The cult is so desperate for a win. It has fully passed sad and roll right into detestable.
So... ms alternative facts herself conway, tells you that trump spoke to eight thousand people at, of course, a black church id detroit. The cult won't check this out. They will run with it. Tell me, if the obvious lies are obvious, and you so believe....what about the less than obvious? Which of course, are also obvious.
Yes. According to the pastor of 180 Church, Lorenzo Sewell, it was challenging getting people to show up. Many people laughed when he invited them.
It do find it kind of sad, still, how willing Trump supporters are to scoff at and dismiss anything they don't want to believe, and to believe any lies that fit their narrative.
Meanwhile, sleep Joe is on his 3rd nap of the day, hoping to write more checks to pay off college attendees tuition to buy their votes, pushing to give illegals heath care and driver's licenses to buy their votes, trying to get abortion legalized in all states to get those female votes, raising the minimum wage too high to get those peoples votes, with Kamala Harris going around the country tell financial institutions to give black people loans to open businesses and buy homes to get their votes.....which is the only way anyone will vote for him...and ruin this country even further for another 4 years !!!
Well, he does have 8,000 voices in his head at any one time. Plus... he has (fake) bone spurs, you know. Oh.. and no one has been more victimized than him... in all of history.
@Carla Yeah, but he did build the New York City skyline... according to his son, Eric. And, this is thanks he gets??? Eric has reminded us the family has sacrificed so much. And, this is the thanks they get?
I'd read the church could only hold a few hundred and even with that there were empty pews. They're ability to lie that way they do tells me they know their audience isn't getting information any where other than far right wing outlets. I just wonder what happens if one them happens to hear there were only a few hundred people there. Would they question why they were lied to? Maybe not. They'd probably think what they read was fake news.
@Ynotisay all so verifiable. Im getting asked for citations. I cant post the links, but they are everywhere. But as i stated, they are good with what they are told. All those deep researching, independent thinkers.
I'm not a Trump fan nor am I a Biden fan. I have a question for you though. Are you better off under Biden or were you better off under Trump? Honest question. No cultic answer required.
@JPWhoo Sure it is. Bwahahahahahahaha. Yeah every one has three jobs trying to keep up with the finances. Give it a rest. Your talking points are blatant lies and you know it.
@Carla Good question - I find it totally typical of his autocratic bully-boy style that he chose to 'convert' to her evangelical church's brand of religion early in his original term as El Presidente and really tried to leverage the fundy Christian lobby to support him.
You claim to not be a Trump supporter, but you claim there is a "fake campaign" to accuse him of dementia. So the videos of him babbling incoherently, or the reports from his own supporters that he's not all there, are all "fake.
Why is every rebut with you a strawman reply? The fact that there is a contrived campaign(perhaps fake wasn't the most accurate word) to convince voters that Trump is the one suffering from dementia instead of Biden does not mean videos of him are fake. The notion that he is suffering from dementia while Biden is wrestling alligators and winning chess matches is the fake part. Whatever world salad you are referring to does not detract from Biden's obvious decline. It's just the typical MSM misdirection trick.
Look, I get that you hate Biden with the fury of a thousand suns and think Trump will be good for America, but basing that on anti-Biden propaganda while ignoring Trump's obvious deterioration is disappointing.
Strawman response. Never said or implied either. I feel sorry for Biden, I have mixed feelings about Trump.
I'm still waiting for anything to come from the "laptop from hell." Hunter Biden's conviction had nothing to do with that. He was charged with falsifying a federal form when he bought a gun.
ANOTHER strawman reply. My point wasn't what was found, it was mocking you for ever believing it was fake. And you did think that.
Yeah, "a lot of people" are upset with Israel right now. Nothing new there. As a Hamas supporter, you don't seem to be aware that Trump will give the green light to the worst of Netanyahu's impulses. At least Biden is making an effort to negotiate a peace agreement.
Israel is not treating the Palestinians the way the Nazis treated the Jews. You're either an ignoramus or you've drunk the Hamas Kool-Aid. This war could have ended months ago if Hamas had simply released the hostages. You can't claim to not support Hamas if you support their agenda.
Yeah and I can see you still haven't gotten over it. Why are you so triggered when it comes to Israel?
So the Nazis did NOT do force resettlements of Jews in Nazi Germany? Or are you claiming the Isreali's don't do forced resettlements for Palestinians in what is considered Jewish territory?
@SumKindaMunster The Nazis were doing things to Jews that the Israelis are not doing to Palestinians. Unless, of course, you don't think the Nazis did anything wrong, other than kindly placing Jews in facilities where they would be safe from the fighting.
About 2/3 of those in the church were white. Media,.....trump paid...his own secret service. City officials. And..........has anyone ever seen a church that holds 8000??? In a Detroit neighborhood?? Another photo and pony show.
@JPWhoo @SW-User A shift like that would be unprecedented in history. It''s more likely that the polls are off. All pollsters can do is adjust their algorithms to correct for discrepancies in the last election cycle. I think they're overcorrecting for Trump's support. Also, around 15-20% are undecided and they will determine the election.
Meanwhile pedo joe can’t fill a back yard with supporters let alone a church , and the black community leaders praised Trump for coming , but you wouldn’t know that either because you watch Clinton News Network and MSLSD
Donald J Trump is who he is. He's just playing a role that he was assigned to do. Biden is also. I worry not about either one of them to be honest with you. Democrats and Republicans are two wings on the same bird. Nothing will change. Nothing will get better. This world is demonic. And it will remain so until The Almighty returns. And when He does people are going to be shocked. No emotional response here. Just truth. Good day. ☺️✨