that see it happening already but deny it because if they don't they have to admit they were fools.. On the other are the aware that clearly sees where we are headed. The ones that refuse to see among us want destruction to happen............and they smugly think this is what "the enemy" deserves but they somehow think they will be exempted. An actor pretending to be a general that says" my plan is to kill everyone we don't like in the world just to show them how bad we are" but he surely won't drag their own kids into war. ONLY Dem's kids will die in those wars. If "socialism" ends...GREAT....that will show those "lefties".......not realizing that Red States are the ones that depend on it most just to eat, and live.

They won in their minds....but still hate. They are about to pay 25% to 40% more ion every item they buy...........they heard trump say he would do that and voted for him to do that..............but somehow mindlessly think that is going to really fuck over the enemy....but they will never pay that at all. Same with the loss of medical coverage...Social will hurt the real enemy.....their own neighbors..............but not them. Cause Donnie would not do that to them.

Reality check. The ones that think this is great..........are the ones that can least afford the kind of change they voted for. Its always the kids of the poorest of the poor that go to war.. If you cried about how bad 2.2% inflations is................imagine paying 25% to 60% more for EVERYTHING. Gas will not be $1.49 a gallon again. There will not be mass deportations. You have been duped on your "change".........and financially you will be far worse off. You simply elected a man who has one screw over America. ALL OF IT.....except for those in tax brackets you will never be in if you lived and worked for another 100 years.

The "them" you resent..........are .those better off than you financially.............and ALL of "them" will make it thru this. Those with money always make it. But the grass roots ones...the poor ones who want change..............don't have that reserve to get by. You are about to get exactly what you want. Enjoy your choice...and hope to God America survives. If you think living in the greatest country on earth is just horrible because for 4 years you had a Dem president.........oh lordy lordy..............imagine a dictatorship where if you march with Nazi flags and hold rallies and show off your gun to protest.......YOU are the one that a dictatorship government will shoot first as a threat.
Thinkerbell · 41-45, F
From the screed you linked, Kemo Sabe:

"America deserves everything it is about to get. We had a chance to stand united against fascism, authoritarianism, racism, and bigotry, but we did not. We had a chance to create a better world for not just ourselves but our sisters and brothers in at least some of the communities most vulnerable to unchecked white rule, but we did not. We had a chance to pass down a better, safer, and cleaner world to our children, but we did not. Instead, we chose Trump, JD Vance, and a few white South African billionaires who know a thing or two about instituting apartheid."

If the ham-handed Democrats had wished to avoid this gruesome fate, they should have put up a better candidate. 🙄


I'd never say all forms of Capitalism are the same. Of course Social Democracy is infinitely better than Laissez-faire Capitalism.
However, even with Social Democracy, the owner-class has way too much power and influence over the system, which is how we end up with Laissez-faire, and then full-on Fascism.
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
@BohemianBabe It is a fine balance I admit. And it varies depending on the resources the nation has. The constant is that whatever is spent of invested in the nation and its people MUST be repaid over time. For that reason, investments like infrastructure or education that increase the capacity of the nation to produce are considered wise..They pay for themselves over time..😷
swirlie · F
Thinkerbell, it is true that the Democrats lost the Election in part because of the candidate they chose, but after reading your tirade of grievances directed toward the 'left', you seem to be of the impression that the Republicans won the 2024 Presidential Election. 🤔
GuiltyBiStander · 31-35, F

Maybe it feels like trolling to you, because you keep getting tangled up in your own misinformed biases.

What I want is just some clear facts and honest answers.

When you blurt out how
"America was on life support with printed currency, Chinese manafacturing, and Arab oil" what are you really talking about? Is that an economic view, political, or just emotional venting?? And when you jump from that to " Bury the rotting body, America about the become a street hooker, there is no escape..." is that supposed to be a logical conclusion or something you pulled out of your horoscope?? Then you double down in comments playing bogus fear cards about how China or the Arabs will just stop shipping consumer goods or oil, without explaining how or why - or even mentioning that the US is now the world's leading producer of oil and natural gas.

As far as trying to lecture me about the difference between domestic commercial debt, and debt held by foreign creditors - I'm not sure that you really understand the relationship so please don't try.

