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What is Democracy?

Is anointing Kamala as the new nominee, part of the democratic process?

Or should the people have a say?
Northwest · M
The people elected delegates to represent them. These delegates will cast their votes, during the DNC National Convention in Chicago August-19 through August through August 22.

But it looks like you're not familiar how this works.

But I understand your confusion, because you may be more familiar with how the RNC works.

For instance, when the RNC National Convention kicked off, the MAGA police confiscated all the delegates phones, and handed them a prepared platform and told that they would not be allowed to discuss it, and they are only allowed to vote yes on it, as well as Trump as the nominee.

First time this happened and a sign of things to come, as the RNC morphes into MAGA. Not discussions or dissent allowed.

The DNC works differently. There will be discussions, and a vote on both the platform and the candidates. And that's how democracy works.
Northwest · M
@soar2newhighs The phones thing is the tip of the icerberg, but it's not like the cultists are going to actually get themselves informed, and making decisions accordingly.
justanothername · 51-55, M
@soar2newhighs CNN reported it.
@justanothername I went to The NY Times link provided by northwest,
TinyViolins · 31-35, M
According to Trump, it's:
-creating fraudulent electoral certificates
-submitting fake electors to the VP
-pressuring the Justice Department to falsely claim fraud had been found
-pressuring the Defense Department to seize ballots
-pressuring Wayne County officials to reject certifying election results
-pressuring Georgia's Secretary of State to overturn his state's election
-obstructing recounts in Wisconsin
-attempting to seize voting machines in Michigan
-firing his AG when he wouldn't lie on his behalf
-firing every official that contradicted his voter fraud conspiracy and replacing them with yes-men
-filing dozens of baseless lawsuits that all got rejected (including by his own judges)
-encouraging his minions to harass and intimidate poll workers and election officials
-scheming with loyalists to have Congress overturn the election results
-pressuring his VP to block certification
-wasting half a billion taxpayer dollars conducting fruitless audits
-inciting a crowd to "fight like hell" at the US Capital while certification was taking place
sree251 · 41-45, M
This lack of a referendum around Harris is not great for optics, but realistically she's the only other Democrat running with name recognition or media access, so her nomination is basically inevitable

Inevitable? This means that you never had a say. It's like mom stuffing spinach down your throat when you were five. And that's is the kind of democracy we have been defending at the cost of trillions of dollars of American taxpayers' money and millions of people's lives in foreign countries we bombed.
TinyViolins · 31-35, M
@sree251 I can choose who to vote for, but not who runs
sree251 · 41-45, M
I can choose who to vote for, but not who runs

Ok, I get that. Democracy is an idealism. We are all sitting in a boat sailing to the moon.
graphite · 61-69, M
Democrats: "Republicans are the enemies of democracy!"
Also Democrats: "Let's get rid of our nominee democratically selected in primaries."
Illyria · M
@graphite Fine, ok then. I'll do your work for you, if only to prove that we liberals back up what we say with actual evidence. Plus, I'm not the only person who has mentioned this on this thread.

I await your apology.
graphite · 61-69, M
NY Times and MSN are known partisan Democrat supporters. Trump won the nomination fairly and squarely against candidates ranging from Ron DeSantis to Nikki Haley. Did Trump engineer it so anyone who ran against him in the primary wouldn't get legit votes? Nope. Biden also won the Democrat nomination fairly and squarely. But the "party of democracy" has run him out.
Illyria · M
@graphite There we go. You don't believe it. Too bad. Doesn't make it any less true.

They may be left of centre, but their factual reporting is HIGH.

I mean, of course, I don't expect you to be shocked at the level of intimidation at the Republican Cult Meetings. After all, that's what cults are all about: obedience and control.
It would be interesting to see it put to an actual vote. But, then, just because you get the votes, dont mean you get the delegates. Signed, Bernie.
ChipmunkErnie · 70-79, M
I guess you didn't notice -- the people DID vote for her as part of the Biden/Harris ticket. And the people keep having a say as something like $100,000,000 in donations, mostly from smaller contributors have flooded the Democratic coffers in the last day or two.

But keep shilling for the traitor who tried to overthrow the last election, if it makes you happy.
Crazywaterspring · 61-69, M
November is coming. Expect losing Republicans to throw a trump style hissy fit.
DogMan · 61-69, M
@Crazywaterspring As will the left when they lose.
SevIsPamprinYouAlways · 56-60, F
@DogMan We heard that in 2020, as well. We’ve been sipping these by the bottleful ever since:

sylvsn59 · 61-69, M
Quite interesting that for the third consecutive election the Democratic party has manipulated the process and or nomination. In 2016 they pulled some stunts to push Bernie Sanders aside to annoint Hillary. In 2020 they convinced all the candidates to step aside for Biden, in the interest of defeating Trump. Now after a fake primary campaign setup so that Biden cant lose, he steps aside and they, the party, choose someone who has not received a single vote as presdential candidate.
I dunno.
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carpediem · 61-69, M
Apparently on the left, democracy means things working out the way the party elites want. That's it. People? Voters? Who dat?
Sidewinder · 36-40, M
According to Wikipedia, Democracy (from the Greek root words, dēmos, meaning people and kratos, meaning rule) is a system of government in which state power is vested in the people or the general population of a state.

Under a minimalist definition of democracy, rulers are elected through competitive elections while more expansive definitions link democracy to guaruntees of civil liberties and human rights in addition to competitive elections.
badminton · 61-69, MVIP
We get our choice at the voting booth. We vote in the primary and general elections.
SDavis · 56-60, F
Anyone can run for president, if they are a United States citizen.

She wasn't anointed as the process has been the Democratic delegates pick their candidate out of all the choices......... And guess what there was only one choice Biden and who's next in line the vice president........ But see it as you will trump has blinded the minds of so, so many.
mob rule.. nothing less
sree251 · 41-45, M
mob rule.. nothing less

Quite right, and there is a word for it: mobocracy. This is rule by the mob as a ruling class.
People should have a say.
ATripToNowhere · 46-50, M
We would all like to vote for the best man, but he never runs.
sree251 · 41-45, M
People don't ever have a say in American-style democracy.
luckranger71 · 51-55, M
Troll harder
MoveAlong · 70-79, M
@luckranger71 Don't be a whiner.
MoveAlong · 70-79, M
@luckranger71 Ok, just don't cry.
luckranger71 · 51-55, M
@MoveAlong you edited that post? 😂
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DogMan · 61-69, M
@Jimbo1 Why is Biden now not running? Is he incapable?

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