@gol979 You should probably have the Fanta Menace give them a call, then. Based solely upon the massive tornadoes of word salad that he spews forth during interviews, speeches, or encounters with world leaders, he appears to be experiencing significant cognitive decline :
Forget about the lies, what about what he says he will do if he is elected? Do you really think lowering corporate taxes to 15 % will help you personally? Do you think that deporting millions of people will help you, personally? How about his plans to eliminate civil service and regulatory agencies, how will that help YOU?
Look at his track record, economically he raised the national debt by more than most presidents ever, his refusal to accept the dangers of covid and to mount a public response has been calculated to result in hundreds of thousands of unnecessary deaths. His rhetoric and actions have resulted in more divisiveness than probably every other president, his claims to promote unity now is countered by his continued attempts to do just the opposite. The clear evidence is that the only unity he wants is for fealty to him!
Biden is suffering from stage 3 dementia. He really has no idea what is going on. The country is being led by the intelligence agencies. Biden is going to jail when he gets out of office.
Trump lied a documented 30,573 times during his failed single term in office. Republicans love his lies and love Trump even more for them. Biden can never come close to the level of dishonesty shown by Trump then and now.
IMO, he believes what he says. He has a low social IQ and makes statements he believes people will relate to so he will have their support. His history of lying is well documented. It’s not a surprise.
@SW-User Good for you. 2 questions, are you better off today than you were under the previous administration? What’s the number one draw or benefit you see with a second biden term?
@brian29715 firstly, yes I am. Secondly, life on earth has a chance under Biden.
Could you be more specific and list the instances of lying? Has this count been objectively assessed by an independent fact checker, or is this your own reckoning?
They all lie, they're all corrupt, your vote does not matter, it's all a smoke screen, they got people so brainwash they will vote for someone dead that was replaced by a robot.
You keep on thinking your vote matters, cause it don't.
The thing and it has lied from the minute it was born its lied about its upbringing the way its family was its education degrees it has gotten vehicaks it supposidly drove it all its years in goverment that it has not done anything that it can ride a bike without it falling off saying it is the brst president in the world not holding goverment papers without anyone knowing lieing about its scams and getting prosecutors not fired its son not having drugs in the whitehouse that it did not steal the last election and dud not defraud the American people that it is not trying to steal thus election as well the death of its son and poor me it walks like its got a dildo up its ass the thing has to wear a diaper every where it goes how many more lies does the thing or it have to tell before its finally impeached and it and harris are finally physically removed out of the whitehouse once and for all !!!!