You're entitled to your own personal feelings, and your opinions. You can believe that the world is flat, or in fire breathing dragons if that suits you. It's still a free country. But when you offer up something like this as a discussion based on facts, have some real facts and expect reasonable debate.

Otherwise it's just you telling everyone you're having a bad day. And if that's really what's up here, thanks for sharing and I hope you feel better soon ✌
GuiltyBiStander · 31-35, F

Well "mate",
you're not just living in another country, it's evidently a different world.

Take care & be well.
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
@GuiltyBiStander I can concede we are certainly on different planets..Good luck with yours..😷
GuiltyBiStander · 31-35, F

Lovely sentiments, but I think you'll find it's a small world ... after all.
ChipmunkErnie · 70-79, M
You better tell all the economic experts who say the US economy is leading the world that you want to set them straight. Or tell the energy experts that, while we now produce more energy than we use, we're failing there, too. Or that the average per capita income in America's poorest state is higher than the average per capita income in the UK and dozens of other countries.

Of course, what Trumpism will do to that, who knows. Even Musk has predicted "hard times" coming for the average American once Trump's in office.
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
@ChipmunkErnie Allow me to reprint the reply I just made to another comment to you, since it works so well.
"You are missing two vital points. All of your numbers a based on growing $Trillions of foreign debt that WILL need to be paid bak.. and the dollars you are quoting and speanding for your own good numbers are being devalued by continuing to print money with no underlying value. Pen and Teller can explain the trick to you..😷"
GuiltyBiStander · 31-35, F
Excuse me Mr. World Banker, but I see a thick cloud of smoke covering up a lot of information - and I think it's coming from your direction 😑

Since you care so much about numbers and balance sheets, how come you're not pointing out that by far the biggest share of US
government debt is domestically held ? :

Oh! And that terrible foreign debt held by all those evil overseas money lenders, just waiting to send us the bill and bankrupt poor old Uncle Sam? It's $7.9 trillion as of August 2024 - But that's only anout half of what THEY OWE US :

That's right. Just like other countries buy our debt, we buy theirs. We've been doing it for over 70 years. And right now foreign governments OWE US over $15.3 trillion.

So based on all this I'm sorry to say I just don't see a "way forward" for your worn out arguments. I'm sure you just wanted to entertain everyone, but try a different scary story.

Maybe sasquatch ? ✌
GuiltyBiStander · 31-35, F

Stop saying that, and really look at the numbers - If that's actually what you care about.

One more time :
Foreign governments hold $7.9 trillion in US debt.

The US holds $15.3 trillion in debt owed to us by other countries.

What's keeping those accounts in favorable balance is not "the good will of creditors", it's our own basic financial strategy. And it's been working since 1944.

Telling everyone we're doomed with no way out is irresponsible.
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
@GuiltyBiStander Just ONCE. Do not confuse foreign investment by governments with Commercial debt owed by corporations and consumers for goods alreadt purchased, delivered and consumed by America and its citizens. Now fo away. This is starting to look like you trolling..😷
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
@GuiltyBiStander OK. Since you get to pick numbers, here is a total, (if 3 years old) picture of the situation. Only the numbers are bigger now and the situation is more dire. Its going to be over $40 Trillion by the time Trump is done..
specman · 51-55, MVIP
The country was in despair and everything that is bad was called good and everything that was good was called bad. Those days will become history when Trump takes office.
@specman True! Trump is going to wreck America like he did last time. And also like last time, people will be desperate to go back to when things were just alright.
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
@BohemianBabe You are not going to sell this to MAGA types..They jump off a building thinking they can fly and admire the view on the way down..😷
@whowasthatmaskedman The Trump Cult won't acknowledge reality, but keep in mind, this election had 21 million less voters than the 2020 election. Tons of people tuned out because things were relatively good, as opposed to 2020 when Trump was president.
What we need to do is work on reaching these people. The average American is left-leaning, they're just not politically engaged.
Convivial · 26-30, F
I often wonder when the point is reached that other countries stop lending money and demand the principal gets paid....
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
@Convivial Soon. When America is under the greatest pressure. But if I had to guess, a couple of years. It does depend on how outrageous the moves Trump makes are..The Chinese and Saudiis will just stop shipping until America agrees terms..Something like that😷
Convivial · 26-30, F
@whowasthatmaskedman it's a rather large gun to be holding under the table...
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
@Convivial This is the new warfare. Its economic. Cheaper, less damage and most of the casualties are on the losing side..😷
Kygirl · F
Some of us are in fine shape because we have Jesus with us. You could too if you would ask him to show you the way..
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lpthehermit · 56-60, M
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whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
@lpthehermit You have a point. It is going to hurt everywhere. But there are those ready to step up and almost no one is exposed to the US invesment market like they were last time. The lessons of Iceland have been learned and BRICS is waiting to take the business. America will be a total wreck.. Other nations will suffer varying degrees of fender bender.😷
GuiltyBiStander · 31-35, F
Meanwhile, in your own backyard -

So tell us all again how lucky you are that you're not us 😏
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
@GuiltyBiStander Exactly.. Like I said, Americas collapse will hurt us.. It will hurt everyone.. But it will remove the $US as the reserve trade currency and take up to half the value out of the $US in purchasing powe (worst case). And that means it will make those holding $US very unhappy..They will almost certainly demand payment for further imports in another currency or some other for like gold. And thats only the start. They they come knocking with all the IOUs and othering terms on which they will keep supplying America. Make no mistake, this will be economic warefare designed to remove America as a global power. And they have all the economic firepower to do it..And with Trump in charge America has few allies..😷
GuiltyBiStander · 31-35, F


That's not "exactly what you said", and none of what you're spewing here is connected to any real data that holds up. In fact you've flipped so many times between "America is doomed by foreign debt, no I mean domestic creditors ...but Australia will be fine, except until the US wrecks us ... and I honestly only care about the numbers, but really think you deserve to be screwed by Trump" - that at this point I wouldn't trust you to predict sunrise tomorrow, or explain how a hammer works.

But thanks for the funhouse tour.
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
@GuiltyBiStander It isnt polite to tell you what I think of you, so I wont.. Thanks for the misquotes and misdirection. My arguments are clear. You are just being difficult, which I can now assume is doliberate. If you want to last word now would be the time. I can wait for time to prove me right. I'm done with you..🖕😷🖕
Andrew7Jackson · 61-69, M
Every empire usually collapses from within. That is now what is happening with the U.S. All the Chinese have to do is wait and observe from the sidelines and in due course pick up the pieces.
GeniUs · 56-60, M
5 more years then:
Lisa Simpson
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
@GeniUs Lisa migrated to Canada in 2016...You will be lucky to get Bart...😷
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whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
@JimboSaturn A sad indictment of the American public ..And all they have is denial and the idea that its the other guys fault.. A lot of good people are going to end up hurt and bitter out of this..😷
dancingtongue · 80-89, M
I wouldn't put it totally on the voters. The non-voters who are too busy being compulsive, conspicuous consumers -- buying all those cheap Chinese products they can't really afford; burning up that Arab oil in SUVs/trucks with low mpg for no reason other than vanity -- to pay attention to politics or economics share a bit of the blame, imho.
Dino11 · M
Trump (45,47) by a Landslide Mandate.
@Dino11 A mandate doesn't magically make something moral.
Dino11 · M
@PicturesOfABetterTomorrow 52% of the people,
The Senate and the SCOTUS say Yes.
Soon, the House Too.
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whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
@TrashCat That sounds a rather American attitude. I dont think I can support it on principle..Although I grant you a few Americans I am aware of will make great mulch..😷
TrashCat · M
@whowasthatmaskedman Feces makes great mulch
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
@TrashCat Maybe the White House will become known as the Brown House?😷
ron122 · 41-45, M
You people are awesome.🤣🍿
kodiac · 22-25, M
Trump won😂
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whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
@GuiltyBiStander Not for the whole country. Just the nation as you know it. The bills are going to come due real soon and neither side can prevent that.😷
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Americans refused to tax their oligarchs and run their country. Let them be the apocalypse.
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swirlie · F
America sold its place in the future of the world and it is the fault of American voters...

I disagree. I don't think it was the fault of the American voters at all. I think the election was rigged and I think Trump stole the election from Harris. I mean, it's been done before and Trump could only agree.

Because the election was stolen from Trump by Joe Biden in 2020, that means that Trump was actually the legitimate President from 2020 to 2024.

This also means that Trump has already served not 1, but 2 full terms as POTUS which means Kamala wins the 2024 election by default because Trump wasn't qualified to run for a third time anyway.

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